Monday, October 1, 2018

Molly, Dani and Barbara


         Molly smiles back at her reflection in the mirror wondering if anyone would be able to see the change in her on the outside that she felt on the inside. She felt happy and carefree and even more than that she felt loved. Something she hadn't felt in a long time. She had Justine and last night to thank for that.
       After they'd made love the first time he'd held her in his arms and he'd talked about his life. He'd told her about his father who'd been in his life and not all at the same time and a mother who'd been more concerned with social standing and climbing. They'd mostly used him to accomplish both hauling him out like a show pony to perform and used his accomplishments for their own bragging rights much like her own parents she'd confessed to him. It felt like they'd confessed all their past worries and sins then he'd done something no one other than her Uncle had ever done he'd promised to protect her from whatever came. Not that she needed protection she'd always been able to stand on her own. But what had totally melted her her defenses and her heart was when he'd said they'd face whatever came at them together. And that's when she'd known she loved him and that he loved her.
     Everything seemed right with the world for a change even work. Not that Erica hadn't been Erica or Corbin, Corbin but at least Gavin had been able to put the two in check and work was being done. Gavin had been the life saver for many an employee during Kendall's set rebuilding at the studio and the temporary design for the set at the casino.
      Erica had been on a two day rampage. She'd even laid into her 'Best girlfriend" Opal. If it hadn't been for Gavin and Corbin interceding it would have turned into a prize fight. No one knew what exactly had set her off but she'd been that way since she and Corbin had spent the evening working on 'Raising Fire". The rumor mill had it that one or the other had made a pass at the other but Molly didn't think so. She thought it had to do with her Uncle based on the questions she'd asked her about Tea and her reactions to Molly's responses. Hopefully Ms. Kane got the message that her Uncle had moved on. Maybe being a raving bitch was Erica's form of therapy she thought with a laugh as the doorbell rang. She walks to the door looking through the peephole before opening it to Dani. 
 "Thank God" Dani squeals rushing towards Molly and grasping her arm as she leads her quickly to the sofa.
       "What the hell is going on?" Molly asks surprise and shock taking turns with her features.
       "Jesus! I've been trying to talk to you all morning! I went over to your Uncle's and he said you'd gone out with Justine so, I tracked you down here."
      "Well you found me what's going on?" She says walking to the kitchen and pouring herself a cup of coffee as Dani trails behind her.
        "Where's Justine?" Dani asks craning her neck as she looks around the room for signs of him.
        "He walked down to the "Bagel Store" why?" Molly shrugs then walks back to the sofa and opens her laptop on the coffee table and types in her password as Dani sighs in frustration.
      " Didn't you get any of my messages."
      "Yeah I got them. I just haven't listened to them." Molly says distractedly quickly clicking through her emails as Dani stares on her eyes wide with shock.
      "Oh my God so you don't know!"
      "I don't know anything! I was with Justin all night and I had my phoned turned off. It was the first time in weeks Justin has had two consecutive days off  and it was magical Dani!' She says her smile bright and eyes sparkling. Dani hated to be the one to take her happiness away but she needed to know before she got bombarded.
       "I'm really happy for you Justin is a great guy. And, I'm really sorry to ruin your morning but I thought you should know before you got to work."
       "Dani you're scaring me." Molly says grasping Dani's hand in hers and squeezing it.
       "I'm sorry Moll's I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to tell you your Mom got arrested last night on a drunk and disorderly."
        "Well that explains the phone calls." She snorts as she gets up and walks to the kitchenet and pour coffee in a cup then takes a sip.
        "What else is new? When Barbara's drinking it's always something." She shrugs coming back to the sofa and sitting down.
        "Let me guess she into some loan sharks really bad dudes?" She says with a snort of laughter.
        "I don't know if you would call them loan sharks more like gangsters. She was at the casino last night got drunk lost some money and tore up a hotel room." Molly gives another snort of laughter tossing her hair back over her shoulder.
     "Relax Dani. This is the norm for "Drunk Bab's" She says with a laugh as Dani glares at her not annoyed at her callous attitude. She couldn't imagine ever being that flippant about her mother.
      "Did her past include being a drug mule?" She blurts out regretting her words as soon as she'd spoken them. The look of shock paralyzed Molly's expression. Dani's words finally penetrating through the wall she put up at the mention of her mother's name replaced by fear.
      "Moll's there's more." Dani says slowly rising from the sofa and pacing the space between them as she speaks. " I'm not even sure I should tell you this but you're my best friend." Molly stares back at her the seriousness of Dani's expression scarring her into a momentary silence as Dani sits down again.
       "What the hell Dani? What the fuck are you talking about?"
     "I did something I shouldn't have and now know stuff I shouldn't and I told Brooke and before it all comes out I have to tell you! I just have to!"
        "Dani what did you do?"
        "I, I went into my Mother's files and found out your Mom is working for some guy a Mr. Robert Broderick."
       "Yeah I know she said he was some corporate guy she was doing some legal stuff for."
       "He is but according to my mother's notes she thinks he some big drug guy working for some other guy they're investigating."
       "What guy Dani you have to tell me!"
       "You swear you won't tell anyone?"
       "Are you serious Dani? Do you think I'm an idiot? What am I going to do walk up to someone and go oh yeah by the way so and so a major drug dealer? As if my Mom's drinking isn't embarrassing enough or I'm stupid enough to want some physco drug dealer coming after me!"
      "Okay I'm sorry." She concedes as she looks around the room and lowers her voice.
      "They don't have all the evidence they need to bust him yet but it's Devereaux St. Jacques! Then this morning when I went down to the precinct to check some women paid your mother's bail."
      "So considering what going on that's not that weird probably the guy she works for."
      "That's just it I checked it wasn't them this woman worked for Lenka Gregorian the same guy who's room she trashed last night! And according to one of Brooke's sources she's also into them for a lot of money Mol! It's Bad!"
      "Well wait a second I get your mother and my Uncle spying on my mother. But, why the hell are you and Brooke investigating her? What are you trying to do destroy my life? I thought you were my friend!" She stares back at Dani her defenses up all of it reminding her of the time before she come to Pine Valley. The treachery of her so called friends. Was Dani really one of them underneath she wonder frantically. Her mind beginning to conjure the horrible memories from the past.
         " Molly come on! Your my best friend. I would never do anything to hurt you ever. That's why I've been calling all over the place and came running over her as soon as I could since you weren't answering your phone!"
         "You still haven't answered my question. Why are you and Brooke snooping around my mother? What she have to do with this Devereaux guy?"
         "Okay I'll tell you if you promise you won't tell anyone."
         "Let me hear what it is first and I'll let you know." Dani searches Molly face noting her tough exterior but also seeing the fear flickering just behind her eyes.
          "We weren't investigating your Mom I swear. We were actually investigating the company she works for and I just came across the stuff about your Mom." She lies knowing the truth would only hurt her further.
          "You're like my sister Moll." She says wrapping her arm around her and pulling her close. "I just didn't want it hitting out of no freaking where okay? I swear I didn't tell you or do anything out of malice. Okay" She says with a smile giving Molly's shoulder a reassuring squeeze making the later smile back hesitantly.
          "God! Everywhere she goes it's disaster! Why couldn't she have just stayed in Washington where she belongs?" Molly moans standing and walking to the sink tossing the now cold coffee down the drain before refilling it. "Why Dani? Why is it whenever I'm happy and things are going good does she have to come to ruin it?"
          Barbara averts her eyes from Lenka's penetrating stare her mind reeling. She'd been frozen for a moment as fear gripped her mind. Her ears still not registering his words until he spoke for the second time.
          "I asked you if you wanted a drink?" Lenka says holding up the brand new unopened bottle for Barbara to inspect before breaking the seal. "I figured you could probably use one after your night." He says pouring the amber liquid into a glass and handing it to her as Barbara reaches to take it with shaking hands drinking it in one gulp. "Relax, if I wanted you dead you would be dead already. What I want is the money you owe me." He says refilling the glass and handing it to her. He looks over to Sergei and raise one brow at how quickly she finished the second glass then snatching it from her. "Enough!" He shouts startling Barbara back to reality of her situation.. "When do you plan to pay me what you owe me?"
        Barbara swallows hard desperately trying to stamp down the fear that threatened to choke her. She had know idea how she was going to pay him. She'd lost every penny she'd made from the Calisco Group last night. She'd frittered away every cent on the room the alcohol but most of it she lost at the poker game plus some. She had nothing left not even a dollar for a cup of coffee. She was at their mercy with no way out.
         "I.....I umm.....I'm not sure but I promise I'll pay you back every dime I swear I will." She stammers looking from one to the other. Their expression set in stone giving her no indication as to what they were thinking.
          "That's not going to be good enough Mrs. Montgomery. So, I'm going to tell you exactly what you're going to do." He says his smile as cold as the chilling words he'd uttered chilling her through.

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2018

Brooke and Dani
Molly, Justin and Barbara
Molly and Justin


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