Sunday, June 23, 2019

Cassandra and Rego

            Cassandra nervously paces the living room in a vein effort to get her fear under control. She was so frightened after seeing Devereaux that she'd called Rego almost in tears demanding he come home. Now she wasn't sure what she was going to tell him when he got there. She couldn't tell him about Devereaux and with all the progress she'd made she couldn't act like a shrew. Besides, she didn't want to. She was enjoying the closeness that was forming between them.
           He also seemed to be a little more trusting of her. Even with the progress she'd made with Rego so far. She wasn't sure how she was going to get what Devereaux wanted without making Rego suspicious of her or even how to get it. Rego was very careful with his work rarely leaving it out of his sight when working at home and when he wasn't working on it, it was locked in his briefcase. How in the world was she supposed to do that? How? More to her immediate problem what was she going to tell Rego when he came through that door?
             Rego channeled his annoyance with his wife impatiently tapping the steering wheel with his thumbs as he waits for the light to change. She'd called him in the midst of his fitting with JR demanding that he return home immediately. Why, she couldn't say other than she needed him home. He'd started to stay where he was just to let her know she wasn't at her beck and call. On the other hand she was pregnant with his child and it may be important. Knowing Cassandra it was probably as trivial as her quest for morning attire but, he couldn't be sure. Besides lately she's been more reasonable one could almost say loving, almost. Rego was no ones fool. He knew that leopards don't change their spots. Especially someone like Cassandra but he had to admit she'd been better of late. Then there was also also something in her voice that sent a prickle up his spine. That's why he had to give her the benefit of the doubt and why he felt the odd sense of urgency.  He thought his impatiens and annoyance festering as he began tapping rhythmically on the steering wheel again.
          Cassandra checks her reflection in the mirror after deciding on her story. She'd felt terribly ill after her appointment and it had really frightened her. Until she remembered she'd forgotten to eat. If nothing else she was a true depiction of her lie. She looked awful. Her skin was pale and drawn. Her eyes were puffy and swollen. Her stomach felt as if it was roiled and at any moment would churn over again. All of it thanks to Devereaux! Well least their encounter was good for something was her last thought before she heard the sound of Rego's car in the drive.
         "Cassandra!" Rego calls as he races into the living room. While moments before the object of his urgency laid down on the sofa finally deciding at the last second on an alignment.
         "Cassandra!" He calls again coming quickly and kneeling by he side the later feigning sleep.
         "Rego?" She says sitting up on the sofa and looking about the room as if confused before her eyes settled on Rego.
         "Are you all right? Shall I call for the doctor?" He asks panic beginning to edge his voice as Cassandra rubs at her eyes groggily.
         "I'm fine now." She smiles her hand reaching out to caress his cheek before sliding back down to her lap as Rego pulls instinctively away then immediately regrets it as a the hurt flashed across her eyes and takes her retreating hand in his. 
         "What happened? When you called you sounded urgent?" His voice sounding more concerned and less urgent than it had moments before giving Cassandra the reassurance she needed.
         "I'm okay and I'm sorry I frightened you." Her voice demure almost cheerful as if his previous words had not touched her. If he didn't know better he would say she was contrite but he knew better than that something still didn't feel right to him.
         "What happened to get you so worked you?" He asked. His eyes probing her expression for the slightest change or telling signs of her lies as she spoke.
         "It's really silly now and completely my fault. I was so busy running errands this morning I completely forgot to eat. By the time I actually did it all made me so sick."
          " I told you this would happen if you weren't careful!" He chides a small smile of relief and satisfaction of being right twinging his lips. Making her smile her own secret satisfaction.
          "You're right I should have listened. And I'm sorry I completely spazzed and totally panicked." She says with a little laugh. Rego chuckles as he pats his chest and sighs.
          "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Cassandra schools her expression to display proper amount of guilt and sorrow to match her contrite tone.
          " I'm so sorry I scared you like that. I promise I won't scare you like that again."
          "It's alright as long as you and the baby are okay." He says patting her hand and smiling back at her. Cassandra laughs as she rubs her swollen belly with her free hand.
          "We're fine really you can stop worrying."
          "I'll stop worrying when you stop being so foolish." He teases making them both laugh.
          "I promise I'll be more responsible."
          "Thank you. Now that I know you're okay is there anything I can get you?"
          " No, really I'm fine but if you don,t mind maybe you could just sit here with me and maybe we could just talk for a little while, I mean if you're not too busy." She asks patting the place next to her. Rego smiles as he slides onto the cushion next to her.
           "I'd love to."
           "Devereaux reads over the last paragraph of the documents he'd had his lawyer draw up before signing his name on the bottom with a flourish and satisfied grin. That was the last of them he thought as he closed them in the manila envelope and locked them in his desk drawer. Tomorrow morning he'd have them sent by messenger in to his lawyers office. Everything was in place he'd secured his child's financial future and he was ready to secure his own. All he had to do now was wait for Cassandra to bring him what he wanted and if she was smart she'd get it to him sooner rather than later. Perhaps he'd make it crystal clear to her that time was definitely of the essences.

Jaime and Cassandra
Cassandra and Rego
Cassandra and Devereaux

*Copyright Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles" 2019


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