Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Molly, Jack and Barbara 10/26/2016


             Molly glances down at her new badge fingering the front of it nervously with her fingers then reaches for her portfolio flipping through it quickly making sure everything was still in order. She feels her phone buzzing in her pocket and ignores it. She didn't want anyone or anything ruining the high she had. She smiled to herself she'd been ready for the meeting and when she left the interview the internship was hers! She had gotten there early and had been able to easily sum up her competition and they weren't any. The best part was she'd done it all herself. She'd followed everything Vicky Lord had told her and now she was the new production intern working directly with Corban James! She smiles to herself as she walks to the front door.
          "Uncle Jack!" She calls out closing the door behind her and placing her portfolio on the the coffee table. "Uncle Jack are you here?" She calls again looking around the living room as Jack comes through the Patio door.
            "Hey! Sweetheart what's going on?" He smiles as Molly practically jumps into his arms.
             "I did it Uncle Jack!" She squeals then pulls away from him and reaches for her purse pulling out her WRCW badge giggling as she waves it in front of him.  "I applied for the internship at WRCW and I got it!" Jack eyes open wide as he grasps her in his arms and holds her close. 
             "That's wonderful honey! I didn't know you were even thinking of applying." He says kissing the top of her head as he lets go. Molly grins back at him proudly pulling away from Jack and sits down on the sofa patting the sofa cushion next to her.  "I didn't tell anyone. I didn't want to jinx it and I didn't want anyone's help. I wanted to do it all on my own." Jack smiles back at her enjoying the happy confident Molly he'd gotten to know again over the past few days. 
            "I can't tell you how very proud of you I am." He reaches over brushing the hair from her face and pats her cheek making her blush shyly. 
            "Thank you Uncle Jack I couldn't have done any of it without you." 
             "I didn't do anything." He says feeling a little burst of pride. Molly shakes her head contradicting his assertion.
             "No Uncle Jack you did a lot more than you'll ever know. You let me move in with you and you never asked why. You trusted and believed in me when no one else did. You put up with my craziness and you never gave up on me. You made me feel more loved and wanted than I have in a really long time when I really needed it. I won't ever forget that. Thank you Uncle Jack."  she says hugging him close and kissing his cheek. 
            "Sweetheart it's my pleasure.This is your home and I love having you here." He says giving her a another quick hug. "Tell me about your night and your new job did you and Dani have a nice time?"  Molly smiles less brilliantly thinking over some of her actions from last evening then shaking off the momentary melancholy before continuing. 
           "We had a great time! Her step-mom's club is really cool. We stayed on her Aunt Vicky's estate Llanview I think? She said to say hello." Jack raises his brow then thinks a moment.
         "You mean Victoria Lord the editor of the banner?" He says with a nod. "She interviewed me for her paper after a case I worked on last year. Lovely woman." 
          "I thought so too, a little different than I thought she'd be. I never thought I would ever meet her she and Brooke English are like my heroes!  Anyway, I met her this morning and we talked for a little while she was really cool. I really enjoyed it. Then Dani and I got up we came back here and she dropped me off I drove to the station. Where I walked in summed up my competition found them unworthy and took home the prize! Oh and Mr. James is so cool a lot more laid back than I thought he would be and Mr. Blackwood was pleasant enough I guess he was kind of mysterious yet bigger than life at the same time. I think I'm going to really enjoy it" She giggles still talking a mile a minute looking happier than she had since she arrived. He wasn't sure what had caused the change in his niece but he was happy for it. Things needed to go her way for a change. 
          "I was just out back starting the grill. Reggie and Lilly are coming by for dinner. Oh and I asked Tea and Dani to stop by." Molly grins mischievously.               
          "So you and Ms. Del Gado huh?" Molly teases enjoying the slight blush in her Uncles cheeks. Liking the idea of the pairing more and more. Way better than anything he ever had going with Erica.             
            " Nothing is going on. We've been friends for a long time and it's nice having someone to talk to that I don't have to "Google" every other word." He says making them both laugh.
 " I have everything ready. They should be here any minute why don't you go up and get changed." Molly nods in agreement picking up her things from the table and heading for the stairs. 
            "I'll be right down! I can't wait to tell them! Don't start without me!" She calls from the top of the stairs before slamming into her bedroom making Jack chuckle.
          I wouldn't dream of it!" He says walking toward the front door as Reggie and Lily come through.  
         "Hey Dad!" They say almost in unison. "Where do you want me to put the rest of this stuff?" Reggie asks shifting the tray in his arm to the other hand.
           "Just place it on the counter for now." He says waving toward the kitchen while Lily pushes the door closed then stops and leaves it ajar. 
           " I think that's Ms. Del Gado's car that pulled in behind us" Jack leans out the the door holding the door open for them. 
           "Thanks honey you can put those buns out on the picnic table." 
         "Sure" Lily nods then smiles as Molly comes up beside her and the two walk out to the patio both liking the spark of excitement in Jack's eye as he waits for Tea to get to the door.  
           "Dad seems extra happy tonight don't you think so?" Reggie nods in agreement winking at Molly as they all watch his father through the glass door welcoming Tea and her family. "Yeah, and I can guess why." He smirks as Jack leads Tea and her family out on to the patio almost bursting with excitement. 
           "Heyyyy!" Molly yelps embracing her friend then greeting Tea and Victor. "Hi Ms. Delgado. Hi Victor!" 
          "Tea, Dani I think you already met my daughter Lily and my son Reggie?" 
           "Yes we have, wonderful to see you again." Tea says nodding to both of them.
           "Thanks for coming!" Lily says offering Tea a seat.
           "Would you like something to drink? Soda iced tea?" Reggie asks looking from tea to Dani.
           "Iced tea would be great" Tea says then looks toward Dani.
           "I'll have the same thank you." Dani says taking the seat next to her mother. Jack watches from the grill as the two families talk and laugh amiably enjoying each others company as the glow of the sunset lights the backyard giving the scene a warm family feeling something he could get used to he thought as he stacked hamburgers on the platter and walks to the table.
      He'd really enjoyed the evening he thought some time later smiling to himself as he finishes scrapping the the grill top then closes the lid. Tea's family and his really hit it off they had all spent the evening laughing and talking getting to know each other. They'd all relaxed and just enjoyed the evening and each others company. One of the most pleasant he'd spent in a long time. He picks up his glass and walks toward the table. 
          "Does everyone have a glass  because I have somethings to say." He says raising his glass and turning toward Molly.  "First I would like to congratulate my son on his acceptance to law school. I'm going to really miss having you just pop in at just the right time." Reggie laugh's.  
         "Don't worry Dad you can't get rid of me that easily. Boston's not that far!" He says with a laugh.
         "A lot further than I would like." He says with a laugh. "And Lily who will be taking off to New York City to earn her MBA and Phd in science."  He says with pride as those gathered clap and cheer. "And I especially want to congratulate my niece Molly who became the new production intern for Mr. Corban James at WRCW!" Dani's eyes open wide with surprise as she turns and hugs her friend to her.
            "Oh my God Molly that's great! Why didn't tell me?" She asks feigning insult. Molly laughs giving her friend a quick hug.
           "I didn't tell anyone!" 
          "Oh Molly! I'm so proud of you!" Comes a shriek from behind them causing them all to turn and stare Molly's face white with shock before regaining her voice.
           "What the hell are you doing here?" Molly shrieks bounding out of her seat and running toward her mother. Barbara places her suitcase down opening her arms to her daughter who stops a few feet in front of her arms crossed her brow drawn.
             "I said what the hell are you doing here?" Molly asks again her anger on the verge of erupting.
             "I just wanted to see you honey. You won't talk to me you won't answer my letters or phone calls. I just wanted to see for myself that you're okay" Barbara sniffs reaching out to touch Molly's cheek the later pulling away from her touch in repulsion. 
             "Barbara, what are you doing here?" Jack says coming towards her looking as shocked as his niece. Barbara smiles nervously looking from Jack to Molly before noticing the others gathered.
             "Good to see you again Lily, Reggie you're looking well" She says with a nod to each before turning her focus to Tea and Dani. "Hello I'm Barbara Montgomery Molly's mother." Tea nods in Barbara's direction.  
             "Tea Delgado and my daughter Dani." She says then looks from Molly to Jack for some non verbal clues and receives none. She can only watch feeling helpless as the scene unfolds and Barbara turns her attention back to Molly. 
             "You look really great honey." She says reaching out for Molly again causing Molly to cringe away.
             "Answer the question. Why are you here? I don't remember Uncle Jack inviting you and I sure as hell didn't?" She finishes growling the last part.
             "I had to see you honey. I missed you." Molly lets loose a bitter laugh.  
             "So as always the hell with what I want as long as Barbara gets what she wants! How many times do I have to tell you I don't want to talk to you or see you I don't want your letters or phone calls! I don't want you in my life? You've seen me I'm fine why don't you go back to where ever you came from!" Barbara glares at Molly hurt and pain etched on her face.
             "You can't still mean that? Not after all this time you still can't be so angry?" Molly laughs bitterly staring back at her mother in disgust.
             " I meant it when I said it the first time and I still mean it. I'm telling you for the last time. Why don't you crawl back inside a vodka bottle! I don't ever want to see you again for as long as I live! Get out! GO! Don't come back!" Molly finishes with a scream then begins to sob. Jack wraps his arms around Molly holding her close not comprehending what was happening between the two of them. 
           "Please make her go Uncle Jack! I don't want her here! She going to ruin everything like she always does! Please Uncle Jack don't let her stay!" Jack peels his niece from him her face ravished with tears but the fear in her voice is what frightened him.
            "Promise me Uncle Jack no matter what she says you won't let her stay!" She calls back at him as Dani wraps her arm around Molly trying desperately to console her. Jack looks at his niece again then back to Barbara's stricken face and her body almost rigid with what seemed to be fear but his instincts told him her fear wasn't for Molly but more about what Molly wasn't telling and he needed to know what that was now.   
          "Reggie you and Dani take Molly inside." Tea watches Reggie takes a distraught Molly into the house knowing instinctively that Molly would need Dani right now but unsure if they had any place in the situation. After all hers and Jack's relationship was just a game or was it?
             "Perhaps I should get going?"  Jack waits a moment for the door to close.
             "No, I'd like it if you could stay for a moment." Tea nods in agreement noticing Lily still seated at the table curious confused and beginning to look upset.             
           "Lily if you could do me a favor and check on Victor I'd really appreciate it." 
           "Yes" Lily says rising from the table watching Barbara as she does. " Your color is dark and scary. I think Molly's right you should go." She says turning and walking toward the house leaving Jack feeling chilled by his daughter's words. He looks back at Barbara who wipes a stray tear from her cheek and smiles back weakly.
           "Not exactly the welcome I expected." She sighs plopping down on the table bench. Jack glances over a Tea who shrugs not sure where to begin deferring it back to Jack.
           "Do you want to explain why you show up on my door step bag and baggage no warning? But first I want to know why Molly just reacted like your arrival was the beginning of the end?" Barbara sighs not sure where to begin but definitely not ready to tell him the entire story which was evident that Molly hadn't.
           "Molly and I had a big fight before she left and I'm afraid she still hasn't forgiven me." 
           "I'd say that's a bit of an understatement!" Tea scoffs pulling Barbara's attention back to her. She read about this Ms. Delgado on the plane she was the new assistant district attorney and rumored love interest of Jacks. She would have to tread very carefully around her. 
           "I'm sorry who are you again?" Tea looks at Jack and rolls her eyes as she watches the wheels turn inside Barbara's head. She knew in an instant Barbara's drama and concern for Molly were only superficial to something deeper flowing through the undercurrent. 
           "Tea Delgado Assistant district attorney and family friend." She says her eyes challenging waiting while Barbara calculates her next move.
           "Never mind Tea, answer my question what are you doing here? I thought we agreed you were going to give Molly some space." 
          "I know, I know I just needed to see her. I needed to know she was okay."
           "Okay so you needed to see her. That still doesn't explain why Molly reacted the way she did. What the hell is going on?"
           "I told you Jack we had a fight and we still haven't worked it out."
           "Okay you had a fight. What the hell were you fighting about?" Barbara closes her eyes her hands folded in her lap as if in prayer then looks up at him her eyes pleading.
          " That's between me and Molly." 
          "You need to give me more than that! I want to know what the hell is going on or you aren't coming anywhere near her!" 
          "You can't do that Jack she's my daughter you can't keep me from seeing her!" She barks.
           "Look Barbara I don't care what you want my only concern here is Molly. And from what I can see she wants nothing to do with you. Until she does I think the best thing you can do for her is to do what she asks." 
           "I can't do that Jack we need to fix this between us." 
           "And I can't let you upset her any more that you already have." 
           "I'm not going anywhere until I've fixed this between us." Jack lets loose a heavy sigh knowing he wasn't going to change her mind.
          "Where are you staying?" Barbara looks up at him her eyes once again pleading. He glares at her incredulous of her sheer nerve.
           "No! No way are you staying here! You saw how she just reacted!" 
          " I don't have any place else to go Jack and I don't have any money!"
          " What! What do you mean you don't have money? What happened to the law firm and the money Travis left you?"
          "It's a long story Jack and right now I don't have it in me to go into that right now."
          "What the hell is going on Barabara?" 
          "Look Jack I'll explain it to you but I just can't get into it all right now. Please Jack." She pleads then begins to weep. Jack looks to Tea who shrugs again watching Barbara's performance and not buying a moment of it and from the look on Jacks face neither was he.
         "Give me a minute and I'll get you a room at the Pine Valley Inn. Tomorrow morning you and I are going to have a very long conversation and you're going to tell me everything you understand?" Barbara smiles weakly nodding her head in agreement as Jack reaches for his phone. Tea watches as Jack dials the phone and begins to make arrangements for Barbara watching Barbara closely the later flashing a brief satisfied smile before hiding it behind her facade of concern.
          "I'm going to go check on the kids. I'll be right back." Tea says walking back towards the house.
         "Nice to have met you. I just wish it had been under better circumstances." Barbara calls after her stopping Tea for a moment.
         "Same here." She smiles and waves then turns back toward the door pulling her own phone from her pocket and dialing as she closes the door.
        "Hey! It's me. I need you to do me a favor. Yeah sorry about the hour. But I'm going to give you a name and I need you to get me everything you have on a Barbara Montgomery and I mean everything. If she had the signs of a cold yesterday I want to know about it and I need it ASAP. Thanks a lot and don't worry I'll make it worth your while."    
           Takes Pine Valley Chronicles Molly, Jack and Barbara

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