Friday, June 7, 2013

Miriam Adam and Lola 06/07/13

Lola stands inside the vacant house as Miriam extols the virtues of every nook and cranny of it.
Miriam: And it has a lovely backyard the owners had new sod put down just last summer.
Lola: It’s really lovely.
Miriam: And your sister’s home is only a few blocks down the road.
Lola: I really like it but I still like that one we first saw! I’m still so disappointed it sold so quickly.
Miriam: Unfortunately as I told you houses like that don’t stay on the market for very long. Besides the kitchen in this one is much bigger and you have those lovely walk-in closets in the master bedroom.
Lola: That’s true but that one was just so perfect.
Miriam: You know Tad lives on the street behind you about a block or so that way. They have to pass by to get to the park.
Lola: Oh wow! So I could literally run in to them.
Miriam: And you’re close enough to get to the hospital quickly but far enough away that on your day off you don’t have to see it.
Lola: You know what if I can’t have that one this one would be a great substitute.
Miriam: So should I go out to the car and get the contracts?
Lola: Yes! I’ll take it!
Miriam: That’s great don’t go away I’ll be right back!
Lola: I’ll be right here. (Lola walks through the living room starring through the large bay window into the backyard as Adam bellows his way through the front door)
Adam: Miriam! Miriam!
Lola: Hello? (She calls walking to the center of the room)
Adam: Miriam? (He walks from the entry hall into the living room pleasantly surprised by the enchanting creature smiling before him
Lola: Sorry she stepped out back for a moment to get her briefcase. Can I help you? (She says coming towards him. His curiosity peaked she was tall attractive her smile warm and inviting making him feel instantly comfortable and surprisingly aroused)
Adam: And you are?
Lola: I’m Dr. Lola Colgate and as soon as Miriam gets back this is going to be my house.
Adam:  Nice to meet you, sorry I should have realized she was working. I’m Adam Chandler Miriam’s brother in-law.
Lola: Very nice to meet you. (She feels warmth wash over her as she stares up in to his crystal blue eyes burning in to hers she blushes slightly then turns towards the window watching Marion sift through the briefcase on the hood of her car to qualm her pounding heart)
Adam: That’s very kind of you. (He clears his throat and adjust his tie as he walks around the empty space composes his racing thoughts) This is a very lovely house I’m sure you’ll be happy here.
Lola: I hope so it’s been a long time since I put down roots and this place is close to my family. (She turns back towards him as he walks to the window to stand beside her. He looks out nodding in approval)
Adam: Nice sized backyard lots of room for picnic and barbeque you could probably squeeze in one of those jungle gyms for your kids. (He looks at her out the corner of his eye the forlorn looking that flashed across her face telling him she had no nuclear familial ties good!)
Lola: I umm don’t have any children but I have some very active nieces and two nephews I adore.
Adam: Even better! At the end of the day they go home to the parents.
Lola: Very true. (They both laugh their eyes locking again and sending a warm longing heat between them the intimate moment not missed on Miriam as she walks in to the room. This situation just seemed to deteriorate daily! She was happy it was almost over and she could tell Liza the deed was done then remove herself from the entire thing)
Miriam: Adam! What are you doing here? (She calls breaking the obvious sexual tension between them by Adam’s sheepish expression as he turns towards her)
Adam: I wanted to drop off that check I owe you. (He reaches in to his breast pocket for his check book ripping the check from the case and handing it to her)
Miriam: Ah so you like it! (Smiling at the bonus he’d attached to it)
Adam: It’s perfect thank you.
Miriam: Glad I could help. (She folds it and tucks it safely into her pocket. She looks up at the two of them both looking oddly guilty as she catches them stealing glances at each other again. Liza wasn’t going to like this at all and she didn’t want to even think of Krystal’s reaction but still, it was going to be delicious to watch) I suppose you two have met? (She looks from one to the other smiling like that cat who eaten the canary)
Adam: Yes, yes Dr. Colgate was just telling me she’d bought this house.
Miriam: Yes, and it’s an excellent buy for the location. Tad around the corner Wild Wind a few miles down the road. (She chuckles inwardly wondering how quickly it would take Adam to make the connection)
Lola: Yeah I could actually ride my bike to Wild Wind if I wanted too.
Adam: If you don’t mind my asking why would you be riding your bike to Wild Wind? (Miriam grins devilishly that didn’t take long at all and timing was everything)
Lola: To visit my sister and her kids.
Adam: Your sister and her kids? (He looks at her confused was her sister some maid over at Wild Wind? Miriam watches the perplexed look on Adam’s face. This was just too delicious to believe)
Miriam: Oh Adam you don’t know? Dr. Colgate is Krystal’s sister. (And “boom” goes the dynamite by the look on Adams face)
Adam: Krystal’s sister? I wasn’t aware that Krystal had a sister.
Miriam: It was a surprise to all of us. (She slips in enjoying every moment of Adam’s inner struggle maybe this time he’d think before he acted)
Lola: We’re half sisters.
Adam: Ahh! (Miriam looks at Adam as the inner battle subsided and rational thinking evaporate with his next words)  I must say I don’t see much of a family resemblance.
Miriam: Oh I don’t know I see quiet a resemblance. (She laugh as Adam gives her his viper glare)
Adam: I should get going.
Miriam: Yes you should don’t you have a meeting to get to? (She says coolly handing the paper work to Lola)
Adam: It was pleasure meeting you Dr. Colgate. (He turns to her their eyes locking again and they become lost in each other)
Lola: Nice you have met you too.
Adam: I hope we see each other again very soon.
Lola: I’m sure we will.
Miriam: Good-bye Adam. (She calls again this time more stern)
Adam: Good day Miriam say hello to Stuart,
Miriam: I certainly will! (She says in her best realtor voice and waves) Bye-bye darling.
Adam: Good day Dr. Colgate.
Lola: Mr. Chandler. ((He glances back once then nods then walks out the door. Miriam looks from one to the other watching the sparks flying between them her thoughts spring to Liza. Perhaps it would be best if she didn’t tell her about this little development until after she got her bonus check from her)

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