Saturday, July 25, 2020

Devereaux , Ryan and Cassandra


           Ryan yawns and stretches then looks over at the clock on the shelf behind Devereaux.  It was getting late and he was starting to wind down. They had been working all evening and although he was glad they had moved to the comfort of Devereaux's penthouse it was still exhausting. He was ready to to wrap it up and finish tomorrow morning. Besides he couldn't concentrate. Not with Rebeka and JR's wedding just days away and nothing he could do to stop it. Not that she wanted him to stop it. She wanted nothing to do with him. 
            He just couldn't get her out of his mind. She, on the other hand didn't care if he lived or died. It was his obsession and he knew it. He just couldn't seem to control it. Every time he looked at her he saw Gillian. Each time he saw her something inside him just made him want to be near her. His arms itched to hold her, his fingers to stroke her hair his lips burned to kiss hers. His mind instantly went back to the short life he and Gillian had together. Every fiber of him wanted that life back and his heart was convinced he could have it with Rebeka. Her heart was convinced it loved JR and therein belied his problem. They would be married in just a few days and he still hadn't come up with a plan to prevent it. 
           "Ryan!" Devereaux's voice boomed through his thoughts bring him back to the present.
            "Yeah, uh huh?" He stuttered as Dereveraux frowned back at him.
            " I asked you if you had finished with the accounting report?" Dev asks pulling his glass down on his nose as his eyes piercing Ryan's. His penetrating glare sending an odd chill slithering down Ryan's spine before pulling his eyes away and flipping through the papers on his lap.
            "Yeah, yeah right here." He says handing them to him. 
            " What's going on with you ?" Devereaux asks pulling his glasses from his face and tosses them carelessly down on the desk. You seem distracted Ryan."
            "No, not at all. More like exhausted since we've been at this for hours now." He grumbles as Devereaux completely ignores that he'd even spoken as he stares back at him his expression blank he places his glasses back on his nose and continues seamlessly.
            "Next We have..." Devereaux starts the folder in his out stretched hand still dangling as he glances at his phone a moment before picking it up with the other.
            "Devereaux St. Jacques" He grumbles into it annoyed at being disturbed his demeanor changing at the recognition of the voice Ryan notes. He listens intently as a voice on the other end speaks quickly but quietly making it impossible for Ryan to hear their portion of the conversation.
             Devereaux grins to himself. That was much faster than he'd expected. Sherrigan must be planning to make his bid for more than he'd thought if he's willing to make it so quickly. Perhaps Cassandra had gotten him the inside track on whatever it was.
             "Good news?" Ryan asked looking up from the folder he was flipping through at a beaming Devereaux.
              "You could say that an old friend is going to come by for a little chat. So what do you say you and I wrap this up for tonight? " He stands and walks to where Ryan was seated.
              "Sounds like a plan." Ryan says as he stands and stretches again. "I'm just glad I don't have that far a walk."
            "It does simplify things doesn't it?" Deverauax jests as he guides Ryan from his office and towards the door.
            "So who's this "Old friend" That's coming by?" Ryan asks a facetious grin twisting his lips.
            "Just a former business Associate coming by to finalize the dissolution of our former partnership." Devereaux supplies smoothly as he reaches for the door and pulls it open.
            "Uh huh. I guess I won't see you in the office till later in the morning?" Ryan smirks.
            "Good night Ryan." Devereaux says curtly. Ryan smiles knowingly as he passes him a smirk playing on his lips.
             "Night Dev see in the morning." His smile deepening as he hears Devereaux lock the door behind him. He stood there a moment before walking toward the elevator his curiosity peeking by the moment.
             He'd worked with Devereaux for a while but he knew as much about him now as he did when Devereaux hired him. In all the month's they'd worked together they'd never had one personal conversation. In fact, he knew nothing about his personal life. Other than Cassandra, he'd never met any of the women he'd dated or if he was dating. Or, what sports he liked or if he liked sports at all! Before today he'd never mentioned friends or relatives for that matter. Other than the social responsibilities of running "Cambius" there was little to nothing in the papers about him at all. For a man who ran a multi-billion dollar company there was very little scandal in the scandal sheets about him. If for any reason anyone asked him to give a eulogy of the man, he'd be at a complete loss for anything to say. That's why his having an "Old friend" stop by was incredibly curious.
           He stood in front of the elevator combating his demon for a moment. He knew he should just go but the more he thought the more curious he became and a plan began to formulate. If he stood in the small alcove by the fire stairs he could see he front door but be virtually unseen. If anyone did notice him they'd think he was a servant using the kitchen entrance. He vacillates a moment between invading Devereaux's privacy or not when he hears the buzz of the elevator leaving him no choice but to dart in to the alcove hoping Devereaux's butler didn't decided to come out of the kitchen door.
         He steadies his breathing  from his quick jaunt and wait's quietly as the elevator dings. Then listens another moment for the doors to open and the quick tip tap of heels on the parquet flooring. Here it was the moment he'd waited for. Was she going to be a blond, red head or brunette? He thought almost chuckling aloud.
             "I'm here you Bastard!"
             " Well good evening to you too Mrs. Sherrigan please, come in." Devereaux sneers stepping aside and opening the door wider so Cassandra could enter.
             " I don't even! This is the last...!" Her voice trailing off as she steps inside completely and the door closes.
              Holy shit! What the hell was Cassandra doing at Devereaux's and more to the point what the hell were the two of them up too? 

Cassandra and Rego 08/15/2017
Cassandra and Devereaux
Cassandra and Rego

*Copyright "Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles © " 2020

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