Monday, April 14, 2014

Cassandra and Rego 04/14/2014

Rego and Cassandra step through the front door and stand in the foyer for a moment listening for signs of activity before stepping fully inside and closing the door. It had been an awful flight and an even more horrendous ride home. He thought they had reached some kind of agreement when she awoke this morning but when he'd come from the shower she'd been strange. Alternating between happy and carefree to short tempered and nervous. She'd insisted they go shopping before he could ask more about the huge floral arrangement saying it was complements of the hotel. She was lying her explanation was nonsensical since it had never occurred on any of the other occasions he'd stayed there why this time? It sure wasn't his father or Brooke the only other conclusion he could come to was Devereaux but, why keep that a secret? There wasn't any reason he could come to other than there was something else going on or she was hormonal. He'd gone with hormonal earlier. He'd hoped shopping and seeing the sights would have made her happy but that was fleeting. Even after shopping Cassandra had been in a terrible mood and spent the entire plane ride complaining about living in the mansion in between bouts of whining about not having a real honeymoon and leaving Las Vegas after a day. Even though she'd seemed relieved when they'd boarded the plane. Ranting about his father, Brooke, Jamie and especially Francessca then rifling through her plethora of shopping bags and marveling at all her new acquisitions. Oddly not one thing for the baby among them which seemed peculiar to him for some reason. That, and her avoidance of any topics pertaining to the baby and had snapped at him when he'd suggested a Obstetrician and making an appointment. There was something else going on that he hadn't seen earlier. He could feel it now the room practically hummed with mendacity it flowed like an electrical current and emanated from her. He felt used and more the fool for being so impetuous. All of which had drained him and fouled his temperament. He was in no mood for a scene with his father and Brooke. He hoped they had gone to the awards dinner and they could just slip in. Maybe get a good nights sleep before the showdown in the morning.  

Rego: I don't hear anything. (He looks around stepping further in to the entry and glancing around) 
Cassandra: Me either.
Butler: Good evening sir. (He says coming from behind him startling them both) 
Rego: Good Evening. Are father and Brooke still out?
Butler: Yes sir they'll be out till quite late but, Mr. Sherrigan said that we should be expecting the two of you. I have taken the liberty of having the car brought around and your things taken to your rooms in the South wing sir. 
Rego: To our rooms in the South wing? (He says looking from Cassandra back to the butler) You can take our things to my room. (His tone commanding the Butler stares back at him his expression resolute his tone flat)
Butler: The room you formerly occupied no longer contain your personal affects sir.
Rego: So my father has disposed of me to the far corners of the house?
Butler: Yes sir, just after Ms. Foster's things arrived this afternoon. (All eyes turning towards her Rego's shocked the butler's disapproving the look gone in a flash but not missed by her making her feel a brief moment of shame) 
Cassandra: My things are here?
Butler: Yes madame, (His look and tone back to one of indifference before turning to Rego) Mr. St. Jacques man delivered them personally.
Rego: Then what happened? 
Butler: Your father requested that Ms. Foster's things excuse me Mrs. Sherrigan things be placed there and that all your things be moved to the far south wing as well. (He says climbing the steps then leading down a long hall way. The butler stops at the end in front of a closed door unlocking it with one of those old fashion keys stepping aside allowing them to pass then closing it behind them then down another hall and a short flight of steps through another door)
Cassandra: Where the hell are we going?
Rego: My father has given us the entire South wing.
Cassandra: Somewhere below the mason-dixon line judging by this walk! It's like a completely different house!
Rego: That's the idea.
Butler: Here you are sir I hope you and Mrs. Sherrigan will be comfortable. (He says opening the door to a large sitting room stepping aside and allowing them to enter) I'll send Bruno right up in the interim if you need anything pull the rope next to the fireplace in each room Bruno will be up to assist you.
Rego: Thank you.
Butler: Oh and congratulations sir, madame. (He says bowing his head to  leave the room)
Rego: Thank you. (He sighs lying down on the sofa as he speaks and closes his eyes)
Cassandra: Did you see the way he looked at me? (She walks to the sofa tapping his shoulder then nudging him till his eyes open)
Rego: My father's staff have all been with him for decades (He rises from the sofa walks to the mini bar and pours himself a drink downing it quickly then pours another) they are very prim very proper and very loyal. They can also read. (He cracks downing his drink pouring another then sitting back on the sofa)
Cassandra: So now you're taking shots at me?
Rego: No, I'm saying they all know what happened as long as they are respectful to you.
Cassandra: So I assume this is the same treatment I can expect from your father too or does your father know and all this is to say he's okay with us?
Rego: No (He laughs feeling the warmth of the liquor spread through him) it means my father knows, he's not okay with us but he understands the danger. It also means he wants as little contact with us as possible and would prefer that we stay on our side of the house. Since this is the wing that also has a separate entrance.
Cassandra: You mean they don't want to see me they don't want contact with me.
Rego: Pretty much. (He lays back on the sofa balancing the glass on his chest and closing his eyes)
Cassandra: So what is this place anyway?
Rego: This was a part of the original house, the master suite I believe on the other side of this sitting room through that double door is another bedroom. When the original owner enlarged the home he kept this part partly as a reminder of his start and also as a home for his son and his family.
Cassandra:  Huh! (Maybe this wouldn't be so bad) And at least they aren't here tonight.
Rego: But they will be here in the morning.
Bruno: Good evening sir, madame my name is Bruno. I apologize for not greeting you upon arrival.
Rego: It's fine Bruno. Bruno this is my wife Cassandra.
Bruno: Pleasure to meet you madame I wish you both long and happy years together.
Cassandra: Thank you very much.
Bruno: Your father has assigned me to take care of your needs. I will serve breakfast for you in the sitting room at the usual time and Madame with your permission lunch again will be served here in the sitting room promptly at twelve-thirty or if you prefer there's a fully stocked kitchen.
Cassandra: Yeah, that's not going to happen I don't cook!
Rego: Or much of anything else for that matter! (He mumbles then laughs opening one eye and seeing the quelling look she shot him and laughs harder)
Bruno: Yes madame, but if you would like something during the night go out the door and to your right down the steps on the left is the kitchen, to the right of that is your personal living room and small study behind it. This is the master bedroom suite across the hall are two smaller bedrooms. (Whoa! She thought this was way better than she had hoped. Having her in-laws hate her did have some advantages after all)  Mr. Sherrigan senior requests both of you to be present for dinner in the main house tomorrow evening promptly at seven. He also said to tell you he's increased security.
Rego: Thank you Bruno.
Bruno: Will there be anything else sir?
Rego: No, that will be all for tonight Bruno, thank you.
Bruno: I'll bid you good evening sir, madame and again congratulations. (They truly hated her that meant they didn't trust her she'd have to some how win them over and being pregnant would help her with that. Oliver would want contact with his grandchild. Look how he treated that brat of Jamie's and he wasn't even blood as far as he knew. She needed to find a way to get them on her side and be a true member of this family! God! They were so flipping annoying and judgemental)
Cassandra: Thank you Bruno good night. (She smiles graciously waiting until the door closed and his steps retreated) Oh this is great! Your father is going to pretend I don't exist! That I'm not a member of this family! They are making it very clear very quickly that they want absolutely nothing to do with me! Oh, and I can't wait for this dinner from hell! Our first family dinner complete with some condescending, sanctimonious speech making it clear I'll never be good enough!
Rego: What in God's name do you expect? (He grasps the glass on his chest as he sits up right. He stands shaking his head and laughs bitterly) They would run to you with arms open and welcome you into the family? Throw you a welcome home party? (He salutes her with his glass then drains it)
Cassandra: I didn't think they would completely shun me! (She shouts annoyed by his drunkenness,flippant attitude and her own vulnerability)
Rego: Why the hell wouldn't they? (He shouts back then sighs throwing his hand in the air)  You know what Cassandra I'm exhausted and I'm not going around and around on this with you I'm done! (He walks to the bedroom door opening it seeing a cardboard box filled with her things sitting on the chest at the end of the bed and closes it moving to the one on the right then turns back towards her his jaw tight the heat of his stare burning through her) I think my father and Brooke are being more than generous considering the circumstances and you are an unappreciative brat! Maybe instead of worrying about my parents and their reactions you should start thinking about your parents and what your going to tell your Mother the doctor and your Police chief stepfather. Think about it what are they going to say when they see your bruises and you tell them of our marriage? (He begins to close the door then turns back his smug smile and the evil tilt of his arched brow scaring her to her core) Or here's a thought how about the fact that your former lover knew to send your things here and flowers to our hotelroom in Vegas? Which I is what I asked myself. Then I wondered, why you didn't seem at all surprised by any of it. Embarrassed maybe but surprised not at all. Why don't you think about that.(Cassandra stares at him any retort slapped from her mouth by his words. How long until he figured out the rest her mind shrieked in panic. She needed a plan!)  I'm going to take a shower and go to bed your room is over there. If you need anything ring the bell good night. (He slides the door closed locking it behind him stripping as he shuffles towards the shower laughing to his self at the expression of panic on Cassandra's face as he closed the door)