Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Jesse and Griff 08/27/2013

Jesse and Griff
Griff at the police station feeling more leery if at all possible than he was on the ride over here. He hesitates a moment before pulling open the door. He’d told Ryan and come this far there was no turning back now. He walks to the front desk swallowing back the hard lump that had formed in his throat.
Griff: May I speak with Chief Hubbard please? It’s important
Desk Sergeant: I’ll see if he’s in who should I say is asking?
Griff: Tell him it’s Griff he’ll know what it’s about. (The sergeant picks up the phone and dials Jesse’s extension)
Desk Sergeant: Hey Chief I have a Griff here to see you he says it’s important.
Jesse: I’ll be right there!
Desk Sergeant: The chief will be right out. You can have a seat over there.
Griff: Thank you. (Griff sits down on the bench closest to the sergeants desk to wait. He looks around the room at the sundry of men and women around him. Some sitting quietly some ranting and belligerent waiting to find out what their future held all desperately trying to mask their fear. The station hadn’t changed since he had been one of those across from him awaiting their fate. In all honesty he wasn’t that much different from them he was awaiting his fate just a different kind)
Jesse: Griff! Hey man!
Griff: Hey Jesse. 
 Jesse: Come on back, (He says leading him toward the door. He slides his badge through the slot and opens it then holds so that Griff can pass) my office is this way. Not working today?
Griff: It’s my day off. I thought I would take care of some stuff.
Jesse: Come in have a seat.
Griff: Thanks.
Jesse: So what’s going on?
Griff: Nothing I just thought I’d come around and we could talk some more.
Jesse: So, I guess you thought about what we talked about yesterday?
Griff: That’s all I’ve thought about.
Jesse: So what did you decided
Griff: I’m going to tell her.
Jesse: Oh, thank God. You have no idea how much this is going to mean to Randi and I promise you, you’re not going to regret it.
Griff: From your lips to Gods ears.
Jesse: I promise you Randi will understand she needs all her family and that includes you. It’s going to be all right. 
Griff: I was going to go over first thing this morning but then I remembered you asked me to talk to you first before I did anything.
Jesse: I appreciate that. If you don’t mind maybe you and I could go over to the hospital together.
Griff: Would you mind?
Jesse: Of course not let me grab a jacket and we’ll walk over together.
Griff: You know you tell me a lot about Randi but you haven’t said very much about your son.
Jesse: You let me worry about Frankie.
Griff: Do you think I have something to worry about, with Frankie I mean?
Jesse: No, I don’t think so just be prepared for a lot of questions. You ready?
Griff: Ready as I’ll ever be.
Angie walks in the room carrying a hatbox and ginning from ear to ear as she walks toward Randi)
Angie: Hi honey how are you feeling?
Randi: I’m feeling great! Did Frankie tell you?
Angie: I haven’t seen Frankie today I was just stopping by for a little while till my sift starts.
Randi: Dr. Colgate told us this morning I’m responding well to the chemo and I can go home tomorrow!
Angie: Oh honey that’s great! I’m so happy for you!
Randi: I can wait! I missed being home and being with my babies and husband!
Angie: I know you do honey I so glad! Of course you not going to dive right in you’re going to take it easy right?
Randi: Doctors orders. So ahh what’s in the box?
Angie: This is for you!
Randi: What is it?
Angie: I know you have said anything but I could tell your hair coming out was bothering you so I got you a wig.
Randi: Oh Angie it’s gorgeous! Thank you!
Angie: I had it styled and colored just like your real hair. Try it on.
Randi: Oh Angie it’s perfect! Thank you!
Angie: I took the picture from the Labor Day. Try it on I’ll get the mirror from the bathroom. (She rises from the edge of the bed leans through the bathroom door and grabs the hand mirror from the shelf then sits back down on the bed beside her. Randi hesitates holding the skullcap in her hand before sliding open the wrapping gingerly. She hand the empty packaging to Angie who tosses it in to the trashcan in front of her. Randi removes her scarf then wraps her thinning hair around her head then slips the cap over it before slipping on the wig. She shakes the hair back from her face giggling like an excited child allowed to play dress up at her mothers vanity) So what do you think? (She holds ups the mirror arranging the tendrils with her finger)
Randi: It’s perfect Angie (She leans in hugging her close) Thank you.
Angie: I bought a Brush for you let me get it out of my purse. It’s not in here! I must have let the bag in my office. I’ll be right back.
Scene Shift: Jesse and Griff stepping off the elevator and into the hall each lost in their own private thoughts as they turn and walk toward Randi’s room. Frankie looks up from the computer station in the hall and smiles at his father and Griff his expression slowly changing to concern as he looks at their expressions.
Frankie: What’s up Dad? Hey Griff.
Griff: Hey Frankie how you doing?
Frankie: I’m okay what’s up?
Jesse: Can we talk to you a minute?
Frankie: Sure why don’t we go in the lounge I don’t think anyone’s in there. (He points the way to the empty room leading them all to the empty chair in the far corner) What’s up Dad?
Jesse: Remember that question you asked me?
Frankie: Yeah…(He draws out looking from Jesses to Griff his eyebright with recognition) you mean Griff is. (His voice trails off again) You’re sure?
Griff: Positive I know my daughter she looks just like her mother.
Frankie: Wow. You were right here all this time? Why didn’t you just tell us?
Griff: I didn’t want to intrude on her life. Then when I heard there was a blood shortage I couldn’t just stand around and do nothing and I didn’t want to do anything that might upset or hurt her. So I tried to donate without anyone knowing. I was going to go to Center City Hospital but I wasn’t sure she’d get it first so I came here.
Frankie: I still can’t believe this. What happened to you where have you been Randi’s entire life?
Jesse: Griff has been in prison and I’m still trying to figure out what happened to Randi and her mother after he did.
Frankie: My god Randi is going to freak.
Griff: Is that good or bad? I don’t want to make matters worse or put ant pressure on her. I’ve been clean since I got out I go to work everyday and the only person I see from prison is Ryan.
Frankie: It’s okay I know what you’ve been up to, (He smiles and laugh’s)  I see you practically everyday. You’re a good man anyone can see that I promise you Randi will freak out but in a good way. You’ll see. Carmen’s been singing your praises for months. (He stops a moment and looks at Griff his eyes bright with questioning) Does Carmen know?
Jesse: At this moment the three of us are the only ones that know.
Griff: No, I told Ryan so that’s four
Angie: Make that the five!
Jesse: Angie what are you doing here?
Angie: I was on my way to my office when I saw the three of you. I was going to srop and say “Hi” and then I heard. So it’s true you’re Randi’s father?
Griff: Yes.
Angie: Jesse? Why didn’t you tell me?
Frankie: Don’t blame him Mom I promised Dad not to tell anyone not even you.
Angie: I don’t understand why all the secrecy?
Frankie: Because I didn’t know who or what kind of person we would find and right now I needed to protect my wife. I’m sorry if I we hurt you but what Dad did that’s all on me. So if you’re angry be angry with me not Dad.
Angie: Okay, I understand what I want to know is what you all plan to do now? What are you going to tell her?
Griff: I’m going to go in and tell Randi the truth.
Frankie: I think I should be there when you talk to her.
Griff: I can tell you love her with all your heart and I appreciate you trying to protect her but what I have to say is between my daughter and me.
Frankie: Now hold on I…
Jesse: Frankie, let the man talk to his daughter. Trust me son, you and I both know Randi can handle her business.
Griff: I promise I’m not going to hurt her you have my word.
Angie: Listen Frankie I know you want to protect your family, I’ve gotten to know Griff in the past few months and He’s a good man and a good person let him do this his way. I promise you honey it will be okay.
Frankie: No, supposed it’s not all honey and roses I’m going to be there. Now shall we go? (He moves toward the exist nodding his head toward the hall. Griff rises from the chair and walks toward the exist his expression showing his frustration as well as his agitation he’d wanted this moment to be between him and his daughter but smiles inwardly happy that his son in-law loved his daughter so deeply)

1 comment:

  1. I don't blame Frankie of course he wants to be there for her.
