Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Francessca and Preston 07/05/2016


             Francessca walks in the the front door carrying her son who is gurgling and smiling after his nap in the car. She smiles down at him as she lifts him from the carrier.
             "I see someone took some bad advice didn't they?" She coos and receives a giggle from her son. 
              "You were supposed to scream on the way home like you normally do. I don't know if I want you hanging out with Rego." She says with a laugh and a gurgle and squeal from her son as she walks to the refrigerator and takes out the casserole pan and places it on the stove top.
             "I better get the baked ziti in the oven and make a salad. Ooo, I'll text Daddy and ask him to pick up a bottle of wine on his way home. " She says walking to the oven and turning it on. She walks  slowly back into the living room texting Jamie as she walks then sticking her phone back in her pocket. She turns the computer on as she passes the desk and then reaches for her purse pulling out her camera and and placing it on the desktop.
             "Want to help Mommy work on some photo's? Yeah sure you do you love this stuff." She says pulling out the chair and sitting down. She pulls the card from the camera and places in into the drive then clicks through the setting till they come up on the screen.
             " Oooo, look Logan these came out nice. Look at you!" She smiles looking at the photo remembering the sweetness of the moment.
             "What do you say we make a print of this one for Rego? What do you think?" she says holding him up to face the screen then clicking through the photos.
             "What do you say this one or this one? She says clicking between the two stopping on the one when he giggled.
             "Yeah I like that one too." She says kissing the top of his head then standing and placing him back in his baby-carrier and latching him in then carrying him to the kitchen and latching him into the high chair.
             " Okay you sit there while mommy sticks this in the oven, thank you." She says walking to the the oven and sliding the pan inside and closing the oven door.
             "Where's Nonnie's heart?" Sophia coos as she comes through the door walking straight to the kitchen and Logan's high chair picking him up and kissing him. Francessca smiles turning to her grandmother.
             "Wow, I don't even get a hello any more." Sophia laughs leaning in and kissing her cheek.
             "Hi beautiful how was your day? Did you get your work done?"
             " It was great and yes I did. How was yours?" She says walking to the fridge taking out the lettuce and breaking pieces off into a bowl.
             "Opal's salon is beautiful! What do you think of my hair?" She asks turning her head from side to side. Francessca looks up from her work and smiles.
             "Looks really pretty and I love the color on your nails." Sophia looks down at them and shrugs.
             " Ehh I was a little iffy about them." She says holding her hand out and admiring them.                        " But, now I know why you like it here. It's a lovely little town and the people have a way of making you feel as if they've known you forever! I was sitting next to this woman getting a pedicure and she gave me a recipe for a strawberry rhubarb pie."
              " Wow, so when are you going to make us one?" Francessca teases. Sophia laughs adjusting her great grandson in her arms.
              " One of these days. Hey maybe I'll make it for the fourth of July picnic with the Martin clan. Marrone, and I thought italians had huge families." She says laying her hand against her cheek and shaking her head.
               "God bless!" She says with a laugh as she stands placing Logan in his baby carrier.
               "Okay Mr. Man you and I better get going!" Francessca stops cutting the cucumber mid motion and looking up at her grandmother a devilish grin playing on her lips.
                " Where are you kidnapping my son off to this time" Sophia chuckles as she picks up the carrier 
                 "He and I have a date with a bathtub a bottle and a story. Then we're going to have a sleepover!" Francessca smiles and continues her work placing the pieces of cucumber in the bowl.
                "Oh when did this happen I thought you were just sitting for the evening?" She asks wrapping plastic over the bowl and placing it in the refrigerator.
                " I thought I'd give you two the night off besides your parents and I have an entire evening planned. You enjoy an evening with your friends it's been awhile." Francessca shuffles towards her arms outstretched and hugs her tight and kisses her cheek with a resounding "smack".
                 "Thanks Nonnie! You're the best!" Sophia hugs her back giving her a little squeeze before letting her go.
                  "Are you kidding? I didn't do this for you I did it for me! You should hear the excuse I have to take him the next time" Francessca laughs as she leans down at peers at her son.
                   "I'll come see you in a little while sweetpea your Aunt Natalia is going to want see you."
                   'Hey! I'm here!" Natalia shouts as she comes into the kitchen bags in hand and places them on the table.
                    "Okay o'lady where are you taking my Godson?" She says with a laugh turning towards Sophia and hugging her then reaching for Logan.
                    "Hi handsome! You get bigger every time I see you! Yeah you do!" She says tickling the bottom of his foot making him giggle.
                     "Okay sweethearts we're going to go say our goodbyes you and I have a date with Pat and Vanna. say goodbye to Mommy and Aunt Natalia." She says turning the baby carrier towards them and waving with her free hand to the both of them.
                      " See you in a little while lamb chop." Francessca says blowing him a kiss and waving Natalia following suit then turning toward the table and unpacking the bags and placing items in the refrigerator.
                       "So I picked up two loaves of bread, I got a black forest cake from The little bakery on seventh Jaime likes and I got two bottles of wine one white one red because I knew you'd forget!" Natalia says placing the bottles into the refrigerator. What time are Chase and Erin getting here?" She says turning back toward Francessca who pulls the knife from the the pan and checks it before closing the oven door.                        
                     "They should be here in about a half hour and you know Preston is coming too right?" Francessca says eyeing Natalia through the hood of her lashes as she closes the oven door.
                     " Why would Preston be a problem?" Francessca lays the knife on the stove top giving her a moment to form her words.
                     "I just thought since the two of haven't spoken since you broke up it might be a little uncomfortable for you." Natalia mouth twist to the side in thought. She would never admit it to Cess or anyone but a part of her was excited to see him especially after their breakup. She wanted him to see she'd moved on and created a new life for herself. she was proud of what she'd accomplished and where she was heading and mostly prove to him he hadn't broken her. 
                      "I'm sorry I have to do this." She remembered him saying as the tears streamed down her cheeks.
                     "Let me make sure I understand this. Last night you had a stroke of genius and that's it? We're just done?" She looks up at him his heart giving a lurch at the amount of pain in her expression despite the coldness in her voice.
                    "Please, Talia this is my dream! You know it it is! I've been working on this almost every waking minute for years! It all just came together for me last night. Look!" He tosses down his backpack pulling his notebook from it and flipping it open.
                     "This, is going to revolutionize the industry! I talked to Chase and we three -wayed with his cousin Well last night. They both known people who are big in the computer industry. I'm talking really big! He's showing it to them as soon as I can finish the model." She looked from the notebook to him the pain on her face replaced by one of pure disgust and loathing. This? she was being thrown away the future they'd planned together gone for a piece of computer whatever! 
                      " I get it I'm not a part of the "Revolution"." Her voice cold with resolve.
                       "No, it's not like that this is going to take up every minute of my time and it's not fair to..."
                     " Ask me to wait?"  She says cutting him off before he can finish the sentence. 
                      "See that's the problem right there. You never bothered to ask me. Go, change the world." She said then turned and left refusing to look back. She wouldn't have seen him if she had she'd been too blinded by her own tears. She'd forced herself to walk at even pace and not run as she'd wanted too. That would have let him know how badly he'd hurt her she couldn't, wouldn't give him that. Besides she could hardly manage that much her heart had been too broken by his not asking her to be a part of  his "revolution" she could barely breath.  
                     "So is Brot meeting you here?" Francessca says pulling down the dishes from the cabinet as Natalia pulls silverware from the drawer following Francessca to the dining room.
                     "It's going to be great to see them I haven't seen either one of them since the wedding and Chase I haven't spoken to in months." Francessca grins laying the plate on the the table as Natalia follows placing the sliver along the settings as they chat.
                      "From what Erin says their going to be here for awhile." Francessa says stopping to walk back to the kitchen and pulling down glasses from the cabinet then napkins from the drawer before Walking back to the dining room. She places them down at the tables edge then looks at her watch.

              " Do you think you could keep an eye on this while I jump in the shower please?" Talia picks up the glasses and places them at the settings. 
               "Yeah, go ahead I got this." 
                "Thanks Hon! I'll be right down." Francessca says scooting up the steps.
                "Take your time it's not like I don't know them." She laughs going back into the kitchen for the wine glasses and finishing placing them when the doorbell rings. She walks to the door checking herself quickly in the mirror. She should have known Chase and Erin were always early for everything.
                " I am so glad I got here early!" She says with a laugh as she swings the door open her eyes widening with shock.
                "So am I." Preston says smoothly cutting off any reply she had. 


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