Monday, May 13, 2013

Ryan 05/13/2013

Ryan sits at the now empty table and looks around the restaurant. Of all the places in Pine Valley, the Pine Valley Inn was his least favorite. Not because there was anything wrong with it in fact it was a great place but the place literally haunted him with so many of his memories with Gillian some wonderful some painful but all of her. If he closed his eyes he could see the last time they had been here the candle light dancing in her eyes, he could hear the music in her laugh smell perfume in her hair taste the whine on her lips. It was the first time in his life he had been truly happy and at peace with the demons that had chased him for so long and it was all because of her. His breath caught in his throat as his heart wrenched with pain with the memory of finding her barely alive in the tower. It felt as fresh as the day his life imploded around him burning him to his core. Letting go of her had been the hardest thing he’d ever done in his life. When he’d let her go his heart had gone with her and what was left was as cold and lifeless as her body lying in her grave. That’s why after her death for years he’d tried to avoid coming here.
Waitress: Can I get you anything Mr. Lavery? (She smiles down at him)
Ryan: Yes, Double Scotch neat. (He looks up at her smiling his mood still distracted)
Waitress: I’ll be right back.
Ryan: Thank you. (She turns to take her order to the bar then turns back)
Waitress: Mr. Lavery I just wanted to say I was so sorry to hear about your wife.
Ryan: Thank you.
Waitress: You probably don’t remember me but I was your waitress when you and Miss. Smythe celebrated your engagement. I remember you were both so happy. It actually gave me back my faith in romance.
Ryan: That’s very nice of you thank you.
Waitress: No, really I should be the one thank you, I’ll be right back with your drink. (She smiles turns and walks away leaving Ryan with his thoughts)
          Greenlee. His mind going back to the reason he’d come to the Inn, in the first place. If anyone had told him that some day he’d fallen in love with her of all people he’d have called them a bold face liar. After everything she had put Gillian and him through the fact that he’d had said “Hello” to her was a miracle let alone marry her and build a life with her but just as always the moment he found happiness it was taken from him and Greenlee was no different.
Waitress: Here you go. Let me know if there is anything else I can get for you.
Ryan: Thanks I will.
Ryan picks up his glass and sips then swirls around the glass watching as the liquid melt down the sides contemplating what Kendall had said to him. Kendall had, had a point if Greenlee was alive why wouldn’t he be here? Why wouldn’t she have come back to him? For Christ sake she’d died on what was supposed to be their wedding day! If she were alive out there somewhere she’d have to know how deeply her death had affected him. There was no way she wouldn’t understand how much hurt and pain he’d been in and still was in some ways especially after what had happened between them when he’d come back from the dead. She wouldn’t d that to him would she? Was her keeping this all a secret from him been her way of punishing him? Why? He thought that they had moved past all of that or was there another reason all together?
Dani: Ryan? (She smiles walking over to his table)
Ryan: Dani? (He smiles broadly as he stands to greet her)
Dani: Hey! (She squeals giving him a friendly hug then releases him)
Ryan: Lilly, how are you? (Turning towards an uncomfortable looking Lily)
Lily: My father doesn’t want me to talk to you.
Ryan: Why? (He grins rearing back on his heels)  We used to be friends weren’t we?
Lily: Yes, but that was before. (She says then stares down at her shoes an uncomfortable silence falling between the trio for a moment)
Ryan: So how are you Dani?
Dani: I’m great and from what I hear you’re not doing too shabby either.
Ryan: Yeah I’m back at Cambius. What are you doing here?
Dani: Lilly and I were just picking up the food for our celebration.
Ryan: Oh yeah what you guys celebrating? (he says looking from one to the other)
Dani: The anniversary of our all living together.
Lilly: I still don’t know why we couldn’t just have a pizza?
Dani: We have pizza all the time this is supposed to be a special occasion that’s why.
Lilly: But I like pizza.
Dani: I promise I’ll get you one tomorrow. (She looks over at the service counter at the waiter waving to her)  Excuse me a moment I’m going to check on our order. (She walks to the counter leaving Ryan and Lily alone)
Ryan: So Lily how are things over a Slater-Cortlandt? (He smiles broadly hoping to relax her enough to maybe draw information from her)
Lilly: Good.
Ryan: Your Dad and brother how are they doing?
Lilly: They’re good. (She squirms nervously looking over at Dani who in engrossed in conversation with the waiter)
Ryan: You graduated from college last year didn’t you?
Lily: Yes.
Ryan: So what did you major in? (Ryan watches as Lily’s face brightens and her voice fills with excitement)
Lily: I had a double major I have a Bachelors in accounting and Chemistry.
Ryan: Wow, that’s terrific.
Ryan:  Did Reggie graduate too?
Lily: We both did. (She smiles proudly)
Ryan: Your Dad must be really proud of you.
Lily: He was he cheering really loud everyone was looking at him. (She giggles)
Ryan: That’s wonderful. So did you have a graduation party?
Lily: We had a big one Dad invited the entire family even invited Mary Smythe. (She giggles again)
Ryan: Wow, (He says laughing with her) so did Greenlee come?
Lily:  She couldn’t come but she sent Reggie and…(She stops mid sentence her eyes growing wide her face going pale) I have to go! (She says walking quickly over to Dani. She looks back at Ryan then turns away just as quickly picks up one of the bags and walks toward the door. Ryan smiles to his self mentally patting him self on the back. He finally had the answer he wanted)

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