Monday, October 24, 2016

Devereaux, Cassandra and Joe 10/24/2016

              Devereaux looks up from his computer as Maurice knocks then opens the door his face more dowry than usual.
             "Excuse me sir. My Joseph is here he says he has an appointment to see you?" His voice sounding more questioning than the statement it should have been Devereaux notes.
              " Thank you, yes he does you can show him in." He says rising from the desk and straightening his jacket. This had better be worth the interruption and made up in some way for his actions in New York. He thought as he came through the door looking cocky and smug well, at least for the moment.
                "Bonjour Monsieur comment allez vous? Vous êtes à la recherche bien." He says coming in the door kissing Devereaux on one cheek and then the other. Devereaux smile holding him at arm's length and giving him the once over.
                  "Tres bien merci. How can I help you?" Devereaux says cutting straight to the point noticing Maurice had not made his usual silent exist. Joseph follows his line of vision.
                  " I'm doing well, liking school loving my internship at the hospital." Devereaux smiles understanding perfectly.
                  "That's absolutely wonderful I'm very happy for you. But how can I help you ?" Joe straightens turning his back to his father and looking pointedly at Devereaux.
                   "I heard this morning that the board is adding a new research wing and I hear there are going to be twelve openings with the expansion of the Genetics Research Lab I was wondering if you could tell me when they are posting and what they may be looking for?" Devereaux smiles and nods.
                    "Good for you my boy! I have a special place for someone like yourself  initiative, ambition and drive  all very admirable qualities.  I can certainly spare a few moments. Maurice would you be so kind as to get us some pain et chocolat?" He looks to Joe questioningly the later nodding in agreement. That should give them both enough time to talk without his father's lurking. Maurice nods happy that his chat with his son had shown to be productive. He smiles approvingly to his son then exist humming happily to himself. Devereaux waits a moment then lowers his voice pulling Joe towards the widow then opening it.
                     "Okay he's gone now what is it you really want?" his voice low and deadly. His ego still bruised by his previous blunder. Joe swallows hard knowing by the scowl on his face and the lilt of his voice he was treading on very soft ice.
                      " I ran into Cassandra this morning and she gave me this." He says pulling the wrapped pacifier from his backpack and showing it to him. Devereaux examines it a moment his expression puzzled his thoughts whirling.
                     "What exactly are you supposed to do with that?"  He says handing it back to him the later zipping in back inside his backpack. By the look on Devereaux's face he was interested. Very interested. Joe thought barely containing his glee. He wipes the grin from his face before turning back replacing it with the blank business expression from before.
                      "She asked me to hold on to it until she gave me the other sample so I could do a DNA test for her." Devereaux sits down on the edge of the desk his mind racing then begins to chuckle knowing exactly what she was up to. Joe looks at him confused recognizing his demonic laugh for what it was and not knowing what he should do or what he had done. Either he or Cassandra were going to be the object of his rage he just hoped he hadn't made himself the target by coming to him.
                      "Let me know when you get the other sample see if you can find out who the two samples are from. Then I want you to do exactly what she asked you to do and make sure I get a copy. If she comes to you with anything else I want you to come to me before doing it understand?" Joe smiles sighing inwardly that he was out of those particular cross hairs.
                     "Yes sir I will" Devereaux smiles to himself as a plan begins to form in head perhaps it would behoove him to use his influence to help this young man get exactly what his previous lie had requested.
                      "You know young Joseph I may have a use for you. Are your grades good?" He asks his cold gaze piercing through Joe making the hairs on the back of his neck tingle. Joe takes a silent inhale of breath to steady his raging heart his voice sounding surprisingly steady in his ears.
                      "They are outstanding Dean's list sir." The light in Devereaux eyes begins to sparkle as he murmurs to himself.
                   "and with you're working in the hospital lab now that gives you the experience some of the other applicants don't have. " He says as Maurice comes back into the room. His tray laden with a steaming pot of chocolate and some thinly sliced pieces of french bread placing it on the corner of the desktop.
                      " Let me speak with my friends on the board and review your transcripts. I may be able to use my influence. There could just be a place among those twelve for you young man." He says clapping him on the back smiling happily at Maurice who smiles back proudly.
                      " Thank you so much sir I promise you , you don't know how happy you've made me." He says reaching for his hand and shaking it profusely as his father looks on smiling proudly.

Scene Shift: Angie waits patiently for the waiter to take the last of their order. She sat patiently listening to Cassandra prattling for the past hour but still hadn't said anything pertinent to what had happened to her why she'd left Devereaux or how she'd end up married to Rego. She looked over at Jesse whose expression remained neutral and opinions mostly silent. For that she was glad. He'd promised to be to be her ears and eyes during this meeting so he could maybe catch all those small things her emotions might not allow her to. Which was the best idea she'd had because her patients had run thin and it was time to let her anger take over.
             "Okay, I think I have heard quiet enough! Jesse and I have been here for over an hour and we've listened to you prattle on about everything under the sun except the actual reason you invited us here! Now, you have wasted more than enough of our time lets get to it."
               "Please." Jesse says nodding in agreement as he wipes his mouth on the napkin. He looks over at Cassandra who stares back at her mockingly then silently pledges to put an end to her circular conversation. He crosses his arms over his chest his mouth twisted in a grim frown his expression doubtful.  Cassandra looks from her mother to Jesse knowing she couldn't avoid the topic of Rego and Devereaux any longer. She'd come up with her cover story last night this had just given her the opportunity to tighten it before presenting to Brooke and Oliver.
                "There really isn't much too tell after everything that happened Rego and I finally realized that the two of us were meant to be."
                 So that's the story you're going with?" Jesse says with a snort and shake of his head then receives a reproachful glare from both his wife and daughter.
                 "That's all you have to say?" Angie asked annoyance tinging her voice. Was she ever going to get an answer from her. Was life with her daughter ever going to stop being a perpetually game of cat and mouse. She thought as Cassandra rolled her eyes to the ceiling her tone dismissive.
                  "What more do you want me to say mother?" Angie looks back at her eyes wide her mouth twisted in disgust.
                   "I want you to tell me why one moment you're living with Devereaux St. Jacques  and the next you're married to Rego Sherrigan,, telling us you're pregnant with his child and you think we shouldn't have question. And if  you think you shouldn't have answers to them you've lost your dam mind! I want answers Cassandra and I want it now!" She finishes her frustrations beginning to shows as she rubs absently at the twinge of pain creeping through her arm. Jesse watches Angie's mouth twist slightly as the frown etches her face. Jesse reaches out grasping her hand and holding it gently in his."
              "Alright I've tried to stay out of this and keep my mouth shut and let your mother handle this but I have have had enough of you and your BS so I'm going to  tell you what we know and the conclusion we've come to and you just let us know if  we're right or not okay?" Cassandra stares at at him her anger making her eyes glisten as she starts to speak the heat of both Angie and Jesse's glare snaps Cassandra's mouth shut before she starts.
                "You had a falling out with Mr. St. Jacques from what your Mom and I saw and heard you have been messing around with Rego Sherrigan and duping your live in boyfriend at his expense. I'd say he didn't appreciate that too much by that bruise you're trying to hide on your cheek. He probably let the door hit you on the way out. For the first time you were truly scared because the game you were playing was collapsing around you and the man you were using turned dangerous. So you decided to play your last card or you were scared to death or a combination of both and you ran to Rego with your tale. You convinced him you were in mortal danger and afraid for the baby you're carrying. So to protect you and what could possibly be his child he married you. He then moved you into his parents estate to protect his child. But, only till the child is born or he can prove that the child is his which ever comes first. In the mean time you're going to figure out a way to hold on to Rego and that nice Sherrigan money even if you have to use the baby you're carrying to do it? Have we missed anything?" Jesse finishes giving Angie's hand a reassuring squeeze. Cassandra's eyes widen as she flops back in her seat the look of surprise then shock lastly guilt spread over her face.
              "By the look on your face we'ev come to the correct conclusion." Angie's anger and exasperation bursting through in a torrent.
               "Good Lord Cassandra who are you?  I don't even recognize you any more. You lie you cheat you manipulate people all for what? What is it that you want? What exactly is this all for?"  Cassandra stares at both of them unable to speak her knee bouncing nervously under the table. They had put it all together and had most of the pieces. Should she just give them the rest of the answers or...but it was too late Jesse was already spilling the the rest of it before she could put her thoughts in motion.
              "Oh honey let me explain what's been going on since day one." Jesse says as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a folded sheaf of paper and unfolds it as he hands it to Angie.
               "You see I have a some friends who have friends in some high and low places. According to them Ms. Foster here stole some money from Mr. Devereaux a lot of money about four days before she booked a flight to Pine Valley. She's was running when she left France and has been running ever since." Angie looks down at the report then back to Cassandra shaking her head as comprehension, disappointment and  hurt etch her expression then hands it to Cassandra.
                 " So all this time the so called "coming home" to be with your family was just another part of your plan. Are we all just pieces in your game? When do you know when you've won when you've pushed everyone that loves you away?" Cassandra see the hurt and pain in her mother's eyes and for the first time in a long time felt the pain she was causing her. She wanted desperately to tell them everything that had happened since the first boulder that had dropped on her life to the last ripple that had swelled out from it. No matter how much she wanted to she still couldn't.
                " You don't understand what I've been through. Do you even know what kind of man Devereaux St. Jacques is? He is nothing like anyone thinks!" Angie heart skips a beat at the fear in her daughter's eyes and the venom in her voice.
                "If this man is such a monster and so dangerous why won't you let us help you?" Angie begs reaching out for Cassandra's hand the later drawing it back from her.
                "You can't help me! The only person who can keep me and our baby safe is my husband! And, whether you want to believe it or not Rego and I are in love! I knew neither of you would be happy for us or even try to understand." She screams as she rises then storms off from the table leaving Angie more angry and confused than before.

   Takes Pine Valley Chronicles Cassandra, Devereaux and Joe        


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