Monday, September 25, 2017

Adam and Lola 09/25/2017


          Adam lifts his head trying desperately to read the clock on the mantel and not wake Lola who laid sleeping beside him. He props his head on his hand smiling to himself as he watches her sleep. It had been a long time since he'd been with a woman and even longer since he'd cared about one as much as he did her. She was sweet and quirky yet tough and resilient. What she'd gone through would have broken another woman driven her into the outlands of society forever. Not Lola Colgate. Lola was a fighter she'd scratched and clawed herself out of it and put herself back on top. He couldn't help but admire that but there was more to it.
           When the moment came she'd been honest with him, brutally honest. She'd held nothing back she'd told him things even his investigator hadn't found him. For the first time since Brooke he'd been completely honest and told her his and it was freeing. He'd even told her things he'd never dared even tell Stuart knowing before he'd told her she'd understand it. He felt completely at ease with her she didn't flinch when he'd blustered at that silly new for lack of a better term "scullery maid"! Why she'd been allowed to leave the kitchen he'd never know! She'd turned crimson as soon as she'd entered the room and saw the two of them in bed. From that point on all she'd done was shake, stutter and spill as she served until she left. He'd been so exasperated by her antics he'd verbally tossed from the room. He didn't think he'd uttered the forth word before she'd scampered like smoke in a breeze. Lola had broken out in raucous laughter and told him it wasn't the girl it was him. Then laughed breathless as she watched the mortification contort his face when he'd looked down and realised the poor girl was shaking because he was exposed. Then they'd both laughed then eaten. They'd spent hour wrapped in each other's arms talking and laughing into the wee hours of the morning before making love again. This time slowly and tenderly savoring the moment and each other. It had been glorious. It sadden him that it would all have to end with the coming of the dawn. It didn't have to. Whispered a little voice. He smiles to himself as he picks up his phone then slips from the bed out into the hall.
      "Hello Vanessa?.......Of course I know what time it is! I want you to cancel all my meetings for the next two day. Then I want you to call my pilot and tell him to have my jet ready.......Yes reschedule that for later next week they can wait!.....No, tell him I'll give him his flight information when I get there.....No, nothing wrong I'm fine thank you. Oh, and Vanessa you can take the next couple of days off as well full pay......You're very welcome enjoy your weekend. Goodbye."
    He clicks the phone off then slips back into the room and under the sheets just moment before Lola awakened.
         "Hmmm," She purrs and stretches as she rolls towards him feeling and sounding satisfied and contented and she was. It had been a long time since she felt this relaxed, happy and in love. It had been a long time since she'd felt this way about anyone. It felt good and oh so right. In their own strange jaded way they fit each other and not just fit complimented each other. It was like finally finding the last piece of a beautiful puzzle. She was finally in love with a man who loved her back and she'd never been happier. Last night had been magical and this morning waking up beside Adam and laying in his arms was ecstasy. She didn't want to ever leave the room or the moment. She didn't ever want to be anywhere else but at his side or in his bed for the rest of her life especially in his bed. A wanton voiced whispered making her blush.    
          "Good morning." She smiles flopping her arm across his chest hiding her face till it passed.
          "Good morning." He says pulling her closer and kissing the top of her head stirring her deep within.
          "Did you sleep well?" He asks enjoying the close moment between them. Lola smiles up at him and kisses his cheek before laying her head back down on his chest as she speaks.
          "Like a baby better than I've slept in I don't known when."
          "So did I. I guess the old saying is right. Confession is good for the soul." Adam chuckles pulling her closer.
           " I know you have the day off today what are your plans?" He asks.
           "I have some grocery shopping to do then I was going to do a little furniture shopping I was thinking about getting a chaise lounge for my bedroom. Why?" She asks as she sitting up in the bed her curiosity peaked by his question. Adam smiles knowingly back at her ignoring the stirrings within him he had a pilot waiting he chided himself mentally.
            " I have the a few days off myself and I know the perfect place to get that lounger you're talking about." He says rising naked from the bed and strolling into the bathroom. Lola stares after him hungrily admiring his physique. At his age he was still in excellent shape with the stamina to match. He had more than proved her observation last night and it was incredible burgeoning on magical and she didn't want it ever to end. She wanted to stay wrapped in their little world forever but she also knew the impossibility of it but she would just ignore that fact until it did and enjoy the ride to it's end.
          "When did you become an interior decorator?" She says rising from the bed and wrapping the sheet around her as she walks into the bathroom behind him. Adam laughs as he opens the shower door and turns on the water.
          "I'm not!" He laughs pulling the sheet from her shoulders and letting it drop to the floor he'd always been an excellent multi tasker. A little voice reminded him the moment was way too tempting to waste.
          "But I saw the perfect one in a store window in a little shop I know," He says pulling her into the shower with him. "and as soon as we're showered and dressed I'll take you there." He say kissing her. His kisses then following the trail of water snaking it's way across her shoulders then breasts making her forget any question that had been on her lips.

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017