Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Adam and Lola 07/06/2016


            Adam looks across the table from his luncheon partner wishing he had , had more time to finish reading the report from his investigator and not just the summary page. What he had read had been intriguing and some of it scary but he hadn't gotten to the meat of it. He was still more than curious when he saw the mention of Devereaux St. Jacque and had been ever since "Chandler" had lost it's bid. Something Colby had more than hinted at during the function last evening. Something that hadn't slipped past him and it definitely hadn't slipped past his daughter. Even with everything that had happened between them she still looked out for the old man he thought with pride. Still there was something intriguing about this woman.
           "What are you thinking about?" Lola asks beginning to feel mildly uncomfortable under his lingering stare and leering grin. Adam chuckles leaning in closer his elbow on the table his palm resting against his cheek smiling devilishly.
            "You." He replies enjoying the blush covering her cheeks.
            "What about me?" She asks waiting patiently for his response hoping to gather the composure she'd had earlier his continued leering stare making it almost impossible. Once again she found herself alone with Adam Chandler. What was it about him that caused her to have a plethora of wanton thoughts when ever he was near? He made her feel like a fourteen year old on their first date. What was it about him that made her feel vulnerable and defenseless? Why did she have to grasp her hand to keep from touching him and fight the overwhelming urge to kiss him. Adam mentally checks off another strategy on his list he had her exactly where he wanted her.
             "I was thinking how beautiful you would look lying on a beach in Saint Troupe. With one of those big floppy hats." Remembering the photo the detective had slipped in his folder. Lola chuckles.
            "Funny you should say that. When I lived in France I had one of those. A big red one." She laughs dabbing at the corner of her mouth with her napkin as the waiter pulls the plate away. Adam's eyes brighten in mock shock.
            "Lucky guess. When did you live in Frances? Was it a part of your medical training?" Lola shift uncomfortably in her chair how had they gotten here? The last thing she wanted to talk about was her time in France and she had initiated it!
             " I took some time off from medicine a few years back." She shrugged and half lied blotting out some of the memories of her time spent in France hoping she sounded casual and nonchalant. Adam nods his head feigning interest he was more interested in what she wasn't saying.
             " How long did you live there?" He asks turning toward the dessert cart offering it first to Lola who shakes her head "no" then points to his selection to the waiter. He needed a little more time.
             " About three years actually." She says fingering her cup nervously.
             " That quite a long leave." He says leaning back in his seat as the waiter places the plate in front of him then fills his coffee cup. He had her where he wanted her she was squirming. She was either at the point where she would tell him the truth or weave a lie and he'd know which one it was. She could try to avoid the topic but it would be difficult now either way he'd have an answer if nothing else he could gage her reaction. Lola looks up at him debating whether to tell him the truth or lie. The lie would be complicated and involved and with his money easy to disprove. She could give him the general idea without going into too much detail.
              " Adam I..." She starts then looks up surprised as Devereaux's smooth voice cuts in.
              " Good afternoon Adam, Dr. Colgate." Adam looks up at him ignoring his facetious grin as he dabs at the corners of his mouth before speaking.
              " Nice seeing you again Devereaux. Oh and I hear congratulations are in order for "Cambius". Adam says as he stands offering Devereaux his proffered hand. Devereaux grin broadens as he takes Adam's hand and shakes it firmly as he speaks. His tone slightly triumphant.
              "I'm just glad to see there are no hard feelings" Adam flashes a gracious smile shaking his head.
              "Not in the least. I admire a shrewd piece of business." Lola watches the banter between the two if there was room, she was sure they would have been strutting! If she stood up and left she wasn't sure if either would notice. Then, looking at Adam he would notice his eyes had barely left her. He seemed to be waiting for her to have some kind of reaction. Well not today.
              " If you'll both excuse me a moment." She says starting to stand as Adam rushes to her chair. Devereaux cock one eyebrow. his curiosity peaked but now wasn't the time he had other business to attend to.
            "I'm terribly sorry Lola, I didn't mean to interrupt your lunch I only wanted to say "Hello"." Adams ears perk up at Devereaux's casual use of Lola's name.
            " Oh, you two know each other?" What ever game she was up to with Adam Chandler was hers to play besides he may be able to use that relationship in the future. But, alas he'd given his word he wouldn't ask anymore of her and if nothing else he was a man of his word. Plus he liked Lola she had always been useful and loyal a rare thing these days. Devereaux takes a quick glance at Lola who eyes plead with him momentarily before focusing back on Adam. Perhaps there was something he could do for her.
            "Yes, Dr, Colgate and I are acquaintances. Lola worked for with a children's cancer charity in France. We met at the event held at Ivan Dupont's Estate was it?" Lola eyes brighten flashing him a thank you with her smile.
            " Yes it was." She replies some of the tension gone from her tight smile. Adam looks from one to the other only half believing their story but it would do for now and would give him something to work with in the future.
             "Lola was just telling me about her time in France." Adam slips in smoothly. Now more than ever he wanted to read the full report.
              " It was time very well spent. As I said I just stopped to say "hello" I do have another engagement. Both of you please have a good day."
               "Good seeing you again." Lola nods smiling pleasantly looking a good deal more relaxed than when he had arrived.
               "Dr. Colgate always a pleasure. Adam."
               "I'm sure I'll be seeing you soon." Adam says with a nod.
               "Good afternoon." Devereaux says bowing slightly at the waist then walking toward the exist. Adam watches him a moment then turns back to Lola.
               " Please, stay a while longer. I would love to hear more about your work." Lola smiles deciding now would be the best time to make her retreat. She needed time to think. Adam wouldn't be satisfied with that little ruse they had just played he'd want more. She needed time to put all the pieces of her past together in away that didn't make her look like a drunken psycho or industrial spy.
               "I really should be getting back to the hospital." Adam smiles taking her hand in his.
               " It was a lovely afternoon perhaps you and I can get together later for a late supper?" Lola smiles and shakes her head.
               " Not this evening I have an early shift tomorrow but why don't you come to my house tomorrow night for dinner."  She smiles up at him looking hopeful. Twenty four hours should be enough time to make her life presentable and oddly thanks to Devereaux she had a place to start.
               " That sounds lovely. I'll see you then." He says leaning down and kissing her cheek.
               "I'll see you then.' She pulls away smiling as she walks toward the exist. Adam watches her leave smiling to himself. Tomorrow would be perfect it would give him time to thoroughly go through her file and the best way to use the information he found. But it was more than that he thought. She had an aloof vulnerable sexy quality about her that he found hypnotically alluring.  Making him feel drawn to her and leaving him with an almost insatiable desire to have her            


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