Monday, August 27, 2018

Adam and Lola JR and Rebeka


        Lola picks up the carafe from the table and pours ice water into both of their glasses then hands Adam one.
         "Thank you my darling" He says swing his legs to the side of the chaise lounge and sitting up before reaching for the offered glass. Lola smiles happily back at him enjoying the moment between them.
         "What would you like to do now?"Adam asks smiling like the cat that caught the canary making her laugh.
          "From the look on your face I think you already have something planned" She says with a laugh.
          "I thought we could have dinner perhaps go dancing or if you like we could see the ballet I can have tickets waiting for us at the box office. Whatever you would like to do." He smiles his eyes twinkling with merriment. Lola reaches over cupping his cheek with her palm and gently brushes his lips with hers.
           'That all sounds absolutely lovely but don't we have to be getting back? JR fittings are tonight and you promised you'd be there." She says with a nod of her head as she stands and walks back inside Adam in tow.
           "I know, I know, I just don't want this to end." He says wrapping his arms around her. Lola turns her head and kisses his cheek then wraps her arms around his as she leans into his embrace.
           "Neither do I but...." Her voice trails off as he chuckles.
           " But we can't hide in France forever we have to get back to our lives." He cuts in with a laugh as he nuzzles her neck.
            "That's right my love the world awaits. I have patients to tend to and you have your family." She sighs turning to face him.
             "Don't forget they're your family too now." He says hugging her closer. "I can't wait to get home and tell everyone!" Lola frowns pulling away from him so she could see his face.
            " Adam, we said we wouldn't tell anyone till after JR and Rebka's wedding!" She chastise playfully.
            "I know I'm just so happy I want to shout it from the roof tops!" Lola laughs hugging him closer.
            "So do I but we agreed we wouldn't steal their spotlight. Besides it's just a few days." she chides playfully making him laugh. " I don't want to take any of the spotlight away from the two of them." Adam nods in agreement.
          "I haven't seen JR this happy and strong in a long time. I don't want to do anything or have anyone including myself to spoil it."
          "Neither do I and that's why we had better get going." She says kissing his cheek and pulling away from him as Adam playfully grabs for her hand and pulls her back into his embrace.
          "Oh I think we have a enough time for what I'm thinking about Mrs. Chandler." He says kissing as he guides her to the bed.
          Rebeka finishes gathering her folders placing them back into her briefcase then quickly checks her watch. She was supposed to have met JR in the lobby three minutes ago. She'd been running behind all day but if she hurried she'd have just enough time to get home to shower and change. She thought as she pressed down on the clasps to close her briefcase and pulled her purse from the back of the chair. She checks her watch again as she walks to the exist and runs headlong into Ryan.
          "Ms. Sherrigan I was hoping to catch you before you left." He say smiling down at her as he blocked the exit. Rebeka glares up at him annoyed. He was the last person she wanted to see!
          "I'm sorry Mr. Lavery but I'm in a bit of a hurry. Is it something that can wait?" She says looking up at him her inpatients tinging her voice.
         "I apologize I just have a couple of quick questions it will only take a moment I promise." He pleads still blocking her path giving her no exit.
         "I really am in a hurry Mr. Lavery can't it wait and really I don't understand why you didn't ask during your question and answer portion?" She knew why he hadn't he'd been too busy starring at her to pay attention in that weird unnerving way he had. It was all she could do to keep the cold shiver he gave her from racking her body as she spoke. There was no other way to describe the man other than creepy! As if he was actually seeing someone else. Someone she wasn't and would never be.
         "Mr. Lavery I don't believe you have any questions for me at least none that concern our work." Ryan smiles slyly and shakes his head in protest as she continues to speak. At the same moment JR stops just before the opening of the conference room at the sound of Ryan's voice and listens.
"So far you've shown up at my office and my home and you spent the entire meeting starring at me. What is it that you really want?"  She ask starring at him her body rigid with expectation. Ryan swallows hard her response wasn't what he'd been expecting. He had hoped to lead her into the conversation but she had given him no choice. He guessed it was now or never. He thought
        " I'm sorry and your right. What I have to say has nothing to do with work. It has to do with you and me." Rebeka stares back at him confused.
        "Mr. Lavery there is no you and me." She laughs.
        "Come on Rebeka we both know that's not true. There's something between us and we both know it." He huffs knowing his heart could make his words fit. He was blowing it before he even started by the expression on his face as he rushes on. "You and I have a connection. I know you feel it. All I'm asking for is a few minutes maybe just a cup of coffee." Rebeka groans aloud her eyes rolling to the ceiling and back.
        "So that is why you have been practically stalking me Mr. Lavery? Because you think we have some sort of connection?" Ryan stares at her a moment not sure how to answer her.
        "Okay, do you remember the first time we met and we looked at each other there was like this thing that happened like our souls were intertwined in some way." Rebeka stares back at him not sure what she was hearing there meeting had been like so many others she didn't recall anything extraordinary about it at all.
        "The only connection between us exist in your mind! I don't like you let alone love you. In all honesty I find you more than a bit creepy! We are business associates that's all. I am deeply and madly in love with my fiancee and again I have no interest in perusing a relationship with you. As I said before I'm in a hurry have a good evening." JR steps to the door just as Ryan steps aside calling to Rebeka as he walks.
        "Hey gorgeous everything okay up here?" He asks stepping into the room looking from one to the other. His eyes returning to Ryan and never leaving as Rebeka comes to him and wraps her arm around his waist.
          "No darling everything is fine. Ryan just had a question but I think he understands now." She says giving JR's waist a squeeze.
          "I hope so." JR smiles and gives her cheek a quick peck. "If you have anymore question Ryan stop by my office tomorrow I'm more than sure I can get you straighten out. Just make it quick once we leave for the honeymoon we'll be too busy to take calls." He says seductively then leans in and kisses her passionately watching from the corner of his eye at Ryan's growing discomfort.
        "Darling, can you give me a moment I have to take this call. " she asked looking down at her phone and walking from the room not really waiting for an answer. JR nods smiling slyly as he watches Ryan watch Rebeka.
         "No problem I'll just wait here for you and chat with Ryan. Take your time." JR says his eyes never leaving Ryan the later turning his attention back towards JR after Rebeka leaves.
        "So you have what another week until the big event huh?" Ryan says trying to sound more at ease than he felt. JR smiles broadly noting the undercurrent of annoyance in his voice.
         " Yep! I can't wait one week and two days until Rebeka official becomes Mrs. JR Chandler! If she'd let me I'd marry her right now on the street corner!" He says with a laugh. "From the first time I met her Rebeka and I just clicked. It was like I finally found the final piece of the puzzle. You know what I mean?"
        'Yeah, yeah I know exactly what you mean." Ryan huffs trying to busy himself cleaning up the debris left on the table. JR leans back against wall watching Ryan as he moves about.
         "And it's not just us our kids have been best friends since they day they met. They remind me a lot of me and Jamie when we were that age. Yeah we're all just one big happy family." He finishes enjoying Ryan's increasing discomfort.
        "Yeah that's is a, really great JR I'm really happy for all of you" Ryan says with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes or match his tone.
         "Are you really Ryan? Because that's not what I heard. From what I heard you're spending a lot of energy trying to insinuate your self into my fiancee's life despite her telling you to leave her alone." He says his voice no longer the light and friendly tone he had before as he pushes off from the table and stands in front of him.
        "Was a... I was trying to...." Ryan stammers as an evil smile curls JR lips.
        "I know exactly what you were doing Ryan and I know exactly why you're doing it. I'm telling you right here and right now it's going to stop. She not your "Princess" she's Rebeka my fiancee. The only connection you have to her is she looks like Gillian. But she's not and you need to face reality Ryan. Gillian's dead just like Babe is dead and neither one of them is ever coming back. You need to deal with that and move on. Rebeka doesn't love you. Hell, she doesn't even like you! If we weren't in business together she wouldn't give you the time of day." Jr finishes as Rebeka steps back into the room.
       "I'm finished are you done?" She asks looking from one to the other as JR wraps his arm around her waist and kisses her cheek.
        "I think we're done here. We'd better get going or we're going to be super late but what else is new?" He laughs making her laugh too.
        "I don't think you and I have been on time for anything for a month! Good night Mr. Lavery."
        "Good night and congratulations to you both. I hope you'll be vert happy."
        "Thank you Mr. Lavery I'm positive we will!" She giggles smiling up at JR as they exit. Leaving Ryan to watch after them feeling sadder and lonelier than he'd felt in a long time.

Adam & Lola

JR & Ryan

*Copyright Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles " 2018

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