Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ryan and Griff 06/18/2013

Ryan closes the photo album slipping it back in to its hiding spot on the shelf. Greenlee was alive. Lily had all but said it and the private detective he’d found was going to find her. The question why kept haunting him why would she let him think she was dead. Why wouldn’t she come back to Pine Valley to him? His head swivels towards the sound of jiggling key then the door opening.
Griff: Ryan your still up? (He smiles closing the door behind him and locking it)
Ryan: Yeah I couldn’t sleep. (He stretches out on the couch propping his feet on the edge of the coffee table. Griff tosses his keys in to the bowl on the table as he comes down the steps. He walks doggedly to the sofa across from Ryan and sits with a groan)
Griff: Feels good to sit down. (He stretches his arms above his head and yawns) This is becoming a habit with you.
Ryan: A bad one. I took a walk to try and clear my head it didn’t help.
Griff: When’d you get back?
Ryan Maybe about twenty minutes ago.
Griff: Your message light on the phone is flashing. (He nods his head toward the phone on the table its little red light flashing hypnotically on and off then lays his head back against the cushions)
Ryan: I know I just wasn’t in the mood. I’ll check’em later.
Griff: Not in the mood huh? (He tilts his head looking at him through one eye
Ryan: I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. (He mutters starring down at his hands)
Griff: You too? (His ears perking up he opens his eyes and picks his head up)  
Ryan: Why what’s going on with you? (Sounding a little guilty it had been a while since he’d asked Griff about his life and not sure if he was ready to talk to him about what was going on)
Griff: Na, na you started this you first. (He smiles sensing the turmoil inside him)
Ryan: I don’t even know where to start. (He sighs shaking his head)
Griff: The beginning is always nice.
Ryan: Remember when I told you about my wife Greenlee and how she died?
Griff: Yeah (Leaning forward his brow drawn his interest peaked)
Ryan: Turns out she may not be dead. (He looks up at him smiling impishly at the look of wide eyed surprise on Griff’s face)
Griff: So you were right! How did you finally find out? (He searches Ryan’s face not liking the guilt written all over it)
Ryan: I tricked her little sister in to revealing the truth.
Griff: Really, (His lips twisted to the side he shakes his head in disappointment) sweet little Lily? You should be ashamed of your self!
Ryan: Yeah, I feel bad (He groans looking up at Griff his eyes pleading) but I needed to know for sure. I just couldn’t take the games anymore.
Griff: Now that you know what are you going to do?
Ryan: I’m going to find her. (He sits back against the cushions starring back at Griff nodding his head)
Griff: Sounds to me like she doesn’t want to be found. (He leans down and unlaces his shoes pulling one off and then the other)
Ryan: I need to find her.
Griff: So this is about you? (He looks back at him his eyes searching his)
Ryan: Ever since I was in the hospital and Erica told me Greenlee was alive I’ve had theses questions running through my mind and I can’t shake them. I need answers. (He rises from the sofa pacing behind it rubbing the back of his neck)
Griff: Are you sure the answers you need, will be the ones you want? (He reaches down and pairs his shoes then places them next to the door)
Ryan: Whatever those answers are I need to know. (His voiced filled with frustration and unshed tears)
Griff: I just hope whatever they are you don’t flip out when you hear them.
Ryan: I promise (He says taking a breath then huffs) I’m not going to flip out, whatever it is it’s got to be better than this limbo I’ve been living in.
Griff: So what are you going to do? (He sits back down on the couch pointing Ryan back to the one opposite him)
Ryan: I hired a private detective to find her and when he does I’m going to go see her. (He stares back at him his chin tilted defiantly. Griff stares back at him seeing the pain etched on his face his heart filling with sorrow for his friend and for his self)
Griff: For your sake I hope it works out for you. (His voice sounding remorseful his eyes filled with sadness)
Ryan: Thanks man. So what’s going on with you? (He watches Griff hesitate for a moment as he wrestles with his inner demons. He sighs heavily looking vacantly at the floor then back at him)
Griff: Remember when I told you about my daughter? (His voice low as if each word was causing him physical pain)
Ryan: You found her? (He asks knowing that Griff wasn’t going to just tell him he wasn’t one to confide his feelings with anyone as much as he may want to. Ryan was going to have to pull it out of him one piece at a time)
Griff: Yeah.
Ryan: When?
Griff: I’ve known for a while. (Ryan’s anger instantly rages then passes just as quickly as he watches the riptide of emotion flow across Griff’s face.) 
Ryan: Why didn’t you tell me before? I could have helped you?
Griff: I don’t know. With everything going on I didn’t want to burden you with it. (His expression matching the sadness in his voice. Ryan grins back at him trying to look and sound optimistic)
Ryan: So have you seen her or talked to her?
Griff: I’ve seen her once but I haven’t talked to her.
Ryan: Why the hell not? (Griff looks at him a moment then through him as he starts to speak his mind going back to the occasions he’d seen her with her new family. Even sick she seemed happy who was he to take that from her)
Griff: She’s been through so much in her life most of it bad. She has a new life a good life a husband children a real family the kind she always deserved. She doesn’t need some ex con blast of bad news messin with it.
Ryan: There are so many things wrong with what you said I’m not sure where to start. First you are not some bad news ex-con you’re a good man. Carmen and Krystal love you they sing your praises to everyone and anyone. Jesse and Angie’s grand kids think you’re the best thing since pie! If it hadn’t been for you I’d be dead right now and so would a lot other people bad news ex cons don’t do that. You spent your time in prison learning a skill so you wouldn’t fall back in to the trap so many guys like us do. I don’t ever want to hear you say that again there is nothing-bad news about you! She’s your daughter good or bad she wants to know who you are. She must have so many questions that only you can give her answers to she deserves the chance to at least ask them. You have to give her that chance. Hey maybe she’ll surprise you and want you in her life.
Griff: Yeah, that’s what Jesse says. (He says chuckling at the déjà vu moment he was having with Ryan)
Ryan: Jesse? (His eyes open wide with surprise)
Griff: He came to see me today. (He continues pairing his shoes and placing them next to the couch)
Ryan: Wait, (He interjects still not understanding how Jesse was involved) what does Jesse have to do with any of this. (His eyes growing wider as his mind races to a conclusion) Is your daughter in some kind of trouble?
Griff: Randi Hubbard is my daughter. (He stares at Ryan who stares back at him his mouth a gape his eyes wider if that was at all possible) 
Ryan: Randi Hubbard is your daughter? (He finally huffs out still flabbergasted by Griff’s revelation)
Griff: I guess I should just tell you the whole story.
Ryan: Yeah you definitely should. (He situates himself on sofa listening intently as Griff explains)
Griff:  A couple of months back I was on my way home form the hospital from seeing you and I ran in to Jesse on the elevator. He told me that Randi needed a blood transfusion but they were having a hard time finding her blood type because it’s rare. I knew I would match so I went down and donated and that made her husband Frankie suspicious and he had his father track me down. 
Ryan: Wow! (He leans back against the cushions his hands in his lap grinning) So when are you going to go tell her?
Griff: I don’t know how.
Ryan: Just tell her the truth and go from there. If you want I’ll go with you.
Griff: Thanks I appreciate the offer but I’ll handle it.
Ryan: I know you man any kid would be proud to call you their Dad.
Griff: I hope you’re right.
Ryan: I know I’m right. (The phone begins to ring)
Griff: I’ll get it.
Ryan: Just let go to the voice mail I’ll check it in a second. (He reaches for the empty glass on the table and walks towards the kitchen)
Griff: I’m going to turn in night. (He walks slowly up the steps and walks towards his room)
Ryan: Okay man we’ll talk in the morning. Night! (Ryan walks in the kitchen places the glass in the sink then back into the living room. He walks to the phone pulling it off the cradle and dials in to in voice mailbox. His eye open wide with shock his mouth agape as a shiver goes though him at the sound of the voice coming through the receiver)
Greenlee: Ryan? It’s Greenlee I know that you know the truth so hearing from me shouldn’t be any surprise. You and I need to talk so I sent directions to your email so we can meet. So I hope to see you tomorrow at two PM. (The line goes silent for a moment then the recoding comes on blaring directions in his ear he presses the button again and stands with the receiver pressed to his ear unable to move barley breathing his heart pounding in his chest relishing the sound of her voice. She was alive)

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