Thursday, August 29, 2013

Jack and Tea 08/29/2013

Tea stands at the back of the large gymnasium lined with tables marked by subject watching all the new enrollee’s rush from one to the other as they sign up for classes. She glances over at her daughter who stands at yet another table completing her enrollment into the University.
Jack: Fancy meeting you here! (He strolls up behind bending down and whispering in her ear before coming around to stand beside her)
Tea: Hey! (Her head snaps around and smiles pleasantly) Morning boss! I could say the same for you!
Jack: I’m here with my niece Molly she’s staying with me this summer until the fall semester starts. (He looks across the gym finding her standing in line moving one step closer to the table)
Tea: That’s wonderful!
Jack: Danni all squared away? (Tea nods her head towards the table behind her and rolls her eyes)
Tea: I think she has one more class to sign up for, how about you?
Jack: I believe we’re almost done she’s third in that line over there. (He nods his head toward the line adjacent to the one Dani was in)
Tea: Very pretty girl, I think you’re going to have your work cut out for you there. (She teases making them both laugh)
Jack: I’m not sure if I should thank you or take cover. It’s been a while since I’ve had a teenager in the house. (He shakes his head and pulls at his collar)
Tea: You’ll be fine just keep you eyes and year open. (She assures him with a wink and a nod turning he attention towards Dani as she calls and walks towards them)
Danni: Hey mom, I got my ID! (She leans in showing it to her making them both giggle) Hi Mr. Montgomery.
Jack: Hi Danni. (He smiles down at her enjoying her enthusiasm as Molly walks up beside her tucking her ID in her purse then smiles up at him)
Molly: I’m all set Uncle Jack.
Jack: Molly I’d like you to meet a friend of mine this is Tea Delgado and her daughter Danni.
Molly: Hi, nice to meet you both. (She smiles pleasantly back at them reminding Tea of one of those perky High School Cheerleaders)
Jack: Tea I was going to call you when we got back to the office, if you have a moment I need to give you a couple of brief notes on the Franklin file.
Tea: Sure excuse us a moment ladies.
Danni: So are you from Pine Valley?
Molly: No, Washington State I’m staying with my uncle until the fall semester starts. I figured I might as well get here early get it over with (She says with a roll of her eyes then giggles) what about you?
Danni: Same, well not exactly I took a couple of classes this summer to get a jump ahead for the fall we just moved here a few weeks ago from Llanview.
Molly: Do you miss it? God, I miss West Port! I miss hanging with my friends, the beach, God, real fresh seafood, the smell of the ocean I even miss the rain!
Danni: Well Llanview is just a few towns over so I do get to see some of my friends. Hey maybe you can come with me sometime.
Molly: Are you kidding? I would love to get out of Pleasantville for a couple of hours!
Dani: Oh my God! That movie must have been on like a hundred times this summer! (They both laugh)
Molly: I was so bored I must have watched every time!
Dani: You too, you’d love Llanview there is definitely a lot more to do!
Molly: Yeah my uncle keeps saying it gets better once the fall semester starts.
Danni: Yeah, my Mom keeps saying the same thing must be a part of the parental figure mantra. (They both nod in agreement) This town does have some of the best little boutiques!
Molly: Speaking of shopping I adore your shoes!
Danni: Thanks. I love your dress the colors are gorgeous!
Molly: Thanks, I got it at that little shop over on first street “Dazzle”
Danni: Me too! I love that place.
Molly: We should so go together sometime!
Danni: What are you doing tomorrow?
Molly: Sitting around my Uncles house watching the weeds grow bored out of my skull!
Dannie: Here let me give you my digits (She grabs her phone pressing her number into the pad quickly)  and maybe we can hook up and go shopping maybe have lunch or something?
Molly: That would be perfect! Here, (she says grabbing Danni’s phone and quickly pressing the keys) I’ll call you later! I’m dying to pick up this blouse I saw the other day.
Danni: The one with the ribbon woven through the neckline?
Molly: Oh my God isn’t it gorgeous! That’s it you and I are going to make a day of it!
Danni: Cool! (She nods in agreement feeling happier then she had in weeks finally! She had something to look forward too)
Jack: Shall we get going? (He looks from one to the other both looking a lot happier then they had before he’d walked away)
Molly: Sure, nice meeting you Ms. Delgado, Danni I’ll call you!
Danni: Great! (She waves as Jack and Molly walk to the exist then turns back toward Tea)
Tea: She seems nice. (Noticing her daughter more cheerful demeanor)
Danni: Yeah, very cool. We’re going to meet up tomorrow do some shopping I’ll see how it goes (She nods in agreement)
Tea: If nothing else it will get you out of the house for a little while maybe meet some more people your own age.
Danni: Yeah should be fun, okay so I’m going to get on line and get my final print out for my classes. (She turns looking up at the ticker above the table then down at her form)
Tea: I’m going to stand right here and say final goodbyes to my hard earned money. (She chuckles patting her purse Dani rolls her eyes making Tea laugh)
Danni: I’ll be right back! (Tea watches as Danni walks to the line swinging her purse back and forth as she waits. Tea smiles as a very handsome young man comes and stands in the line behind her just as Danni’s phone comes out of the slot on her purse and falls on the floor in front of him. The young man bends over and picks it up then taps her shoulder. Danni turns and stares up at him a dumb grin plastered on her face, He stares down at her an even dumber one on his and silently hands her the phone. Danni reaches for it and their hands bush and both snap their hands back as if shocked by electricity Danni mummers something inaudible to Tea from where she’s standing then turns quickly forward her face crimson all the way to her ears. Tea smiles a mother’s knowing smile. What she’d just witnessed wa a moment of attraction and hopefully the budding of a romance if she had anything to do with it. Good, she thought maybe it was the perfect thing to pull her out of the depression she’d been in since the death of her father and the lonesomeness she’d felt in her since her break up. It was good to see her getting back to being more herself and back out among her peers so far this move seemed good for both of them)
Chuck: Good Morning Ms. Delgado.
Tea: Dr. Tyler nice to see you again.
Chuck: Enriching your education?
Tea: No, no you couldn’t pay me to go through that again! No. I’m the one with the checkbook my daughter is registering for classes how about you?
 Chuck: I’m enrolling y grandson he’s following in the family footsteps. (He smiles proudly rocking back on his heels)
Tea: That’s wonderful!
Danni: Mom! Check it I actually got every class I wanted in the order I wanted them! (Shoving the paper toward Tea looking almost giddy)
Tea: That’s great! Honey this is Dr. Charles Tyler.
Danni: Nice to meet you, (She takes his hand and shakes it) wait Dr. Charles Tyler like in Dean Charles Tyler? (Her voice fading to a whisper her eyes opening bright)
Chuck: One in the same. (Her cheeks blush prettily as Phillip walks up and joins them)
Phillip: Hey Gramps! I got every class I wanted except for one it was full but I was able to find a good substitute. (He points at the paper then folds in and places it in his pocket)
Chuck: Great I’m glad. Phillip I’d like you to meet Ms. Tea Delgado.
Phillip: Nice to meet you ma’am. (He turns toward her looking and sounding more charming than she’d imagined with his slight Irish brogue)
Tea: Please, Tea is fine.
Chuck: And her lovely daughter Danni.
Phillip: Hey (He says slowly mesmerized by the biggest brownest eyes he’d ever seen. A shiver of excitement slides down his spine making him feel cold and hot at the same time)
Dani: Hey (she sighs back transfixed by eyes the color of froth on a stormy green sea twinkling down at her)
Chuck: Danni’s a new student here too maybe you could show her around help her get comfortable? (The connection between the two not lost on him)
Phillip: Sure I’d love to.
Danni: You sure, I mean I don’t want to keep you if you had something else to do? (Feeling suddenly shy at thought of spending time alone with him and excited by it at the same time)
Phillip: Actually I had nothing, come on I’ll give you the VIP tour and when we’re done I’ll show you where to get the best coffee in Pine Valley.
Danni: That would be great thanks. So Mom ( She turns towards Tea her back to both Chuck and Philip) I’ll see you back home? (She looks at her mother pursing her lips and quickly jerking her head towards the door then widens her eyes. Her mother grins recognizing her daughters signal to beat it and looks at her watch)
Tea: If I leave right now I should be able to get to the Bursars Office and pick up Victor. See you at home Mia amore.
Danni: Bye.
Phillip: Nice meeting you.
Tea: Nice meeting you too and good seeing you again Chuck.
Chuck: The pleasure was all mine (He smiles watching a moment as Tea turns and walks to the exist) I should get going too I have some work in my office.
Danni: Bye, nice meeting you Dean Tyler.
Chuck: Pleasure meeting you too, (He smiles back at her she seemed nice level headed something Phillip could use) Phillip I’ll see you at dinner later, and you’re more than welcome to bring a guest.
Phillip: See ya Gramps.
Chuck: Have fun you two. (He winks then walks towards the exist leaving the two alone and hopefully in good hands)
Danni: Your Grandfather seems nice.
Phillip: He’s great and wait till you meet my Grandma Donna. (Walking slowly towards the exist as they chat)
Danni: So you’re inviting me to dinner?
Phillip: Sure I told you, you’re getting the VIP tour. Shell we go?
Danni: I’m following you. Do you live in Pine Valley?
Phillip: No I’m just staying with my Great Grandparents until school starts. (He reaches for the door holding it as she passes through) I’m helping with my little cousins till my Uncle gets out of the hospital and the fall semester starts.
Danni: How old are your little cousins?
Phillip: Kathy is nine and Jenny is five.
Danni: What happened to their Dad.
Phillip: He was in a really bad car accident.
Danni: Oh I’m sorry. He’s going to be okay right?
Phillip: Yeah, yeah he’ll be fine.
Dani: So I take it you’re from Ireland?
Philip: no not all because of my father’s job we lived there from the time I was eleven till last year when we moved back here. Funny when I’m there they say I sound like an American. (They both laugh) What about you are you a Pine Valleyite? (He says pointing to the path on the right as they walk)
Danni: No we just moved here a few weeks back for my Mom’s job.
Phillip: So your parents made you a gypsy too. What does she do?
Danni: She’s the Assistant district attorney.
Phillip: Wow! Guess I’d better stay on the straight and narrow path then?
Dani: You’d better she’s pretty tough. She doesn’t just throw the book she throws the entire bookshelf! (They both laugh again)
Philip: So how do you like Pine Valley?
Danni: Nice kind of quiet.
Phillip: Don’t let it fool you there’s always something about to hit the fan in Pine Valley you’ll see. This is the English Department lets have a look around see if any dead poets are haunting the halls after you (He says holding the door allowing her to slide through both feeling that odd rush of excitement by the momentary closeness. Dani smiles to herself maybe moving here wasn’t going to be way better than she thought)

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