Thursday, July 7, 2016

Jr and Ryan 07/07/2016


             Ryan stares down at the newspaper photo of JR and Rebeka reading the headline for the hundredth time. He'd known all along they were engaged but the announcement in the paper gave it a sense of reality. He wasn't even sure why he was here other than he wanted to see her. He glances down at his briefcase and laughs at his own pretense. The paperwork he was bringing to her wasn't even important. It was just an excuse to come. He'd checked the corporate schedule and JR was supposed to be on the flight that left this morning and with him in Bangkok this would be the perfect opportunity. He folds the paper tucking it in the waste can as he exits the elevator and walks to the assistant outside Rebeka's office.
        "Good morning is Ms. Sherrigan available? I'm Ryan Lavery from "Cambius Enterprise" I have some paperwork to drop off." She smiles up at him then looks down at her console.
        "Ms. Sherrigan is on a conference call at the moment but, if you'll have a seat I'll let her know you're here." She states politely pointing to the chairs in front of her.
         "Thank you." He says taking the proffered seat feeling more foolish by the moment.
          JR walks out of his office door reading a sheet of paper as he walks to the receptionist desk.
          "Regina this is fine could you make sure this goes out today please?"
          "Certainly Mr. Chandler. Oh! there's  a Mr. Lavery for Ms. Sherrigan but she's still on the conference call with Greece." Jr looks over to where Ryan sits wondering what exactly it was that he wanted. Any business they had that required a face to face meeting had concluded and any other business they had could be conducted by phone or messenger. The only reason instincts could fathom was Ryan was after his fiancee. Rebeka was right to be more than uncomfortable around him and he had a reason to be suspicious. He needed to handle this carefully he'd learned a lot from his experience with Colby and Lenka as well as his history with Ryan. He turns smiling and extending his hand.
          " Ryan good to see you what brings you here?" Ryan stands taking his hand in his and shakes it.
         "JR good to see you. I was driving past on my way to the conference center and I thought I'd drop off some paperwork I had." JR smiles politely his confirmation this was all a ruse was confirmed.
          "Thanks Ryan. Sorry, Rebeka is in a meeting. Why don't you step in my office and let me see what you have." He says leading the way to his office and closing the door behind him. Ryan walks to the desk placing his briefcase on the corner and opening it as he talks.
          " I thought you were flying out to Bangkok today." JR grins slyly he bet he did.
          " We were supposed to. Rebeka and I were going to make it kind of a pre honeymoon," Ryan reaches in to his briefcase pulling out the paperwork he had and handing them to JR. He takes a deep breath trying to temper his rising annoyance.
          "Here you go." Ryan says handing him the folder. JR takes them from him flipping through them quickly then looks up at him confused.
          "Thanks Ryan but you could have sent it by messenger you didn't need to drop it off personally." He looks up at him his expression curious leaving Ryan unsure if he was being duped or if JR was actually so incredibly naive.
                 " I was in the area figured I'd save a couple of dollars." JR nods tossing the folder down on the desk.
                  " Thanks again. Was there something you needed to discuss with Rebeka?" Ryan grins shaking his head a he snaps his briefcase closed.
                  " No, like I said I thought you were away and I was on my way by." He says picking up his briefcase walking slowly to the door JR by his side.
                   "I guess I'll see you both at the quarterly meeting?" JR smiles reaching for the doorknob but not turning it.
                    "See you then. Oh and Ryan," JR says his smile not reaching his eyes his voice deadpan.                     " I'm sure you saw the paper this morning." Ryan smiles back at him not knowing where the conversation was headed.
                     "Yes I did and congratulation." JR nods continuing in the same tone ignoring the mocking grin on Ryans face.
                      " Rebeka and I are very much in love. We're getting married in three months. We aren't just building a business we're building a life together." Ryan's jaw tightens his fist clench around the handle of his briefcase his knuckles turned white from the pressure. JR had seen right through him and knew exactly what he wanted and why he'd come.
                     "Look JR I just...." Ryan starts and is then cut off with a wave of his hand.
                      " I know exactly what you're up to and what you want Ryan and I'm telling you right now you're not going to get it. Unless it's business stay away from us. Stay away from me and especially stay away from Rebeka." Ryan smirks it was obvious that JR insecurities were starting to bubble to the surface,
                     " Or you're going to do what?" Jr are laughs.
                     "Despite what's going through your mind right now I'm completely secure in how Rebeka feels about me and our future together. Look," He says with a sigh pulling his emotion back in. He needed to keep his anger in check and his wits sharp. Ryan wanted him to become emotional and have an outburst giving him the ammunition he wanted and the edge he craved.
                     " I understand how you must be feeling right now. Kendall told me what happened with Greenlee and I'm sorry it didn't work out the way you had hoped. So you thinking that Rebeka having some kind of unspoken love for you doesn't worry me. What does is a narcissistic man having a bout of necrophilia stalking my fiancee." He finishes his eye unflinching challenging Ryan to deny what he'd said.
                   The later staring back at him not knowing how to respond this wasn't what he'd expected when he'd decided to stop in and this wasn't the reaction he'd expected from JR. Leaving him unsure how to respond. He'd expected him to rant to rage or threaten like his father but this, this was the side of him he'd never seen. This was more like the shrewd cold Adam the Adam that could destroy a man without blinking. JR waits a moment for his words to sink in.
             " She's not Gillian and you need to stop convincing yourself there's something mystical going on between the two of you. " He finishes his words hitting Ryan like a slap in the face. JR smile knowing what he'd said had gotten to him. Ryan stares at him the muscle in his jaw tensing knowing what he was saying was partly true but also knowing there was something else underlying the tension between he and Rebeka. JR watches the emotions flashing across his face and recognizing the one he settled one by the twist of his tight smile.
                  "You may think that energy that you feel between you whenever you meet is some unspoken desire Ryan but what it it real is, is revolution and fear. You make her afraid and very uncomfortable and not in a good way. I don't know what it you're looking for Ryan but you're not going to find it here and you won't find it with Rebeka. So please Ryan stop making up excuses and fools errands to be near her. Am I making myself clear?" He says opening the office door and smiling politely.
                 "Perfectly." Ryan says between clenched teeth as he struggles to maintain his composure. His hand itched to punch the arrogant grin from his smug face has he walks toward the reception desk.
                "Have a great day and thanks again Ryan." Jr calls after him. He watches Ryan walk toward the elevator at the same moment Rebeka come from her office wrapping her arms around his waist.
                  "Thank you darling." She says enjoying the comfort of JR's embrace.
                   " I was more than happy to do it." He says pulling her close as he feels the shiver go through her.
                   "Do you think he finally got the message." She asks looking up at him her eyes hopeful.
                   "Well I don't know how I could have made it any clearer. Now let's forget about him and you and I take a very long lunch?" Rebeka smiles feeling the lustful longing she felt when ever he was near.
                 "Why don't we do the long part and then do the lunch after?" She says kissing him hungrily. JR kisses her back matching her need with one of his own.
                 " I like the way you think Ms. Sherrigan let's go." He says smiling down at her.
                 Ryan looks back at the two as the elevator door closes his eyes locking on hers. Jr was wrong there was something there and JR wasn't going to stop him from finding out what it was.


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