Monday, August 6, 2018

Brooke and Dani


         Dani sits at her small desk in Brooke's office looking over the information she'd stolen from her Mother debating whether to betray her trust or be the journalist Brooke expected. She was a journalist and this was her first opportunity to prove herself. This was big really big and needed to be told! Besides it wasn't as if Brooke wasn't already suspicious. Most importantly Molly was her best friend and her mother's life was going to hurt her in the end. Molly needed to know what her mother had gotten herself into so she could protect herself. From what she'd read, what Molly had told her about her mother was only half of what she'd actually done. Molly deserved so much better!
          Dani reaches for her phone pressing Molly's number again. She'd been calling her all morning and she hadn't returned her messages from last night. Yet again it went to voicemail! Dam what the hell was she doing that she couldn't answer her phone? She'd wanted to tell her what she'd found before she spoke to Brooke but it seemed there would be no chance of that she thought ending the call. Where ever she was she hoped she was having fun once she heard this play time would be over.
          "Good morning Dani." Brooke calls as she walks to her desk laying the papers she'd been reading down upon it.
          "Morning!" She calls back as she picks up the information she'd gathered feeling some trepidation as she walks. This was it once she'd given them to Brooke there was no going back. She already had it. It was great more than she'd ever gotten on her own and it was exactly what Brooke wanted.  Yet in giving it to her she was betraying her Mother. Was she really willing to betray her Mother's trust to succeed? No, but she was willing to betray it for the truth and people had a right to know exactly what was happening right under their noses.
         "Brooke, I think I found the information that you wanted." Dani says handing her the folder then crosses her fingers as Brooke skims through it.
         "This is incredible Dani! I won't ask you where you got it because?" She stops looking at Dani expectantly.
         "A good reporter never gives up their source." Dani answers back with a laugh.
         "Exactly!" Shes ays looking more closely and the information as she speaks.
         "Once we can verify some of this We can really go to work!" Dani smiles then looks back at her looking and feeling confused.
          "So how are we going to expose the Calisco group without hurting everyone we care about? Well at least the people I care about like Molly." She says her voice rich with sorrow.
          "She just going to be hurt because of her mother again! She's just getting over the last time! It's just so unfair!" Brooke looks at her and shakes her head in agreement knowing exactly what she was feeling. This wasn't just going to hurt Molly it will hurt Jack's entire family.
          " That's why we aren't going to print anything until we have all the facts and let the police do their jobs. Especially since I have a sneaking suspicion exactly where you got this all from." She says with a wink making Molly blush as Brooke continues.
          "I also understand your desire to want to protect your friend I want to protect mine as well. But we still have work to do so when this story finally breaks we have the scoop."
         "So what are we going to do now?" Dani asks feeling her adrenaline pumping all thoughts of Molly erased as images of headlines float through her mind.
         "You my dear are going to go down to the "Pine Valley Inn" and you are going to get as much information about Barbara Montgomery as you can. I want all the comings and goings where she spends her time and with whom. Check with the cleaning staff they know everything as well as any night desk manager. Keep me posted. I want you to check in with me every two hours. Understand?"
           "Perfectly and I won't let you down I promise!" Dani say practically jumping with glee as she snatches up her purse then checks the charge on her phone and tape recorder before placing them back inside and walking towards the door.
          "Don't forget every two hours! Oh and let Jack be the one to tell Molly you aren't supposed to know and if you got this where I think." Brookes says holding up the folder.
           "He already knows." Dani looks back at her nodding her head in agreement with a look of relief mixed with guilt from what Brooke could surmise before leaving the office.
           Jack walks into the Pine valley police station and up to the desk sergeant sitting behind it.
          "Good Morning Mr. Montgomery!" The sargent announces pushing his paperwork to the side.
          "Good Morning sir! How are you feeling?" Jack asks.
          "Can't complain glad to still be among the living. You on the other hand look like you won the big jackpot! You wouldn't be holding out on a buddy would you?" He says with a wink making Jack laugh.
           "I wish but if I did you know I'd never forget you!" Jack says with a wink making them both chuckle.
          "I mean it good to see you smiling. The chief's already in the office waiting for you." The Sargent says hitching is thumb towards the hall behind him.
           "Thank you my friend good to see you too." Jack laughs patting the Sargent's shoulder as he passes him and heads down the hall to Jesse's office whistling happily as he walks.
           He felt happier this morning than he had in a long time despite everything Tea had told him about Barbara he was in a great mood and he had Ms. DelGado to thank for that. She'd awakened the part of him that had lain dormant for far too long. He felt alive and happy and ready to take on whatever the world or "Hurricane Barbara" had to throw at him he thought as he taps on the open door to Jesse's office.
           "Morning Jesse!" Jack crows coming through the door and closing it behind him. Jesse looks up at him surprised by Jack's levity smiling to himself knowing the reason why. The looks between he and Tea hadn't been lost on him or anyone else. Truth be known he was happy to see Jack looking happy he just hoped what he had to tell him about his sister in law didn't set his boat dead in the water.
           "Well aren't you just a little ray of sunshine this morning. I just hope what I have to tell you doesn't burst your bubble. But I have Barbara down in lock up" He says coming around the front of his desk and leaning back against it as he talks. Jack groans his eyes rolling to to the back of his head his lips a thin white line as Jesse continues.
         " I managed to keep her name out of the morning paper I wanted you to be able to prepare Molly first but I can't guarantee it won't be in the evening run." Jack shakes his head disappointment etched on his face.
          "Thanks Jesse where did you pick her up?" Jack asks bracing himself for the worst.
          "We picked her up at the casino on a drunk and disorderly. She tore up a room and got into a confrontation with a couple of high rollers over the money she owed them."
          "Oh good God. " Jack moans his face resting in is palm.
          "Lucky for her Zach recognized her and called me before calling the PVPD." Jesse finishes with a sigh as he pushes himself off the edge of the desk then walks to the small table and fills two mugs handing Jack one.
           "Thanks Jesse" Jack says taking it from him and taking a sip.
           You're welcome and I'm really sorry but I had no choice I booked her. But I did managed to keep her out of morning paper but that's about all I can do unless of course they cross the line. Otherwise you can pay the fine and get her out of my jail." Jack places his cup down on the edge of the desk shakes his head and sighs heavily.
           " You know what Jesse, let her sit there. When she wakes up she can pay her own bail. It's about time she starts bailing herself out both figuratively and literally. I'm not enabling her and I'm positive neither will my my niece. Whatever trouble she's in I'm staying as far away from this as possible and make sure Molly does the same. If she has even an inkling of a thought about helping her I'm going to make sure it doesn't come to fruition." His voice firm as he rises from his chair and extends his hand towards Jesse.
           " I really do appreciate you coming to me first." Jesse takes his extended hand and shakes it with one skeptical eyebrow cocked.
           "If you're sure Jack?" Jesse asks. Jack smiles.
           "I've never been more sure of anything in my life. I need to put as much distance between Molly, myself and her as possible. I'll see you later." He says moving toward the door Jesse following behind him. 
            "Anytime. I'll see you around. " Jesse says still skeptical of Jack's decision but who was he to tell another man how to handle his family although he'd love it if someone told him what to do about Cassandra.
            "Jack walks quickly down the steps of the precinct reaching for his phone and dialing Molly's number as he walks.
            " Molly honey this is uncle Jack give me a call back as soon as you get this message it's important." He finishes as he walks to his car.  Just as Anna lowers the binoculars begins speaking in to her radio.
            "He just left the station"
            "Well that was fast." Comes Serge's voice in her headset.
            "Yeah it was, " She says reaching for her binoculars again.
            "And there's no Barbara in tow."
            "I'm checking the system and no bail was paid and no release record for her has been filed" Came Serge's voice again.
            "Then I think we're all ago Lenka, as soon as Montgomery leaves the parking lot."
            "I just hope she's worth the trouble! That's a lot of cash I'm about to fork over to Fat's on her behalf." Lenka grumbles through Anna's head set making her chuckle.
           "Don't worry just submit a stipend for reimbursement."
           "Yeah! Where have I heard that szarik before?" Lenka grumbles making both Anna and Serge laugh.
           "Okay gentlemen let the games commence. Everyone in place?"
           "Ready" Lenka and Serge say in unison.
           "Okay Lenka send her in. Let's see if we can finally get this wrapped up."   

*Copyright Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles" 2018


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