Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Adam and Lola 08/28/2013

Adam and Lola   
Adam traverses the crowded hospital lobby on his way to the hospital board meeting. He presses the button for the elevator glances up at the monitor above the car then checks his watch and sighs. He taps it again when it doesn’t immediately arrive then looks up at the monitor again he was going to be late! He punches the button again then turns swiftly at the sound of the voice behind him.
Lola: You know pounding on the button doesn’t make it come any faster.
Adam: Sorry I’m just a little impatient I’m late for a meeting (He grins sheepishly)
Lola: I think that meeting has been canceled it was in with my morning memos. (She sorts through the papers in her hand)
Adam: Impossible I would have gotten a message! (He scowls as he reaches in his pocket and pulls out his phone then scrolls through the messages his eyes opening wide then laugh his cheeks flushing with embarrassment) You’re right.
Lola: Well it looks like I have a free couple of hours. (She smiles up at him)
Adam: That’s a rarity. (He smiles back feeling that odd tremor of attraction he’d felt the other day when they’d met)
Lola: So what are you going to do? (Feeling the thrill she’d felt upon seeing him intensify)
Adam: I ran out the house thinking I’d be late I never stopped for breakfast so was thinking I’d have brunch perhaps you’d care to join me?
Lola: Thank you, but really I shouldn’t. (She blushes feeling suddenly shy and slightly vulnerable)
Adam: Come on you have to eat and the Pine Valley Inn serves the best brunch in town. Please? (He wriggles his brow smiling impishly breaking through her last defense)
Lola: That sounds lovely.
Adam gently grasps Lola’s elbow and leads her towards the entrance as David watches from the mezzanine above smiling to his self as the walk through the exist this was getting more interesting by the day and more importantly how could he use it he ponders as he walks down the hall towards his office.
Scene Shift: Adam and Lola sit at a table in the center of the dinning hall sipping their coffee and waiting for their meal chatting.
Adam: So how do you like your new home?
Lola: I love it! It feels good to finally be putting down roots.
Adam: It’s a lovely house I’m sure you’ll be very happy.
Lola: I can’t wait till next spring to plant my tulips.
Adam: Do you like to garden?
Lola: Yes, I find it therapeutic.
Adam: So what else do you like to do?
Lola: I love riding my bicycle all over town although everyone else thinks I’m crazy but it really is the best way to see it.
Adam: What do you do in the winter?
Lola: If the weather isn’t bad I walk otherwise I drive. You should come walk with me sometime.
Adam: Oh, I haven’t walked anywhere in years.
Lola: I’m serious you should come with me. I can wait till fall when the leaves start changing it must be so beautiful.
Adam: It can hardly compare with the beauty right in front of me.
Lola: Thank you. So what do you do when you’re no corporate raiding and counting your millions?
Adam: On those rare occasions I have some down time I go horseback riding, golf sometimes play a little tennis.
Lola: Oh it’s been years since I’ve played tennis. (She smiles wistfully thinking back to her college years so long ago as Adam enjoys the notable headway he was making)
Adam: Then we should make a day of it. What do you say day after tomorrow we’ll play a couple of games.
Lola: That’s sounds like fun. (She grins her eyes twinkling with merriment)
Adam: Good! I’ll send a note and have cook make us lunch.
Lola: I’d like that very much.
Adam: I’ll send the car around to pick up.
Lola: You don’t have to do that.
Adam: I insist knowing you, you’ll ride your bike over and be too tired to play. (He teases enjoying the blush stain her cheeks)
Scene Shift: At the same moment Liza and Wellington sit at a table a few down from where Adam and Lola sit thoroughly enjoying their brunch laughing and chatting as they dine. Liza smiles up at Wellington as she nibbles on the few remaining morsels of fruit from her dish.
Wellington: Are you going to finish that?
Liza: I think I already did.
Wellington: Do you want that piece of cantaloupe?
Liza: Here (She says spooning it in to his mouth then giggles)
Wellington: Ahh I just wanted to know where your heart was.
Liza: You have it.
Wellington: And you, mine (He smiles leaning in and kissing her)
Liza: So are we still going to the University dinner at the Tyler’s tonight?
Wellington: I’d much rather stay home with you curled up the couch and making whoopee. (He wriggles his eyebrows laugh’s)
Liza: You know you really need to lay off the Dean Martin movies.
Wellington: You love it!
Liza: Yes I do. (She leans in giving him a peck on the lips then smiles she reaches for her cup bringing it her lips then realizes it’s empty) Do you want more coffee?
Wellington: I would love some. (He nods placing a fork full of eggs in his mouth as Liza leans to the side of her chair and looks around for the waitress spotting her instantly and getting her attention)
Liza: Could he have more coffee please? (The waitress nods then walks toward the coffee station to fetch the pot. Liza watches her walk away for a moment glancing around the restaurant and spots Adam and Lola her temper begins to flare. Just as the waitress returns and blocks her view of them as she fills their cups) Thank you she mutters. Wow someone is moving awfully fast.
Wellington: Who?
Liza: Your ex over there having lunch with none other than the richest man in town.
Wellington: Lola has never been one to let the grass grow under her feet.
Liza: Did you know she bought a house?
Wellington: So she’s staying that’s just great. (Huff his brow furrowed as he throws his napkin on the table) What the hell is she up to now?
Liza: Maybe it’s like she said she just wants to start her life over.
Wellington: She could start her life any place else in America! Why here, why now?
Liza: Well her family is here and from what you’ve told me she hasn’t it had it easy.
Wellington: My life hasn’t been a picnic. Lola’s problems are of her own making. Come on let’s get out of here I’ve lost my appetite. (He rises from the table pushing the chair under the table then holding Liza’s chair as she rises. The two make a hasty dash toward the exist only to e halted by Adam’s booming greeting)
Adam: Liza, Wellington nice to see you both.
Wellington: Adam always a pleasure.
Liza: Adam.
Adam: I believe you’re both acquainted with Dr. Lola Colgate?
Liza: Yes pleasure to see you again.
Lola: Nice seeing you.
Wellington: Was there something we could help you with?
Adam: Yes, I’ve purchased a piece of property and I nee to know the legalities of plans to convert the building in to Condominiums.
Wellington: Give our assistant a call and have set up an appointment and we’ll see what we can do to help.
Adam: That would be great I’ll call as soon as I get back to the office.
Liza: We’d better get going. Enjoy your brunch, Lola. (Adam watched the entire exchange with the scrutiny of a miser. There was an odd under current between the three of them that was almost palatable. Perhaps it would behoove him to have one of his investigators look in to Dr. Colgate before this thing between them went any further. Besides as the saying goes “one burned twice cautious? How ever the saying went he had no intention of getting burned

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