Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The All New "New Beginnings"

            Erica glares from her chair on the stage over to her co-hosts who all chatter among themselves as Erica reviews her notes.
            "Okay ladies get ready on the set we start recording in!" He finishes as he points to Erica.
            "Good Morning everyone and welcome to the Brand new "New Beginnings". I'd like to introduce you to my new co-hosts. You all remember Carmen Morales! After a stint in prison Carmen turned her life around!
            "Don't forget you were there with me honey!" Carmen claps and laughs as everyone joins in. Erica continues unperturbed by the intrusion.
            "She's the proud co-owner of the popular "Krystal and Carmen's". " She says pausing briefly for applause as Carmen grimaces behind her tight smile. "And I'd also like to introduce her partner and our new co-host Krystal Hayward." She continues briefly waiting for more applause "Krystal is also the wife of esteemed Pine Valley cardiac surgeon and Pine Valley Hospitals Chief of Staff Dr. David Hayward." Erica says as she looks confusedly down at her note cards then back to the audience and smiles weakly. "Oh I didn't realize that would be such a short introduction!" She finishes to applause and laughter of the audience while shifts uncomfortably in her seat. "And I'm sure you all recognize the always flamboyant  oddly controversial Pine Valley's own Opal Cortlandt entrepreneur and Owner of Cluck-Clucks Chickens and Pine Valley's Ultimate in beauty! The Glamorama!" Erica twangs mockingly as the audience chuckles at Opal's expense. "She's also the wife of my very close and personal friend Palmer Cortlandt." She says smiling brightly and pausing several moments for applause. "Today we're broadcasting from the beautiful...." She  continues as Gavin and Corbin watch from the production booth.
          "What do you think Corbin will they make through the entire tapping?" Corbin shrugs his shoulders a grim smile on his lips.
          "So far so good let's just keep our fingers crossed. Erica is still peeved we gave the big interview to Opal." Gavin nods as he crosses his arms his eyes never leaving the stage.
           "That's not till the second half and we've given Erica more than enough in the first section to satisfy any stage hungry prodigy.
            "You really don't know Erica do you?" Corbin chuckles before turning to talk with Molly.
            "Lets just see if we can get through the first break without holy hell breaking loose." Gavin grumbles as he checks the clipboard Molly hands him. He signs off on the bottom smiling as he hands it back to her.
             "You've done a really wonderful job during your internship here Ms. Montgomery. I'd really like to keep you on staff even though it's over. You can have the same hours only now you'll get paid for them. Speak to my assistant and set up an appointment with her for Tuesday afternoon and we'll discuss your salary if that's okay with you?" He finishes enjoying the look of pure joy inch across Molly's face with each word.
          "Oh my God! This is unbelievable! Thank you so much Mr. Blackwood!" She squeals as she jumps up and down before hugging him tight then Corbin quickly releasing him embarrassment written all over her face.
            "I'm so sorry!" She blushes prettily making both Gavin and Corbin chuckle.
            "It's okay and your welcome."
             "You're a very good at your job Molly and it's a pleasure working with you. Now if you could take those files behind you and leave them on my desk. Then bring me the drafts I had you look over back to me I'd appreciate it."
             "Sure gladly!" She squeals before gathering up the rest of the files and heading out the door.
             "Good kid wish I had a couple more like her." Gavin mutters as looks back at the screen at a obviously exasperated Opal.
              "What did I miss?" Gavin asks returning his attention back to what was happening on the screens above.
               "Just a little ratings gold but nothing really serious but I think after the next commercial break we should go right to the Cortlandt interview and that should smooth things out a bit." Corbin says smiling like a Cheshire cat. Gavin grimaces at the screen.
                "Do me a favor go down to the stage just in case. I don't want a repeat of the "Cucumber Mask" incident."
               "Not a problem. I'm on it but, you have to admit it was great ratings." Corbin says over his shoulder as he heads toward the door and Gavin turns his attention back to the monitors.
               "And we're back in five, four, three, two Opal go!"
               "Welcome back everyone! Now, we have a true Pine Valley Legacy. He is Pine Valley resident born and bred. The son of one of "Pine Valley's" most prominent and influential members. He's one of the youngest and brightest entrepreneurs in the country. He's also new CEO of Cortlandt Electronics and it's subsidiaries..... And my Baby Boy!" Opal shouts out excitedly leaving the audience giggling and receives a quelling look from Erica as she continues. 
                "I'd like you all to please welcome Mr. Peter Cortlandt" Opal finishes with a flourish as the rest of the cast all stand and applaud as Peter walks on stage and takes the seat next to Opal.
                 "So Petey, I'm sorry Peter how does it feel to be one of the youngest CEO's in North America?"
                 "I have to be honest it feels pretty darn good." He says with a chuckle causing the entire audience to laugh with him.   
                 "You know, it just dawned on me when I made the announcement that you've gone back to the original "Cortlandt Electronics so what happened to the "Slater" portion of your name?"
                  " One of the things that happened when Zach Slater stepped down I became CEO was the consolidation of the company into one and we chose to go back to our most recognizable entity."
                  "I sure hope you all didn't let a brilliant mind like Rhea Slater get scooped up by another company? Is she still with Cortlandt Electronics?"
                  " Rhea Slater is still very much a part of the company. The other thing that happened when I took the position was me moving out of the research and taking over her executive duties. So all we did was some reorganization. She still in charge of our research and doing what she loves developing cutting edge technology. Like our new......"
                 Corbin leans back in his chair and smiles over at Gavin.
                "Beautiful! This is going beautifully! For the exception of the that blip with the name in the introductions Opal is a natural at this! I think I have some promo ideas in mind for her in the next few weeks!"
                " Yeah I agree and maybe it's going a little too well. Look at Erica's face something is coming. Keep your eye on her and get ready to move if necessary!"
               "Come one Gavin Erica can be vindictive but I don't think she would tank the premier episode." Corbin says knowing it was a lie as soon as he said it.
               "Now which one of us is being naive?" Gavin snorts back a laugh.
               Erica watches the interview smiling and nodding along with the rest of the cast and audience but internally she was fuming. This was her show! She'd created it from nothing and she'd nursed it into being one of the hottest talks shows on the circuit! All she'd need was a little support! Not Gavin and his entourage of jackals coming in and ripping everything she'd built to shreds!
               "Both your parents must be so proud of you right now." Krystal comments.
               "I know I am!" Opal chimes in making the audience laugh once again.
               Good Lord! Erica thought these people love her and are eating this all up like candy! They absolutely adored her! No! It was bad enough she had to contend with Theses, these usurpers but this! This was too much! Erica looks over at Carmen and Krystal who both look thoroughly enthralled and amused. Then out to the audience that was lapping it all up like hungry dogs waiting for the next morsel. This had to stop right now and Peter just gave her a lead in.
              "I think so far that has to be one of the most embarrassing situation I have put myself through in my adult life. Not including today. " Peter chuckles along with the audience.
              "That's your adulthood when you embarrassed you." Erica says with a chuckle. " How about those moments where your mother has embarrassed you? Like the time the two of you dressed as martians for a Marsian party!" Erica says with a smirk causing the audience to laugh uproariously and Opal to become speechless and pale with embarrassment.
            "Good lord get ready to move!We're just one snarky remark away from a apocalyptic cat fight!" Gavin shouts to Corbin through the headset.
            "I'm on it" Corbin shouts back as he moves closer to the set as Opal moves to the edge of her chair her eyes spitting fury.
            " You know what Miss... She starts as Peter looks from Erica to his mother the reaches over and gives Opal's hand a reassuring squeeze as he pulls her gently back down on her chair. He smiles and gives her a quick wink calming her instantly as she sits back in her chair.
            "First let me say, I've always been really proud of my Mom. She's always been one of my heroes." He says reaching over and giving Opal a hug and a kiss to the pure delight of the audience and disappointment of Erica. "And I was probably one of the weirdest most obnoxious brattiest little kids ever! So I'm more than positive I embarrassed my Mom back then on a daily basis!' He says with a laugh. "But to answer your question that is honestly one of my favorite memories. My Mom taught me a lot that night and I've carried it with me my entire life. I mean I'm sure my mother felt like the pauper among princesses that night. She could have just taken me home but we stayed for the entire party. She talked and laughed with people and even though I know deep down she was mortified. She didn't back down she faced the ridicule with her chin up and her head held high. She never let anyone there know how much their laughter hurt her." He says his eyes boring into Erica's as he speaks. "By the middle of the evening most people had just moved on to the next object of gossip. That moment taught me to always be myself, how to learn from and cope with the repercussions of mistakes. And how to still maintain your poise and dignity in uncomfortable situation." He finish to the delight of the cast and the audience and chagrin of Erica.
          "This kid is good! Remind me to thank him later." Corbin sighs through the head set.
          "Lets just hope we can get through the rest of this. Gavin sighs in agreement.
          "Carmen, Krystal we're going to move to the kitchen segment. Erica prepare to segue" The director cues them all through the headset. As he calls other directions to the cameraman Erica begins her monologue to transition to the new segment her annoyance barely contained nor that of her other co-hosts.
                " Don't worry Opal we got this!" Carmen smiles as she whispers to Opal as Erica introduces her. Opal looks over at Krystal who smiles and nods back.
                " Today I'd like to welcome back and for the very first time Carmen Morales and Krystal Hayward who are going to show us a new twist on some "Super Bowl" favorites!" Erica smiles brightly as Carmen and Krystal roll from behind the curtain on their mobile kitchen stage and begin their demonstration leaving Opal seated in the chair next to her watching the segment with Peter and Erica aggravated .
                That interview should have been hers! As of today Peter Cortlandt would be the hottest commodity on the talk show circuit and her show had been granted his first media interview. Why then would both Corbin and Gavin leave it to an amateur like Opal to interview him? Granted she got the cutesy angle of mother and son but really? What exactly did Opal know about interviewing anyone? The only thing she was really good at was gossip and even that she got wrong most of the time! She thought as Corbin's voice came through her headset.
         " We're heading into the wrap up. Opal Erica I need you both to walk to the kitchen segment and sample the product please." Corbin says into the headset as Erica and Opal step up on the platform. Krystal hands Opal a small pastry in a  napkin and Carmen hands one to Erica.
           "Careful its hot Erica!" She says with a smile as Krystal continues to talk to the audience.
           "Oh no!" Corbin groans his hands flying to his mouth realizing too late exactly what Carmen had done as both Erica and Opal bite into the pastry and smile. Erica smile begins to slip as she chews. Her mouth and her lips begin to burn then her throat her face turning a bright red as she begins to cough and spit her hand fanning at her mouth.
            " Oh good Lord!" She chokes out grasping for the glass of water and gulping.
            " I told you it was hot!" Carmen shrugs and wink to the audience who laugh uproariously. Erica scrambles to the tap and fills the glass with water her face becoming redder as she cough and gulps. The water splashing out the side of the glass and down her throat and blouse as the Opal begins the closing monologue through her own laughter and the howls of the audience ans Erica open the top few buttons of her blouse as she fans herself while filling the glass again then gulping the contents while the closing music plays and Gavin screams "We're out between his howls of laughter.
                Carmen moves closer to Erica speaking between Erica's pants for breath.
                "Let me tell you something "Miss thing" you try a stunt like that again and..." She stops as moment as Erica collapses on to the stool at the small set counter still out of breath as she drains another glass of water. "Ooo!" Carmen groans as she clenches her hands. Her instincts itching to slap her hard and the impulse was barley restrained. "If you try something like you did to Opal today on any of us again, you will regret it for the rest of your natural days!
         "That's a promise!" Krystal chimes in all nodding in agreement.
         "Remember there's three of us!" She says as Opal and Carmen nod in agreement.
         "You can't possibly be serious!" Erica scoffs. Opal leans in closer and whispers in her ear.
         "Oh we're serious as cancer! Don't forget Erica we've been best girlfriends for years. I know all your dirty little secrets and I mean All of them and I'm not afraid to use them! Who knows I may just decide that the "Public" has a right to know about this little operation you had a couple of years ago right before you released that "Anti Aging Cream" you were shilling or how about the exclusive Athletic ware you claimed to have designed? Hmm?" She finishes a satisfied smile on her lips as Erica stares back at her in disbelief.
           "Opal you wouldn't!" Erica gasps! Opal leans back and crosses her arms across her chest satisfied she had Erica trapped.
            " You just keep acting all high and mighty and treating us like crap and see what happens! You have a good night Erica." Opal says her tone dripping with sickening sweetness before they all walk away. Leaving Erica feeling even more determined than before to be rid of the three of them if it was the last thing she did in this world! She thought before groaning out a scream as she stomps and rages at staff member between coughs. Just missing Corbin as he duck and dodge his way out of her path then hides behind one of the set pillars and smothers his laughter.

Copyright *Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles ©2019

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