Thursday, June 13, 2013

David, Lola and Krystal 06/13/2013

David walks into Wild Wind and heads straight up the stairs to his lab he opens the door quickly flipping on the lights as he comes through the door. He looks over at the pile of boxes stacked neatly on Michael’s desk and smiles it had been a long time since he’d looked forward to something he couldn’t wait to get started he walks to his desk unlocks it and pulls a ring of keys from then walks to his file cabinet and unlocks gliding open the third drawer and rifles through to the back of the drawer till he finds his leather document pouch then fingers through the ring till he gets to the small key slides it into the lock unzipping it quickly.
David: Dam! (He grumbles tossing the pouch back into the drawer and kicking it shut. That’s why Adam had been so smug he’d had it stolen) Son of a bitch! (Some how he’d known as soon as he’d walked in his office and looked at Adam he’d lacked that look of panic in his eye. He’d doubted it would work in the first place but now he’d forced him to go his other plan although a bit more complicated it would achieve the results he wanted and there was no time like the present to get started. He locks the cabinet tosses the keys back in his desk and locks it then leaves the lab shutting the lights and locking he door behind him whistling to his self as he walks down the hall then down the stairs toward the living room)
Darius: Daddy! (He yelps running down the hall and jumping in to his arms)
David: Hey slugger how was your day?
Darius: Great! I got a one hundred on my spelling test and my geography test!
David: Wow! That is excellent I’m so proud of you!
Darius: So will you take to the batting cages after dinner tonight?
David: Of course that’s what I promised you I would do right.
Darius: Right!
David: And Daddy always keeps his promises right?
Darius: Right!
David: So right after dinner?
Darius: Right!
David: What did Mommy make for dinner?
Darius: I don’t know it smells like when she makes roast beast.
David: Roast beef. (He laughs) where’s Mommy?
Darius: She’s in the living room with Aunt Lola.
David: Why don’t you go change in to your practice uniform and wash your hands for dinner?
Darius: Okay Daddy I’ll be right back.
David: I’ll be right here. (He gives him a quick hug then sets Darius back down on the floor smiling as he watches him scamper up the steps then walks the short distance down the hall into the living room) Good Evening ladies!
Krystal: Hey ya honey! (She rises from her chair giving David a welcoming hug and kiss then walks to the bar and pours him a martini and hands it to him then returns to her place on the sofa)
David: Hello Lola. Thank you (He takes the glass from Krystal and slips it then nods his approval taking the place next to her on the couch)
Lola: Hello David.
Krystal: Lola came by with some good news.
David: Oh yeah? (He sips his drink then sits back against the cushions waiting for what ever earth shatter news she had. There was something he still didn’t quiet trust about her she was just a little too good to be true)
Krystal: She bought a house!
David: Congratulation! (He smiles saluting her with his drink waiting for the other shoe to drop)
Lola: Thank you.
David: Where?
Krystal: Remember down the road that little white and red house around the corner from Tad?
David: Yeah? (He nods recalling passing it on his way to and from there. That was close maybe a little too close)
Lola: I bought it today!
David: Congratulation! When do you move in?
Lola: I should be able to have all my stuff moved from storage by the end of the week. (Grinning proudly feeling happy to finally putting down roots for the first time in a long time)
Krystal: I’ll check with Carmen see if she can handle the restaurant Friday and I’ll help you unpack.
Lola: That would be great!
Krystal: What made you decided on that one?
Lola: After my first disappointment Miriam suggested looking on this side of town closer to my family and how did she put it close enough to the hospital to get there in an emergency and far enough away that I don’t have to be reminded on my day off.
David: And further away from her daughter. (He adds smiling devilishly he was sure Liza would be ecstatic about the news)
Krystal: Ignore him, Miriam’s right and I like having you close by. Close enough that you can ride that bicycle of yours. (She teases grinning behind the rim of her glass as Lola laughs and looks flustered)
Lola: Why does everyone keep picking on my poor bike? (She laughs again then takes a sip of her drink. David looks from one to the other noting Lola’s tentative smile as if she had said more than she had meant to)
David: Who’s everyone? (He ask knowing it was the last question she wanted to hear but his curiosity got the best of him and there had to be more behind that deer in the headlights look)
Lola: Adam Chandler asked me why I’d be riding it over here as if it was some bizarre notion. (She says her light tone ringing false in David’s ears like the rest of the weak minded she’d fallen for that deadly Chandler charm)
David: It is at Adam’s age!
Krystal: Where’d you run in to him? (She says taken aback by the mention of Adam making her wonder if he was up to his old tricks)
Lola: I met him when he stopped by the house to drop something off to Miriam. I think he bought a property from her. (She says casually relaxing some of the tension that had started in Krystal’s neck her explanation seeming innocent enough since Adam often did business with Miriam so their meeting could have been coincidence. David watches Lola careful now was as good a time as any to test his theory)
David: So what did you think of our resident megalomaniac?
Lola: He seemed very charismatic and pleasant.
David: Are you sure it wasn’t his brother Stuart?
Lola: No, I’m sure he said he was Adam. (He smirks she was charmed she came immediately to his defense)
Krystal: David’s just kidding Adam can be quite charming when he wants to.
David: Like most snakes before they bite you. (He mutters as smirking to his self he walks to the bar placing his empty glass down)
Lola: I’m sorry David I didn’t hear what you said.
David: I said you just met him it’s nice of you to give him a fair shake.
Krystal: Just be careful around him remember what I told you about him.
Lola: Don’t worry I remember. (David watches Lola and grins to his self her lips were saying she remembered but her eyes and body language said something completely different this could get very interesting and very useful. Darius runs into the living wearing his old uniform and cap carrying his glove and David’s)  
Darius: Mom! Is dinner ready? (He stops in front of her looking at her with big anxious eyes)
Krystal: Well look at you! (She takes of his hat ruffles his hair then places it back atop his head)
Lola: Do you have a game today? (She stands placing her glass on the bar next to David’s)
Darius: Daddy said after dinner we’re going to the batting cages! (He looks up at her his eyes bright with excitement as he looks from her to David)
Krystal: Well then lets get you fed and out of here so you can bat them over the fence! Come on everyone. (She takes her sons hand and marches him towards the dinning room Lola in tow. David watches the trio swaggering behind him congratulating himself on his good fortune given by a chance meeting)

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