Monday, July 4, 2016

Molly and Dani 07/04/2016


       Molly walks back into the house hoping to escape back up stairs without getting caught by whomever was rustling around and chatting in the kitchen but no such luck. She thought closing the door behind her and running straight into an older yet attractive blonde woman walking into the foyer. Molly braces herself putting on her best smile hoping to hide the tears stinging the back of her eyes.
           "Good morning." She says smiling politely trying to sniff back her tears.
            "Hi! I'm Molly Montgomery Dani's friend." She says towards the woman since she looked to be in charge as the man tips his cap and walks past her toward the door.
            "Good Morning" They say in unison.
           "I'll be back this afternoon with the part Ms. Lord and have you fixed right up." Vicky smiles and waves.
            "Thanks Dave," She says then turns to Molly extending her hand. "and I apologize good morning. I'm Victoria Lord Dani's Aunt." Molly smiles confused looking about the room at the sundry of children's toys piled to one corner then back to Vicky.
             "I thought Dani said her sister Star lived here?" Vicky smiles and nods.
             "She does I was just letting the plumber in to look at the kitchen sink for her." Molly nods remembering the larger house they'd passed on the way in last night. Vicky looks at Molly's wane face and startled expression. She seemed nervous to Vicky the way her eyes danced around the room she chalked that off to stranger in strange surroundings. But there was something else her demeanor reminded her of her sister Meredith at that age. The lost and sullen expression hidden behind her confident smile called to her like a siren's song.
              " Molly Montgomery you're not Jackson Montgomery's niece are you?" Molly's eyes brighten happy to be recognized for something other than her mother's assignations.
               "You know my Uncle?" Vicky smiles and shakes her head.
               "No, not really I interviewed him for an article I was writing last spring after that big trial he had and he mentioned you. He's an absolutely charming man. Tell him I said hello."
               "I will Molly smiles back her stomach giving a loud rumbling noise the wrap her arms around her midsection in embarrassment making Vicky chuckle.
              " If you like cook made scones this morning. I bought some over for you and Dani and a urn of coffee. I wasn't sure if Mr. Anderson would have to shut off the water." Molly smiles back at her the coffee sounding like the medicine she needed after last night and this morning.
              "That sounds wonderful! Thank you Mrs. Umm..." Her voice trailing off her mind still clouded by her conversation with her mother she had immediately forgotten her name as soon as she said it. Vickie looks on at her watching the emotions crossing her face intrigued by the rush of them and the picture they painted.
              " Victoria Lord but you can call me Vicky, here" She says patting the sofa cushion. "Why don't you have a seat and I'll bring you a cup" She smiles walking toward the kitchen.
              "Oh you don't have to do that ma'am I can get it myself " She says walking quickly to stand next to her. Vicky smiles pointing back towards the couch.
              "It's fine If you don't mind I was going to grab a cup for myself. It's rather exhausting walking all the way down here. That is if you don't mind me joining you?" Molly smiles shakes her head no,  she didn't mind and she didn't know why but for some reason Vicky made her feel comfortable and somehow safe. Something she hadn't realised she needed until this moment. But, then Barbara always had that effect on her she was like a tornado with no warning all of a sudden out of nowhere "Boom!" Everything was destroyed. Molly sits back down on the couch wiping the tops of her feet with her sleeve then drawing her leg up under her feeling suddenly cold. Besides what future journalist would turn down coffee with the editor of the "Banner".
            "Here you are!' Vicky says coming from behind her and handing her a mug and a napkin folded over a scone then sitting in the chair across from her.
             "Thank you" Molly says reaching for the mug and sipping it then wrapping her hands around the mug to warm them.
              "I didn't realize it was so chilly out. It looks so nice from the window." She says giving Vicky a nervous tentative smile. Vicky grins looking slightly confused.
               "What were you doing outside with just pajamas and flip-flops on this time of the morning?" Molly looks down at her dew speckled flip-flops and wipes them off with her sleeve.
                 "I had a call my mother and I didn't want to wake Dani." She says her brow drawing together once again as she looks down at her buzzing phone then squeezes her eyes shut and tries to shut out the memories. Vicky watches her aware that something was deeply concerning her.
                 "She's not ill I hope?" Molly shakes her head and sighs.
                 "No she fine we... umm we don't get along so sometimes it can get loud." Vicky remarks "oh" then sips her cup watching over the brim.
                  " Don't get me wrong she's my mom I lover her but after everything that..." Her voice trails off as she catches herself. " she doesn't understand that I just really need some space." Vicky nods as she sips her cup thinking about what Molly had just said before answering,
                 " Sometimes that very thing is the hardest for parents to do. I recall with both my girls doing just that was torture for me." Molly nods in agreement.
                " The difference is you gave it to them. For my Mom it's always about what she wants" Vicky thinks about her words a moment placing her cup down on the table.
                " Speaking from my own experience as a parent, we want so much for our children we forget they are their own person. We think we can still just rush in and pick you up and kiss away what's hurt you" Molly smiles then chuckles.
                "That must be nice but that is definitely not my Mom. She's more the kind to stand over you and growl whisper "Get Up!" with a big smile on her face." Vicky can't help but chuckles she'd seen those types over the years and now her question was answered she thought as Molly continues.
                "Me, my sister and brother we're all just props in my mother's life. Maybe props was a bad analogy more like a pet. She only remembers we're there when she's feeling bad and needs attention.  We all learned a long time ago it's Barbara's world we all just live in it." She says with a grimace holding up her ringing phone. Vicky see's the name "Barbara" flashing across the screen and sighs as she reaches for her cup.
                 "We've been sitting here what, five minutes and that's the second time she's called." Vicky shakes her head.
                  "Perhaps it's important." Vicky comments watching her reaction over the brim of her cup. Molly looks at her ringing phone letting the call go to voicemail.
                   " Trust me it's not as important as she thinks it is." She laughs biting into the scone then sipping from her cup. "Dani says you're the editor of the "Banner" what's that like?
                    "It can be very interesting and I've truly enjoyed it." Molly smiles biting into her scone then licking the crumb for the corner of her mouth.
                     "I bet you were one of those super sleuths going undercover to get the truth." Vicky laughs enjoying the imagery.
                     "Not quite but sometimes it could be very exciting. What about you? What do you plan on doing when you graduate?" Molly rolls her eyes and grins.
                      " I don't know I was a marine biology major before coming to Pine Valley but now I leaning towards Television Journalism." Vicky's eyes open wide with surprise.
                      " I haven't even told Dani yet but I'm so excited I can't keep this to myself any longer!" She says looking as if she would burst as she looks around the room as she leans in closer to Vicky.
                       "Between you and I went down to WRCW and applied for an intern job. I've had my fingers crossed ever since." Vicky's nods and smiles in approval. Her face looking hope ful for the first time since they'd sat down. She places her cup back down on the table.
                      "That's wonderful! I have a friend who just started working as a producer at WRCW. I could give him a call if you like." Molly eyes glisten with enthusiasm then her brow creases in thought before she shakes her head no.
                       "Thank you I really appreciate that but I want to do this one on my own." Vicky smiles in admiration.
                       " I understand completely I'll be cheering for you. In the meantime if you don't mind a little advice?" Molly looks back her smiling politely, her shoulders pulled back and ridged waiting for whatever useless maternal a pearl of wisdom yet another adult had for.
                      " I want you to focus on you and your goals. If you really want to be a journalist and I really think you do. Then don't let your mother or anyone else distract you from what you truly want or from your goal. I don't know your mother only from what you've said but try not to let her problems become your problems. You concentrate on your internship and learning everything you can." Molly smiles brightly nodding in agreement and appreciation. For the first time in a long time an adult had given her some actual useful advice instead of the placating "pat on the back" type she was used to getting.                      
                     "Thank so much  Ms. Lord. You don't know how much that really means to me." Vicky smiles as she stands smoothing down the wrinkles in her skirt.
                       "Well I guess I'd better walk back up. You girls should have water for another couple of hours but if you don't mind another bit of advice I'd take a shower now Mr. Anderson has a tendency to be over zealous." She says with a wink as she walks to the door Molly trailing behind her.
                     "I'll go up and let Dani know." Vicky turns back towards her she liked this young woman something about her reminded her so much of Meredith at that age.
                     "It was wonderful meeting you." Vicky says turning back and shaking Molly's hand. Molly takes her hand in hers and shakes it. She'd taken an instant liking to Dani's aunt and had enjoyed their chat.
                     " It was really wonderful meeting you Ms. Lord. I really enjoyed talking to you." Vicky smiles back
                     "Vicky, and I enjoyed it as well." She says as Molly reaches for the door handle and holds it open.                    
                     "I will, and thanks again Vicky you've helped me more than you know she says reaching out and giving Vicky a quick shy hug." Vicky smile recognizing the loneliness and confusion hiding behind her confident smile and feeling and odd comradery between them.
                     " You can come back anytime and it doesn't have to be with Dani. I hope I'll see you soon." She says turning and walking up the path back to her home.
                     " Thanks Vicky" She says closing the door behind her and locking it. She looks down ignoring her mother's ring and head up the steps chanting to herself"
                     "Focus on the goal don't let Barbara's issues distract you."  


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