Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tad and Opal 06/05/2013

Tad: Momma? (He calls to her blinking his eyes to focus) What are doing here?
Opal: Hey there love-bug how ya feelin? (She lays he magazine on the chair and comes to his bedside)
Tad: I’m okay. Have you been here all this time? (Taking his fist and rubbing his eyes)
Opal: Oh I kept myself busy, (She smirks) knitting you that big sock you asked me for.
Tad: Big sock? (He looks at her confused)
Opal: Yeah before you dozed off you asked me to knit you a big sock for your big foot.
Tad: Oh good grief! (He lays his head back against the cushions and rolls his eyes)
Opal: I’m just teasing you. (She laughs)
Tad: So I didn’t ask you to knit me a sock?
Opal: Oh you did ask for me to knit you a sock but I stayed because you said you had something you wanted to talk to me about.
Tad: Yeah, (He sighs) I’ve been wanting to know if you’ve spoken to the Thompson since…(Swallowing hard)
Opal: Briefly. (She nods)
Tad: How are they?
Opal: Oh, just about what you would expect considering the circumstances. (She shrugs crossing her arms across her chest)
Tad: I wanted to know (swallowing back his unshed tears) if they could make the arrangements for Taylor’s funereal?
Opal: They came by earlier today while you were sleeping she and Ruth got to talking with them earlier to try and plan a memorial service. We thought we might have it in the Hospital Chapel so maybe you could come.
Tad: Even if they have it here I won’t be able to, not with my leg in traction.
Opal: Rhea thought about that she said she could set up something for you from your hospital room.
Tad: No, (He chokes out his throat constricted by his emotions) Taylor and I already said good-bye.
Opal: They were also thinking about taking her home with them but they wanted to discuss that with you first.
Tad: No! (He shouts his voice filled with anger)
Opal: Don’t kill the messenger!
Tad: I’m sorry Momma.
Opal: Its okay honey this can’t be easy for you.
Tad: It not easy on any of us especially not the girls.
Opal: Those poor kids they’ve been through so much in their short little lives. (Shaking her had ad making a “tsk” sound then sighs)
Tad: They haven’t seen the news have they?
Opal: No, everyone’s been keeping them pretty busy and away from the boob-tube and between Jesse and Adrian we’ve the reporters at bay.
Tad: I just want to be the one who tells them. I think it would be better coming from me.
Opal: I understand.
Tad: What time is it?
Opal: Oh about three-thirty.
Tad: What happened I thought Cess was going to bring them by this afternoon? (He looks up at her confused. Opal smiles down at him happy for the change of subject)
Opal: Well she was but she’s been pretty busy all most of the day. (her tone and look both evasive and playful)
Tad: Too busy to bring the girls by? (His lips and brow knitted with consternation) That just doesn’t sound like her.
Opal: Well like I said she was really busy. (She turns her back to him picking up her purse flicking absently through it’s contents as she smothers a giggle as Tad’s annoyance grows)
Tad: What the heck kept her so busy she couldn’t bring them?
Opal: She was giving birth to your new grandson! (Her face glowing with happiness and pride)
Tad: Francessca had the baby? (His eyes bight with surprise his voice filled with wonder)
Opal: All eight pounds two ounces twenty-two inches of him.
Tad: Nice size boy!
Opal: Oh Tad you should see him! (She gushes) He is absolutely beautiful and Jamie is just the proudest Poppa that you’ve ever seen! They’re going to bring him by later.
Tad: I thought she had another couple of weeks?
Opal: Wait till I tell you what happened you’re not going to believe it! (She pulls the chair closer to the bed leaning in conspiratorially)
Tad: So tell me what happened! (Slapping his cheeks with his hands opening his eyes making them both laugh)
Opal: Oh you! Well, it seems that Francessca was on her way to the Miranda Center and got trapped in the elevator and just that quick went into labor. (She says with a snap of her fingers)
Tad: So wait a minute, she had the baby in the elevator? (He stares at her incredulous)
Opal: Yes she did (Nodding her head in agreement) and lucky for her Rego was there or the poor thing would have had that baby all by her lonesome!
Tad: You’re kidding right? (His brow lifted he cross his arms across his chest and chuckles)
Opal: No, I’m serious. (He tons and expression ceasing his laughter)
Tad: Where was Jamie? (His voice heightened with concern)
Opal: Oh, he was there (She reassures then furrows her brow in thought) kind of, he was on the phone telling Rego what to do. They just got out of there maybe about three hours ago or so.
Tad: That’s just bizarre. (He lays his head back on the cushions sighing heavily at the irony of it all)
Opal: I’d say your reaction is bizarre. (She shakes her head in disbelief)  That’s all you have to say? I thought that news would have made you happy.
Tad: It does make me happy Momma (His voice and expression becoming sullen) its just Taylor’s gone and within twenty-four hours a babies born. Its just…just… I’m sorry I’m not myself.
Opal: I know honey, I know. (She sooths brushing the hair back from his face)
Jamie: Heeeey! (He slides through the door grinning like a Cheshire cat his son cradled in his arms)
Opal: Oooo! There he is! (She stands clapping her hands together in delight)
Jaime: Hi! I have someone that been very anxious to meet you. (He comes towards the bed placing the baby in his father’s arms) Say “hi” to your Grand-pa.
Tad: Look at him! (He smiles down at the baby) How’s Grandpa boy? Huh.
Jamie: He’s doing really great.
Tad: How’s Cessca doing? (Looking up at his proudly smiling son)
Jamie: She’s fine she’s sleeping at the moment so me and this little guy here decided to come up to see you two.
Opal: We’re sure glad you did! (She hugs Jamie then sits down on the bed next to Tad and strokes her Great grandson’s tiny fingers)
Tad: Yeah we are. (He snuggles the baby close to him then kisses the top of his head)
Jamie: Got it! (He says clicking his phone then stares down at the image) Cessca’s going to love this!

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