Monday, May 6, 2013

David and Adam 05/06/2013

David walks down the hall whistling to his self, today had shaped in to one of his better ones. Michael was ready to get to work and it looked like he was about to hit Adam where it would hurt worst his wallet. He thought passing through the main entrance and up to is office. He slowed his pace a moment as he passed the activity in front of the elevator but he had more important things to take care of he grinned leaping up the steps two at a time.
          Adam paces back and forth inside David’s office speaking in hushed tones on his cell phone.
Adam: So that’s it? There’s nothing that connects her to this fiasco?
Lenka: Don’t worry everything has been taken care of she’s in the clear.
Adam: Yes, well we thought that before.
Lenka: I promise, you won’t have any more problems from your friend. You have my word.
Adam: If this doesn’t work believe me I will be holding you responsible!
Lenka: What else is new? Have a good day Mr. Chandler. (Adam glares down at his phone annoyed with his son in-laws arrogance smiling a begrudging smile of begrudging respect as he places it back in his pocket that his daughter had chosen a man)
David: Adam! (He sneers as he swaggers in to his office closing the door behind him) Glad you could make it.
Adam: Lets just get this over with shall we?
David: I want your decision on what we talked about the other day.
Adam: Ahh yes (His eyes rolling back as if thinking his harm crossed over his chest finger against his lip) you wanted me to invest in your poison pill factory.
David: Adam, is that anyway to speak to a man that could potentially make you millions? (he smiles smugly leaning back in his chair)
Adam: Not if I were in business with them but you and I have no dealing together what so ever and we never will!
David: So you’re willing to send your daughter to prison rather than fund my research? (He scowls snapping erect in his chair and leans forward searching Adams face)
Adam: Oh, my daughter won’t be going to prison and I’m not funding your research. (He grins enjoying the look of shock, then anger flow across David face)
David: Have you forgotten I have everything I need to put Colby away for years? (He stands coming around the desk to stand in front of him)
Adam: There is nothing you can do to hurt my family or me.
David: Have you forgotten a little file that have that says differently.
Adam: As I said David there is nothing you can do to my daughter.
David: There is plenty I can do Adam! Like turning in your little arsonist.
Adam: Go right ahead and try David my decision is final you’ll get nothing from me. (He retorts with a defiant glare)
David: I wouldn’t be so sure about that. (Meeting his glare with one of his own an challenging tilt to his chin)
Adam: I have never been more positive about anything in my life. You have a good day. (He snaps up his brief case and walks towards the door David calls after him)
David: I hope you’ll enjoy tomorrow morning’s paper!
Adam: I usually do! (Reaching for the door and pulling it open he smiles at the perplexed expression on David’s face)
David: You will regret this Adam! (He warns his frustration starting to show)
Adam: The only regret I have as far as you’re concerned is that I ever met you in the first place. (His smile rich with self confidence he leaves closing the door behind him. Adam had, had way too much confidence for a man whose beloved daughters life hung in the balance. What could he possible do? He had everything he needed double locked safely in his lab and that place was like Fort Knox. There was no way Adam or anyone else could have gotten in without his knowing but still, he was way too sure of himself. There was something going on and he’d figure out what it was if he couldn’t secure money from Adam with plan “A” there was always plan “B”.
David: You may have won this round Adam but you’re not out of the woods yet you just don’t know it.

1 comment:

  1. oh dear when David is on the prowl like that I don;t put much stock in Colby getting away despite Adam
