Monday, July 1, 2013

Tad, Kathy and Jenny 07/01/2013

Tad, Kathy and Jenny
Ruth walks in to Tads room with her Granddaughters and Great-grandson in tow.
Kathy& Jenny: Daaaaaddyyyy! (They squeals running towards the bed)
Tad: Hey “Moon Pies” Come give your old Dad a hug. (The two move closer reaching up for their father’s embrace. He squeezes them both tightly luxuriating in the feel and smell of them and drawing from their strength) Oh that’s the best hugs I have had in days! Hi Mom!
Ruth: I honey how are you feeling?
Tad: I’m doing okay. PC2! What are you doing here?
Phillip: Hey Uncle Tad.
Ruth: Phillip is going to be taking a couple of classes at PVU this summer.
Tad: Good for you kid!
Phillip: Yeah I thought I’d stick around for a little while help out Grandma and Gramps with the munchkins while you’re in here. And wee have been having a pretty good time right?
Jenny: Yeah!
Kathy: Yesterday PC took us canoeing on the lake in the park.
Tad: Wow, that must have been fun! (They both nod their heads looking tickled pink)
Ruth: I was hoping that the newest little Martin would hold off his arrival for a couple more weeks but he’s just as inpatient as the rest of the clan.
Jenny: Daddy have you seen the baby?
Tad: Yes I have, have you?
Kathy: We just saw him! He’s so cute!
Jenny: And Cessca isn’t fat anymore! (They all laugh)
Phillip: I told her I would explain it to her later.
Tad: You’re a good kid
Kathy: What happened to your leg?
Tad: I broke it.
Jenny: Does it hurt?
Tad: A little sometimes a lot.
Kathy: Who punched you in the eye? (Tad laugh’s)
Tad: No one Daddy and Taylor were in an accident.
Jenny: Where’s Taylor?
Tad: Mom, Phillip could you give us a minute I want to talk to the girls.
Ruth: Sure, Phillip why don’t you and I see if we can find your Grandpa Chuck he said he had some books he wanted to give you.
Phillip: Okay we’ll be back in a little while Uncle Tad.
Ruth: Are you sure you’re okay.
Tad: We’ll be fine you two go ahead.
Ruth: Grandma will be back in a little bit okay?
Jenny: Okay Grandma!
Kathy: Bye Phillip.
Jenny: Bye Phillip!
Phillip: See you two later.
Tad: Hey why don’t you two come up here and sit next to me. (Patting the mattress) Why don’t you sit on this (Kathy crawls up on the bed and Jenny walks around and sits down on the other side) side and you on this side. (He puts an arm around each and pulls them close) Ahh I missed you two! You guys being good for Grandma and Grandpa?
Kathy: Yes.
Jenny: I like staying at Grandma’s!
Tad: Why’s that?
Kathy: Because Grandma takes to the pool in the afternoon!
Jenny: And Kathy likes being there because she likes Phil..lip! (Dragging out his name and then giggles when Kathy’s brows pinched together her mouthed twisted to the side her lips pursed her face crimson)
Kathy: I do not! (She yells back as her sister giggles again enjoying the irritation written all over her sisters flushed face)
Jenny: Do too!
Tad: Ladies settle down! (He chides enjoying the pure normalcy of the moment it had been days since he’d experienced anything close to that)
Jenny: Well she does!
Kathy: I do NOT! (She growls her eyes filled with venom as she glares at her sister who grins back at her and smothers a giggle)
Tad: Look I’m glad you like staying with Grandma and Grandpa because you’re going to be there for a little while till I get out of the hospital.
Jenny: Well why can’t we go home and Taylor just take care of us at home? (She leans forward looking up at him confused)
Tad: She can’t baby.
Kathy: Why not? (She leans forward looking back at him her expression the twin of her sisters. Tad swallows back the lump in his throat then takes a deep breath quelling the tremor in his voice before continuing))
Tad: Last night on our way to the airport we got in to and accident and (his voice breaking with emotion) Taylor’s…gone.
Jenny: Where’d she go? (She shrugs the look of confusion deepening)
Tad: She died honey. (Her eyes open wide as do Kathy’s who’s brows crease into a frown)
Kathy: Did she go to heaven?
Tad: Yes. (She lays back against the pillows with her fathers ram wrapped around her shoulders her head laying on his chest her sister laying the same way on their father’s other side)
Kathy: With Mommy?
Tad: Yes baby she’s with your Mommy.
Jenny: Is she coming back?
Kathy: Jenny, people don’t come back from heaven. (She grumbles)
Jenny: Can we visit her?
Tad: I wish we could, but no baby we can’t.
Jenny: That’s not fair!
Tad: No it’s not. (He says sadly kissing the top of her head)
Kathy: It’s okay Daddy. (She pats his chest then rubs it gently) Don’t be sad Daddy she’s with Mommy and Mommy will take real good care of her.
Tad: I know she will baby. (He squeezes her tightly fighting back the tears stinging the back of his eyes like a hornet)
Jenny: Are you going to die and go to heaven? (She looks up at her eyes showing her fear then to Kathy who’s expression mirrors her sisters)
Tad: I’m going to be right here with you. I love you both so much (He kisses both of them) Daddy isn’t going anywhere I’m going to be here with you and your sister for a long, long time. Okay? So don’t worry about it okay?
Kathy: I love you Daddy.
Tad: I love you too. And you. (He closes his eyes and snuggles his children drawing from their strength of their love feeling a sense of comfort that he had been eluding him)

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