Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Cassandra and Rego


          Cassandra place the stuffed animal she'd bought on the shelf in what would be the babies room. She looks around satisfied with her work. It was work but she'd enjoyed every minute she'd spent decorating it. Rego had offered to hire an assistant for her to help with cores like the one she'd just tackled but she'd declined the only servant they had so far was a cook and she was happy with that. She'd had enough with people standing over her watching her every move. she wanted this time for herself. No Brooke or Oliver breathing down her neck trying to turn Rego against her. No Devereaux lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce. She was in her own home way from all of them. She could finally breath for the first time in as long as she could remember and Rego had secured it all.
           Rego had been pretty wonderful since before they'd been thrown out of Brooke and Oliver's. He'd protected her from Devereaux and defended her to both Oliver and Brooke before during and after they'd moved in to their mansion. Since moving to their new house. He had set up an account for her at the bank with a generous allowance as well as an account at "Lacey's" and a couple of the other higher end stores around town. She couldn't have asked for more. He'd even started treating her better more like his wife and not just a roommate. Much better if she thought about it. Rego was kinder and more attentive than before. Checking on her and the babies health and well being. Reminding her of her appointments and to take her vitamin. Making sure she ate properly and rested. They'd developed an amiable relationship since the night they'd felt the baby kick. They talked and even laughed together over breakfast this morning. For a change she didn't have to lie or think of another scheme or counter tactics. Albeit, the doting wife jazz which seemed to be effective and not as taxing as she'd thought. She could be herself and it was refreshing.
          Being the dotting wife had had other benefits as well. Rego seemed to be beginning to trust her. Which was wonderful. A couple of weeks more and she'd have him eating out of her hand. all she'd have to do is arrange a little trip for herself. She'd tell him she wanted to go to Europe to visit her father. She'd been able to take a peek at his calendar. He had some really big deal going around the time she would actually be due to Rego's knowledge it would still be early in her pregnancy. He'd be way to busy to go. She'd pout just enough then off she'd go. She could have the baby pretend everything was peachy for a month or so. Then she'd call Rego with the happy news. It should work out perfectly and Rego would never know the difference. The only thing she needed to worry about was the blood test after the baby was born. Hopefully Rego wouldn't still demand one and if he did there was still Joe in the lab. She was sure for the right amount of money she could get him to cooperate with her again. But, that was in the way off for now all she had to concern herself with was keeping Rego's trust. 
       She pats the toy in place then stands back to admire her handy work. She smiles to herself pleased. Wondering whimsically if Rego would like it then wondering ruefully why she cared if he did? Maybe because she could actually say she was happy. She was also grateful for what he'd done for her. They'd also seemed to have worked out a silent truce. But was there more to what she was feeling? Was she starting to care about Rego as more than just a means to an end?
         "Hey what's going on in here?" Cassandra turns to see Rego smiling as he leans against the door frame.
          "I just finished! What do you think?" She asks as Rego steps further into the room and looks around.
          "It looks wonderful. I especially love this." He says reaching out for the small wooden train engine and admiring it.
          "I used to have one like this when I was small. I adored it. My mother gave it to me on my fourth birthday. I would play with it for hours." He smiles reminiscently then places it back down on its track. "Have you been going at this since I left this morning?"
          "Yes, I have. I wanted to finishes it so I could move on to redecorating our room then the guest room."
          "That's all wonderful. Did you remember to eat today?"
          "Of course! The cook bought me up lunch and two snacks and she said dinner would be ready in about forty-five minutes if you'd like to take a shower." Rego grins his smile burgeoning on laughter.
          "My, how domestic you've become in such a short time." He says with a laugh enjoying the annoyed turn of her lip.
           "Don't pout Darling! You have to admit the Cassandra of a few months ago would never be caught decorating a nursery or planning a menu, timing dinner with her husbands arrival." He snickers making her smile then laugh.
            " Well you do have a point. A few months ago this would probably be the last thing I'd want to do. But I don't know. Ever since the other night it all became so real. I don't know it just made me want to do better for him you know?" Rego nods in agreement.
           "Yeah I think I know exactly what you mean. Probably why I got involved in this ridiculous "Founders Day" folder-ah." The mere mention of that craptacular event made her jaw hurt as she clenched to keep the smile plastered on her face. She hated the idea of all the time he had to spend with that Bitch but she couldn't afford to let it show. Not when she'd already made so much progress.
           "How's that going by the way?" She says folding the small comforter and placing it at the end of the crib. Rego sighs as he walks from the room towards the master bedroom talking as he walks  Cassandra beside him.
            " Good I guess everything is in place just finishing the fine tuning. Should be a very wonderful event."
            "That's great I'm really looking forward to it!" Cassandra says sounding and surprisingly feeling sincere. Rego stops in his undressing and looks at her once again surprised by what he was hearing and more so by the actual feeling he heard behind it.
            "Why is that?" He asks. Cassandra shrugs.
            "You know me I love a night out. It's also the first time you and I will be at public event as Mr. and Mrs. Rego Sherrigan. I know it sounds a little shallow but I'm tired of people thinking your still with someone else. I want the world to know that you're with me and that you me and this baby we're a family." She finishes allowing her hormones to take over as her eyes begin to well with tears. Rego goes to her pulling her into his arms and holds  her close. 
           "It's not silly or shallow. I'm sorry if you feel as if you're walking in someone else's shadow constantly. If I have contributed to your feeling that way I apologize. You me and this baby we are a family."  He says wiping away the tear from her cheek. Cassandra gazes up at him overwhelmed by the rush of emotions she felt for him. Rego pulls her closer his lips claiming hers. Sending them both into a world of emotions never explored by either. The sensation leaving one frighted and the other hopeful. 

Jaime and Cassandra

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2018

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