Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Amanda, Jamie and Francessca 20/20/2013

Amanda walks in to the hospital looking a little frazzled as she walks to the desk then is pointed towards the waiting room.
Francessca: Amanda! Amanda over here! (Waving her over Amanda eye open wide with recognition then walks quickly over and hugs Francessca)
Amanda: Hi any word on Tad? (They both sit down)
Francessca: No not yet Jamie went back a few minutes ago but he hasn’t come back yet. Was Trevor okay when you dropped him off?
Amanda: He slept on the way over but then he woke up when I was taking him out of the car. (She frowns then giggles)
Francessca: Aww I’m sorry poor little guy.
Amanda: No it was okay your Dad took him in the kitchen and showed him a magic trick and he was fine.
Francessca: You mean he put bacon soda and vinegar in a glass and let it foam up. (Francessca blows a “raspberry” and they both laugh)
Amanda: Whatever it was Trevor loved it and your Dad became his new best friend.
Francessca: Good I’m glad he wasn’t too freaked out being in a new place and having his sleep interrupted. (She yawns then takes Amanda does the same)
Amanda: He was fine when I left me, on the other hand I’m going to look like the walking dead tomorrow.
Francessca: What’s going on tomorrow? (She sits back against the cushions and stretches her legs out in front of her)
Amanda: I have to go in to Manhattan for the expo. (She yawns again)
Francessca: Oh yeah I forgot about that. How’s it going?
Amanda: Great! It’s been fun and exciting and I get to use my brain. (Her eyes brightening her voice excited)
Francessca: I saw your commercial yesterday and you looked amazing.
Amanda: You think so? (She says biting her lower lip her voice tentative)
Francessca: I know so! It was one of the best commercials I’ve seen in a while.
Amanda: Really? (Her expression still unsure)
Francessca: Yeah, really I just bought one of those 3D printers you guys just released just don’t tell my Mom or Zach. (She whispers)
Amanda: I promise. (She whispers back smiling proudly then see’s Opal walk back into the waiting room clutching Tad’s soiled jacket and her mood saddens again) This is just all so unreal. Just a few hours ago we were all celebrating their wedding and now… (Her eyes welling with tears as the two hold each others hands and weep)
Francessca: I can’t believe she’s gone. Amanda reaches over outing her arm around Francessca and the two hug as Brooke walks towards them pulling off her coat her eyes filled with concern)
Brooke: Hey!
Francessca: Hi. (She stands wiping the tears from her cheeks and then hugs her)
Brooke: Any word on Tad? (She says looking around the room at all the drawn faces)
Francessca: We’re still waiting Jamie went back a little while ago to see if he could find out anything.
Brooke: Does anyone know how it happened? (Her reporter instincts in full mode) 
Opal: Adrian said it was a hit and run. (She murmurs staring down at Tad’s jacket) 
Brooke: Did Adrian know anything else?
Opal: I don’t know he bought us some coffee and then he disappeared. (She shakes her head her voice chocked with tears. As Adrian walks out to the main lobby of the hospital looks around a moment then spots Aidan and walks quickly towards him)
Aidan: How’s Tad?
Adrian: No word yet, were you able to find out anything more after I left?
Aidan: Nothing from the cops, but I did find this.
Adrian: Where you find it?
Aidan: Under the car when I was leaving the ridge.
Adrian: How do you know it’s his? It could have been there a while.
Aidan: It’s way to clean for it to have been out there for more than a few hours and this is the exact same packaging as the stuff he’s moving in Europe.
Adrian: So it’s exactly what we thought.
Aidan: That’s why the truck never showed up at the warehouse they had to change their plans and detour it some place else.
Adrian: Have you been spoken to Anna about this?
Aidan: Yeah, on the way over here she’s running down all the warehouses owned by Cambius and the man himself.
Adrian: Has she found anything yet?
Aidan: Not yet.
Adrian: I contacted our guys here in PV they said they should have something for us by morning.
Aidan: Good. We’d better go check on Tad. (He spots Jesse walking up behind Aidan and cuts the conversation short)
Jesse: Gentleman. (He says sliding up beside him too late to hear what they are talking about)
Adrian: Hey Jesse.
Jesse: How’s Tad? (His brow furrowed with worry)
Adrian: We haven’t heard anything yet.
Jesse: Is he still in the ER?
Aidan: Yeah, we were just on our way back.
Adrian: Do you have any more information about what happened out there?
Jesse: Nothing more than I did when I last saw you and even if I did I couldn’t tell you anything this is an open police investigation.
Opal: Oh Jesse!  (She stands coming to him and hugging him tight)
Jesse: I’m so sorry Opal, (He says patting her back then releases her and hugs Ruth) Ruth. (Her eyes begin to well with tears her voice tight)
Ruth: What happened Jesse? One minute they’re going on their honeymoon and the next they’re laying at the bottom of a ravine. (She finishes bursting in to tears as Joe wraps his arm around her pulling her close)
Jesse: As far as we can tell the limo had a flat the driver got out to change it when they were hit by what we think was a truck. The impact pushed the car over the embankment. When the car finally stopped Tad was partially thrown from the vehicle and Taylor was trapped inside.
Opal: Oh my Lord! That poor girl!
Ruth: Has anyone spoken to Mr. and Mrs. Thompson?
Jesse: I sent Natalia over to the hotel where they were staying earlier and Brot going to go over to them when he’s finished his assignment.
Opal: Who could do that Jesse? Run a bunch of people off the road and just leave them there to die?
Joe: Any leads on finding who did this to them Jesse?
Jesse: Not yet but I’ve got every man available on this and we’re going to find the people that did this.   
Joe: Aidan said it was a hit and run how long were they…(He swallows hard before continuing) lying there before they got help.
Jesse: We estimate the time they left and the time we got the call perhaps twenty minutes.
Ruth: Thank God for that. This time of year it could have been hours. Who was it that called the police? I’d like to send them something as away of thanking them.
Jesse: Yes, Mr. Devereaux St. Jacque and his driver. (He says watching Aidan and Adrian reaction to his name out the corner of his eye and noting the side long glances they give each other)
Jaime: Hey everyone I saw Dad and I spoke to his doctors.
Joe: How is he?
Jamie: They have him stabilized. Surprisingly he doesn’t have any internal injuries. He does have a concussion and his leg is broken in three places so they’ll be taking him up to surgery in a little bit. Physically he’s going to be okay.
Ruth: Can we see him before they take him up?
Jamie: Yeah, Grandma all four of you can go back if you want. He’s a little groggy.
Amanda: So he’s really going to be okay?
Jamie: Physically he’s going to be fine but he’s pretty torn emotionally.
Amanda: Poor Guy. How long is the surgery?
Jamie: My estimation six to eight hours. You should just go home we can call you.
Francessca: Why don’t you leave Trevor at our place for the night and I’ll keep him till you get back from New York. That way you don’t have to wake him or figure out a sitter.
Amanda: I don’t know I think maybe I should stay here.
Jaime: Why, so you can sit around a waiting room and day?
Francessca: You have been looking forward to this for weeks
Jamie: We all know how hard you’ve worked for this and my Dad’s been your biggest cheerleader he wouldn’t want you to miss this and if anything changes we can call you.
Francessca: I can have a limo waiting for you after the show and the Cortlandt-Slater jet can have you back in Pine Valley in less than twenty minutes.
Amanda: You guys are incredible! Thank you so much!
Francessca: Just be fierce tomorrow and take no prisoners okay? Now go get some sleep and don’t worry.
Amanda: Thanks guys I’ll call you in the morning and I’ll see you as soon as I’m finished.
Jamie: What about you? Are you tired you want to go home? We can if you want to.
Francessca: No I’m fine I’ll stay here with you.
Jamie: You’re sure?
Francessca: Positive. (She says leaning into him kissing him)
Jake: Hey guys what’s going on? Where’s Amanda? My mom said she was here.
Francessca: She went home.
Jake: Why something wrong with the baby? (His voice anxious his eyes searching Jamie’s)
Jamie: No, nothing like that (He grins as Jake sighs in relief) she was tired so we convinced her to go home.
Jake: And she left?
Francessca: Yeah, she’s has that big show tomorrow and there’s really no point in her hanging around here all night.
Jake: Huh huh. (His words short and clipped fist clench at his sides his anger barley in check)
Jamie: You okay?
Jake: I’m fine I’m a going to go check with the OR see if they’ve started yet. I’ll be back. (He grumbles as he stomps down the corridor) 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Cassandra and Devereaux 02/14/2013

Cassandra lies on the couch pressing the buttons on the remote glad she’d beaten Devereaux home but she couldn’t help wondering where he was. She looks down at her watch then walks to the window again. He should have been home an hour ago and she wasn’t sure if this was a good sign or a bad one. Hopefully his delay had nothing to do with her she doubted it did he seemed distracted for the last day or so and not his usual watchful self and he’d taken Maurice with him so there was no one to report back to him either so there was no way he’d know what she was up to this evening. She had to pat her self on the back she had both Rego right where she wanted him he was at the point where he would do anything to “Save her”. All she needed was a few more days and she’d have what she wanted. Her head swings towards the door as it opens and Devereaux steps in followed by Maurice who slips in quietly after him and down the hall.
Devereaux: Darling I didn’t expect you to be up (He says walking towards her and kissing her on both cheeks)
Cassandra: I was waiting for you. (She smiles then walks to the bar and pours them both a drink then hands him one)
Devereaux: You didn’t have to do that. (He smiles as he takes the glass from her takes a long gulp then sits on the sofa)
Cassandra: I know I didn’t, I wanted too. (She smiles sweetly taking the seat next to him)
Devereaux: Well that’s very sweet of you thank you. (He say taking another gulp of his drink)
Cassandra: I was sitting here watching a movie. I had made a pitcher of martinis. She sips at her glass propping her elbow on the back of the sofa and resting her head against her palm)
Devereaux: With the day I had I needed more than a martini (he holds up his glass in a salute sips it) anyway this is perfect.
Cassandra: Why? What happened? (Her eyes opening wide her curiosity peaked)
Devereaux: On our way home we witnessed an accident and had to call it in to the police then spend hours being questioned by them. (He sighs heavily throwing his head back against the sofa and closing his eyes his voice sounding weary)
Cassandra: Were you hurt? (Sounding concerned but inwardly happy that he was obviously in no mood for a romp thank God!)
Devereaux: No, nothing like that,  a car went off the road.
Cassandra: Was it bad?
Devereaux: Two people were killed.
Cassandra: That’s awful.
Devereaux: From what I heard from the police it was a couple on their way to their honeymoon. I think he said his name was Ted or Tad…
Cassandra: Tad Martin?
Devereaux: Yes, that’s the name Tad Martin. Do you know him?
Cassandra: He’s my stepfather’s best friend I can’t believe Tad is dead.
Devereaux: No Mr. Martin is very much alive his wife and the driver were killed.
Cassandra: Oh my God they were just married today.
Devereaux: Yes the entire thing is very tragic. I’m surprised you didn’t see it on the television it was all over the radio on the way home.
Cassandra: I was watching a movie on one of the cable channels. I guess I should get over to the hospital.
Devereaux: I think it can wait till the morning Mr. Martin I’m sure is, surrounded by his family.
Cassandra: You don’t understand how it is as far as Tad is concerned he is family.
Devereaux: I don’t think you understand you are staying right here from what I hear there are dozens of Martins to keep him company you would be hardly missed. Besides I think you have spent enough time running around Pine Valley this evening.
Cassandra: I wasn’t running around Pine Valley I was here most of the evening.
Devereaux: According to your bodyguard you were shopping then you went to “Confusion” for a dinner unless of course one of you is lying?
Cassandra: No, I went shopping stopped had dinner then I came back home and have been here ever since.
Devereaux: Waiting for me?
Cassandra: Of course waiting for you.
Devereaux: Why do I find that so hard to believe?
Cassandra: I don’t know why not my jailer confirmed everything I did tonight.
Devereaux: Yes he did but he neglected the part where you spent three hours at the Pine Cone don’t look so surprised my dear.
Cassandra: What are you talking about?
Devereaux: I’m talking about you and Rego Sherrigan spending three hours together at the Pine Cone. I lost trust in your guard after the last time you wandered off something in his eyes when I asked him your whereabouts so I had you and your bodyguard followed and imagine my surprise when I get a report back that you are spending hours at a hotel with a man I’ve told you repeatedly to stay away from?
Cassandra: Oh my God Devereaux what are you going to do?
Devereaux: My love I’m going to do exactly what I promised you. (He grasps her by the neck lifting her off the floor and slamming her against the wall) I’m going to kill you and then I’m going to kill that sniveling little boyfriend of yours! (He pulls a gun from his pocket and places the cold metal of the gun muzzle against her belly) Good-bye my love! (The gun fires and Cassandra awakes with a start sits up right on the sofa grasping her stomach her head snapping towards the door then lets go the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. It was a dream! She stands steeling herself for the task at hand her smile filled with sympathy as Devereaux comes towards her)
Devereaux: Sorry I’m so late darling. (He kisses her on both cheeks then hugs her)
Cassandra: It’s all right I saw what happened on the news. (She coo’s with mock sympathy stroking his hair) Are you okay?
Devereaux: I’m fine it was an awful ending to an awful day. (He pulls away from and sits on the sofa resting his head against the cushions and closing his eyes. Cassandra walks to the bar and prepares them both a drink. She hands him one watching as he gulps it down then places the glass on table)
Cassandra: Oh, I’m sorry darling what can I do to make it better?
Devereaux: Just your being here is medicine enough. (He picks up the empty container and hands it to her signaling for a refill) I’m sorry if all this ruined your evening.
Cassandra: It’s fine and it’s not your fault Tad’s lucky you came along when you did. (She walks behind the bar placing the dirty glass in the wet sink then reaches under the bar for a fresh glass for herself and one she’d prepared for him earlier she pours more liquor in to the then adds some ice. This should insure he’d have a good nights sleep. He pulls his head from the back of sofa reaching for a glass she handed him draining it and then placing the glass back down on the table with a heavy sigh)
Devereaux: I just want to forget about the day.
Cassandra: I can’t say as I blame you darling. It must have been exhausting.
Devereaux: Not to mention extremely tedious I should have been home hours ago.
Cassandra: I know honey, I know (She strokes his forehead gently with her finger watching a small smile of pleasure crease his lips and his shoulders relax)
Devereaux: I was thinking in the car on the way home perhaps it’s time you and I got away for a while. We could go back to that little Island in Greece again you loved it there.
Cassandra: Yes, remember that little café we had dinner at that over looked the bay and that spectacular sunset?
Devereaux: How could I forget? Remember the villa we stayed in and that awful maid?
Cassandra: I’ll never forget her! She ruined that beautiful dress you bought me in that little shop behind the bakery.
Devereaux: Yes, they had the most wonderful bread.
Cassandra: That was a wonderful week.
Devereaux: We should go back. We could leave tomorrow night.
Cassandra: I would love too but don’t you have that Expo in Mew York and the negotiations with the German firm coming up soon and don’t forget the contract signing with JR Chandler this week. And with what happened tonight I don’t think the cops are going to want you going anywhere.
Devereaux: Why? I’m not a suspect? (Sits up and looks at her his mind racing last thing he need was some cop on a vendetta poking around in his affairs)
Cassandra: No honey of course not (She smiles patting his hand inwardly enjoying the look of panic that washed over his face) but Tad is my stepfather’s best friend and he’s going to be all over this.
Devereaux: I suppose you’re right (He sighs heavily feeling suddenly very weary the late hour and events of the day taking their toll) well when I get in to the office tomorrow I’m going to clear my schedule and you and I are going to go on holiday how’s that get away from this dreary little hamlet for a little while?
Cassandra: It sounds like a plan and I can’t wait. In the mean time my love why don’t you go lie down and I’ll I draw you a nice hot bath?
Devereaux: That actually sounds lovely but only if you join me. (He wriggles his eye brows at her and smiles Cassandra smiles seductively back at him then leans in closely brushing his lips against his and whispers)
Cassandra: I wouldn’t have it any other way. (He pulls her to him kissing her deeply them releases her he stands his body beginning to feel as weary as his mind as he shuffles back towards the bedroom)
Cassandra: I’m going to tidy up and start the bath. (She calls after him smiling to herself when he mumbles something incoherent as he shuffles down the hall. She picks up the glasses quickly rushing to the wet sink, she dumps the ice then rinses the glasses smiling broadly in admiration for her cleverness. By the time she finished and walked to the bedroom he’s be out cold and since his evening had been so harrowing he’d blame his sudden exhaustion on the evenings events. All and all tonight had been a good evening she’d accomplished a lot and best of all shed a voided having to have sexy with Devereaux she’d been able to avoid that revolting ritual and least for one night it was like a miracle this morning when she’d changed purses and found those sleeping pills inside. She’d thought they’d been heaven sent she had a very useful tools to assist her with her plan. Slipping it to him tonight would give her the time to let Rego’s swimmers to do their thing. If everything worked out as she’d hoped she’d be the hell out of here but at least for tonight she could get a restful night sleep and perhaps few more here and there since there were only for left and she definitely would need them when she was finally able to leave here for good! He Walks back to the bedroom and luck her Devereaux was coconscious and naked, sprawled across the bed sleeping the sleep of the dead. She smiles to herself lies on the bed closing her eyes and dreams of the day she was finally free if him)