Monday, August 13, 2018

Opal and Sophia


           Opal walks into Krystal and Carmen pushing Logan's stroller followed by Sophia, Kathy and Jenny laughing and talking as they walk to the counter.
          "Hey Carmen how's it going?"
           "Better since you bought this little one in here! Come here nino!" Carmen coos coming around the counter and picking up Logan.
          "Hello ladies how was your morning?" Carmen says turning to Kathy and Jenny.
          "Good! Is mommy here?" Jenny asks Carmen.
          "Mommy's in the back party room with the other ladies. The four of us are going to the park with Vinny. You two can go back and say "hi" if you want but come right back so we can go okay?" She smiles down at them as the two scamper off before turning back to Opal and Sophia.
         "You ladies go right ahead I'll wait here for Vinny then take the girls out."
         "Thank you for taking them I really appreciate it. Bye sweet pea Grandma will see you later." Opal nods in agreement as she brushes Logan's head with a kiss.
         "Thanks again sweetheart we'll see you in what an hour and a half two hours tops." Sophia shrugs as she kisses Logan's outstretched hand.
          "See you in a little while lambchop. You be a good boy for Carmen."
          "He's always a good boy. Right little man?" Carmen laughs as she tickles the baby's tummy making him laugh as the two walk toward their meeting
          "Bye Grandma! Bye Nonni!" Jenny and Kathy squeal as they push through the door running past them toward Carmen.
          "Bye dumplings! We'll pick you all up at the park." She says catching the door and holding it for Sophia as they run by.  Krystal looks up as they enter and smiles then bangs the gavel on the table.
           "Okay ladies it looks as if everyone is here shall we get started?" she shouts above the roar of chatter in the room as the women seat themselves at the tables.
           "The meeting of the Pine Valley Cultural Society will come to order." Krystal states before banging the gavel calling the meeting to order.
            "Madame secretary please read the minutes from our last meeting." Miriam rises from her chair holding a large yellow pad and clears her throat.
            " We've tied in Pine Valley's founders day in with our home comings for both Pine Valley University and Pine Valley High School. The Parade is scheduled to start promptly at nine AM Saturday morning followed by the Home Coming Day Carnival and Founder's Day Costume Ball that evening. Costume rentals and cost have been covered by WRCW, The hall cost for the High School have been covered by a donation from Cambius, The ballroom for the Founder's Day Ball was generously donated by Zach Slater at his casino, Carnival cost and ride rentals were covered by a joint donation from Adam Chandler and Chandler Enterprises and my granddaughter Colby Chandler-Gregorian and  Epimetheus International Finance. And finally all catering cost for both the High School Homecoming Dance and the Founders Day Ball have been donated by Oliver Sherrigan of Sherrigan Global Enterprises. Decorating cost have been donated by Kendall Hart-Slater and promotional and advertising has been donated by Anne McDermott. Oh and Advertising time was donated by WRCW as well! So congratulation ladies! We've covered one hundred percent of our overhead which mean one hundred percent of donations and tickets sales will go to the hospital!" She finishes to the sound of exuberant applause before Krystal bangs her gavel again bringing quiet back to the room.
           "Thank you ladies for all you hard work. I do have a couple of announcements. Those working the door at the ball please be dressed in costume and ready to work your shifts at the door starting at seven PM no later. Those working the carnival are expected at the gates before ten AM sharp. Please check your schedules and plan accordingly. Enclosed in your packets are your team Captain's names and team member phone numbers. And please if you have any last minute changes or questions please check with your team captains. My last announcement is about pre-ticket sales and they have been completely sold out! Ladies you are to be truly congratulated! You have all exceeded expectations! I would like to thank each and everyone of you for giving up so much of your time and putting so much energy into this year's celebration. Now if there's no new business?" Krystal pauses and looks around the room then continues. "Okay I say we adjourn the meeting and celebrate our hard work!" She says as a loud second comes from the crowd making them all laugh.
          "Meeting adjourned!" She says with a pound of her gavel ending the formal proceedings to a round of applause. She sets the gavel down and walks toward the food tables joining Opal and Sophia.
        "Congratulation ladies all you hard work paid off and thank you so much for taking the girls this morning so I could get everything ready." Krystal says to both Opal and Sophia as she reaches for a plate. Sophia laughs and nods as she reaches for the ladle of one of the dishes spooning a serving on to hers and Opals while Krystal waves no and moves to the next dish.
       "What thank you? We're family that's what we do. Besides with Kathy and Jenny around I barely have to lift a finger with Logan." Sophia says making both Krystal and Opal laugh as they move down the banquet table serving themselves.
        "They are sweet with him aren't they?" Opal asks allowed.
        "Yes they are and they take their Aunt duties very seriously" Krystal says making them all chuckle as they find their tables and sit down.
         "They just adore Rhea and Michael with all their gadgets and toys!" Sophia laughs. Krystal looks down at her plate not sure to broach the subject of Michael. She knew how David had been around the house the past few days she was curious if Michael was just as agitated and irritable.
          "How is Michael?" She asks timidly.
           "About the same as David I imagine. Grumpy stomping around the house lecturing the walls, slamming things. You know a general pain in the ass and if he doesn't get out of my kitchen!" Sophia finishes rolling her eyes and shaking her fist. Krystal laughs.
           "David is just about the same underfoot in the way and mean as a rattler!"  Opal looks from one to other confused.
            "Well what the heck happened with those two? They were thick as thieves last time I saw them." Krystal shakes her head.
           "Well let me get you caught up. Fred and Ricky had a fight now they aren't speaking!"
           "Well what are Lucy and Ethel here going to do about it?" Opal asks looking from one to the other. Krystal looks back at her and shrugs as Sophia groans
           "What we should do is get those two Pazzi back to their lab and out of our hair!"
           "From your lips to God's ears sister." Krystal nods in agreement.
           "Well we are three brilliant women I'm sure we can come up with something to get those to back on track." Opal chimes in looking from one to the other.
           "I don't know how! I've been racking my brain for a couple of days" Krystal sighs at the same moment Sophia snaps her fingers.
           "I got it and it's perfect!" The excitement in her voice becoming contagious as Krystal and Opal stare back at her expectantly.
           "Opal if you could take Logan in the morning tomorrow that will give me enough time to work on Michael. Do you think you can?" Opal smiles back.
           "Of course I'd love nothing better!" She nods in agreement.
           "Good! Now listen ladies this is what we're going to do....." She says her voice becoming hushed.
*Copyright Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles" 2018

David and Michael

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