Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Cassandra 06/19/2013

Cassandra glances over at a sleeping Devereaux his lust finally stated. She gently slips out of the bed. She watches his chest rise and fall as she quietly pulls on her sweat pants and jacket. She picks up her shoes from the side of the bed then tip toes from the room closing the door behind her. She walks to the living room and reaches for her purse and pulls out her phone checks it still nothing but Rego knew better than to call her! God! This was driving her crazy! It had been hours since she’d left the hospital and she still didn’t know what had happened. She wanted to call him but she was more than sure Devereaux had her phone bugged and she had had time to purchase another disposable. She checks her phone again then throws it down on the couch. She walks to the bar and pours herself a drink she stares at a moment then pours it down the drain and takes a bottle of water from the mini-frig. Remembering she hadn’t been able to take her pregnancy test yet, heck she hadn’t even bought one she’d plan to pick it up after she’d left the hospital but Devereaux hadn’t let her out of his sight all day. She picks up the remote and turns the television on then sits down on the couch curling her feet under her and flips mindlessly through each channel.
          She’d spent the afternoon with Devereaux stroking his over inflated ego. Something was up with him more than just his jealousy. She’d seen fear behind his eyes more than once that day but she had no idea what it stemmed from. Maybe something was going on over at Cambius or something had gone wrong with his other business the one that he was kept secreted from her since she’d stolen from him to leave France. She knew he was till invested very invested but, there was no written information anywhere no files on his computer wherever he was storing it wasn’t in the penthouse she was sure of that. She just needed to figure out where he’d hidden it. She still needed some kind of leverage against him just incase her plans for Rego didn’t work out. Perhaps she needed to pay a late night visit to Cambius if not there then she’d have to follow him one of these evenings and find out where he goes. Come hell or high water she was going to get away from him one way or another. She presses the remote again stopping on the local news station when she sees the image of Pine Valley Hospital in the background and turns up the volume.
 “Thank you John Pine Valley Hospital is no stranger to emergency as you can see from the sign above my head but nothing could have prepared them for today’s event. It all happened at approximately noon today when Francessca Martin daughter of electronics pioneer Rhea Logan-Slater became trapped inside the hospital elevator and went in to labor. According to eyewitnesses Mrs. Martin wife of prominent doctor James Martin thankfully was not alone in her ordeal she was accompanied by none other than Rego Sherrigan son of business mogul Oliveri Sherrigan. If you will recall John, Rego Sherrigan is the former fiancĂ©e of Mrs. Martin who was dramatically dumped during their long awaited fairy tail wedding ceremony. Mr. Sherrigan was coached by phone by the proud poppa himself Dr. James Martin who did the delivery remotely using his lap top and cell phone. Rescue workers were finally able to secure the elevator and free Mrs. Martin who had given birth to a bouncing eight pounds two ounce baby boy.  
John: Wow! Nice size baby!
Sue: Any word on Mom and baby.
Jackie: Both mother and child are doing just fine.
John: That had to be absolutely frightening!
Sue: I would say so not to mention just a little bit awkward.
John: I think after an afternoon like that any animosity they had for each other is gone.
Jackie: I think you maybe right John! Here are some photo’s the proud and I’m sure relieved parents released via twitter just moments after the three were freed.” The television flashes an image of Rego, Francessca and Jamie across the screen just outside the elevator the workers in the background then another of the four of them, the proud parents then grandparents. Cassandra watches in horror as the reporter drones on about the familial ties and of Tad and Taylor and tragedy befalling the family image after image of the Martin and Sherrigan’s in varied assembled poses flip across the screen each one making her more ill by the moment. The last and final blow infuriating her to no end one of Rego, Francessca and their baby smiling happily, faces filled with pride holding up their son for the world to see! That image would be splashed across every television news screen and newspaper around the world by morning the very thought making her groan aloud with rage. “As you see, there are Mommy and baby and their hero!
Sue: Ahh! Pretty baby!
Jackie: This is Jackie Johnson live from Pine Valley Hospital back to you John, Sue!” 
Cassandra snaps the set off tossing the remote across the sofa. The stupid Reporter was right she sulks. Rego had helped give birth to his son. Even if he didn’t know that child was his son there would now be a bound between him and that bitch. Any headway she’d made with breaking the remaining ties between them was shot to hell! She needed to get out of this apartment and to the drug store. She needed to know what her next step would be. She could take the test there they had a bathroom that way she wouldn’t have to bring it home. She’d pick up some other stuff too just to make it look good incase Devereaux woke up before she got back. She stands walks to the hall and stops listening for the sound his snoring there it was! She grabs her purse and keys and heads for the door locking it quietly behind her and heads for the elevator.

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