Friday, July 8, 2016

Cassandra 07/08/2016


          Cassandra sits in the booth waiting for her mother and Jesse. As if she needed another mealtime lecture! When she left here she could look forward to another one from Rego's father. Who was suspicious of her every action and word! All this on top of the fact that Rego had rendered her plan utterly useless! Even if she got the DNA test done with the pacifier she'd stolen it was useless if they did the test now! There was no way she'd be able to switch the results now. What the hell was she going to do? What she really needed was sometime to think and work out a plan. She glances around the restaurant looking for her parents. What was keeping them? She glances over to the service counter giving the once over of the smattering of seated on the stools till she comes to a familiar face.
         Joe Dumas in what looked like hospital scrubs. She'd forgotten Maurice's son was a med student at PVU. That was something she could use and he owed her a big favor after the mess he and his sister had gotten into. Gigi, she hadn't thought about her in a long time. Fun loving, party girl Gigi! The only thing that exceeded her lust for life was her lust for blow. That's where she had to give little brother credited. He was smart enough not to get high on his own supply. She couldn't blame her though everyone needed an escape window when they were involved with Devereaux. She just wished she hadn't jumped out. She'd never forget finding her half dead sprawled across her bed. If she had been a few minutes later Gigi would have slept the peaceful sleep of the dead. Instead now she languished in a rest home trapped between life and death.
          She didn't want to think about that right now what she needed was to deal with the matter at hand. She stands walking over to the service counter just as Joe finishes paying and turns to leave bumping into Cassandra in the processes.
           " Oh excuse me." he says his eyes widening in delight when he sees Cassandra.
           " Mon Dieu! Comment allez-vous" He smiles leaning in and kissing both cheeks.
           "Tres bien et vous?" She replies both switching to French and receiving some curious looks from bystanders.
            " Good can't complain. You know, school work and my other job," He says with a roll of his eyes.  "keep me busy." Cassandra looks him up and down and smiles slyly.
           "I'm sure your other job pays a lot more than being an orderly." Joe laughs.
           "Nothing pays as well as that but being a lab tech doesn't pay too bad. I also opens up all kinds of new venues if you know what I mean?" He says with a laugh. Cassandra nods in agreement knowing exactly what he meant.    
           "Yeah, but I may not be able to bail you out from this one." She warns also reminding him of the debt he owed him. Joe looks at her the smile disappearing from his face.
           " I knew this was just a friendly chat what do you want?" Cassandra grins like the cat that swallowed the canary. Lab tech absolutely perfect! This was working out better than she had expected.
           "I may have a way for you to pay me back that will bring your account to free and clear and it won't cost you a cent." Joe eyes it suspiciously one brow raised.
           "What do you want me to do?" Cassandra laughs turning her head toward the door and seeing her parents coming into the parking lot.
            " I'm going to need you lab expertise not now I'll have to call you later give me your number." She says handing him her phone. He grabs it typing the numbers into the phone and handing it back to her.
          "Here he says handing her back the phone as Cassandra reaches in her purse and hands him the plastic bag.
           " What's this?" He says looking at it quickly then stuffing it in his scrub pocket. Cassandra looks around again then lowers her voice.
           "I need you to test it." She whispers. Joe looks at her confused before whispering back.
           "Test it for what?" He smirks. Cassandra rolls her eyes losing patients.
           " I'm going to bring you another sample and I want you to run a DNA test for me." Joe's face scrunches his face in distaste.
           "What the hell for?" Cassandra's lips purse in anger her voice coming out  an evil hiss.
           "Look I didn't play twenty questions with you and your sister when you needed my help." Joe's grins back at her his voice low and dangerous.
           "See how well that turned out." Cassandra leans in closer her tone just above a whisper.
           "I didn't see you complaining at the time. Look! I just need you to do this one thing and I won't ask you to do another thing for me again okay?" Joe eyes her suspiciously knowing there was more to it a lot more she wasn't telling him. She used to be Devereaux's woman and from what his father said she was nothing but trouble. Whatever she was up to it may help him to help her. Who know maybe it would go a long way in fixing his own problems with her ex.
          "Okay I'll do it you call me when you have the other sample." Cassandra's mood brightens and just in time. She thought spotting her parents coming through the door.
          "Thanks Joe I'll call you as soon as I have what we need." Joe nods in agreement.
          " Okay I'll see you" He says kissing her cheeks quickly and walking away from her just as Jesse and Angie come towards them. He also knew who her stepfather was and he prefered to stay off his radar.
          "Hi Mom, " She says turning towards her and kissing her cheek.
          "Jesse" she says dismissively.
          "Cassandra." He replies back in the same dry tone looking over his shoulder watching Joe push the door open and walk out into the afternoon sidewalk traffic.
          "Who's your friend?" Cassandra smiles sweetly.
          " That's Joe he's Devereaux driver's son. Do you guys want to sit down I'm starved." She says walking away from them and leading them to the booth she'd found earlier.
        Joe walks a few paces till he was well away from the building before reaching for his phone.
        "Bonjour Monsieur. Joe Dumas, Maurice's son. Good sir. I think I have some information you may find very interesting. It concerns Mademoiselle Cassandra. " He says a sly grin spreading across his face.
         "Sure I can be there in fifteen minutes."


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