Friday, October 28, 2016

Cassandra and Rego 10/28/2016


         Cassandra looks around the table taking another covert look at Oliver who catches her again and grimaces making her turn back toward Rego before he caught the fear creeping across her cheeks. She'd known better than to look at him it had been that way between them all evening. She didn't know what she'd expected but the look of controlled malevolence when he looked at her had shaken her more than she would admit. She needed to win over both his and Brooke's approval or at the very least begrudging acceptance but she could see that was never going to happen even after all of Brooke's polite questions and fake smiles.
          "So what are your plans, Cassandra are you going to go back to work for Colby?"
          "Honestly, being pregnant I haven't thought about anything more than preparing for our baby's birth and becoming the best mother I can. I haven't given it much thought past that." She smiles ignoring the sound of Oliver's a disbelieving snort and roll of his eyes as she continues.
          "And you know with everything going on I thought it would be best to stay close to home." Oliver rolls his eyes in disgust he'd listened to enough of her inane chatter. He'd need to end this ridiculousness before he had enough acid in his stomach to melt a hole through the pavement.  
          "Cassandra," Oliver bellows down the table catching her full attention and filling her with dread. " According to my son one of the reasons he married you was to provide you protection from St. Jacque what exactly is he protecting you from and exactly how does this affect the rest of my family? Exactly what kind of danger have you put us all in?"  Cassandra grins nervously her eyes looking at Rego for support and receiving none.
                "I don't believe any of you are in danger it's me he wants." She says hoping that would end the topic but knowing by Oliver's irritated stare it was far from over.
                 "Ah huh," he says with a nod of his head as he tosses his napkin on the table. "If it's you he wants then, wouldn't your being here endanger us all?" He asks sitting back in his chair his eyes practically boring through her. Cassandra looks down at her plate shying away from his probing stare but remaining silent for the moment.
                 " Why exactly does he want you?" He asks pointedly giving her no wriggle room.
                  "Deveraux has always been obsessed with me." She shrugs trying to make light of it. Oliver nods his lips becoming a thin white line. Brooke reaches her hand out to Oliver her eyes pleading.
                  "Please Oliver not now." He shakes his head gives her hand a squeeze then pulls his hand from hers and turns his attention back to Cassandra.
                 "So it has nothing to do with the money you stole from him?" He asks giving her heart a lurch. She stares up at him the knowing smirk on his face telling her he knew more a lot more. Her mind begins to reel as she tries to piece her story together. Oliver grins a knowing smile as he continues watching her every reaction then looks to Rego watching her also and offering no defense.
              " According to my investigators you stole twenty thousand dollars from him then flew to Pine Valley trying to escape. Shortly after he followed you here. Not too long after that you set your sights on my son. Have I missed anything?" Cassandra anger reaches its boiling point her words coming out shrill and tight.
                 " You don't know him! You have to understand! I had no choice! I did what I had to do to survive! I had to get away from him!" Oliver laughs bitterly. "So you planned every move from the moment you got here! Everything you've done has been a well calculated plan! Including this pregnancy! Tell what is your next step? Keep pretending the child you're carrying is my sons? Are you going to try and rob us blind too?"
                "Stop it Father! Devereaux St. Jacque is a monster!" He shouts rising to his feet and wrapping his arms around her shoulders. He glares at his father his voice menacing. Oliver rise throwing the chair behind as he slams his fist on the table jarring the he settings and shattering the crystal glasses at they toppled to the table top startling them. Brooke stares at her husband shocked by his reaction.
                 "No you stop! You are fool once again! Did she also tell you she was madame of her lovers high end brothels in France? She and St.Jacque were more than lovers they were partners!" He bellows slamming his fist on the table breaking the rest of the crystal making Cassandra jump leaving her face pale with fear and shock. Both Brooke and Rego stare at her dumbfounded. She'd never seen him so angry not even in business and she had to admit it frightened her. Oliver nods his head his grin demonic his voice almost a growl.
         "Ah yes I know all about you Ms. Foster. Did you really think I wouldn't thoroughly investigate the woman who ran off and married my son then claims to be carrying my Grandson! And you!" He says turning toward Rego.
          "Did you ever wonder why a man like him with all his power and wealth would be so obsessed with just this one woman?" He looks at his son's ashen face and laughs bitterly.
          "And, do you know the part that has me completely baffled is you never bothered to find out! You just let yourself be guided by your lust!" Rego looks from his father then to Cassandra who looked mortally wounded as stared up at him in dread her eyes welling with tears.
           " You should thank my gracious wife I haven't.If I had my way I'd throw you both out on the street! If it wasn't for the minute chance that you may be carrying my grandson I'd have you removed now! This is the last dinner you will enjoy under my roof. The doors leading to this side of the house will be bolted from the inside. From this moment on you will not use my front door. You will not come to this side of the house ever! You will use your entrance and your entrance only. I don't even want to smell you! If after your DNA test proves that this child is not a Sherrigan. Which, I have no doubt it will. I will have you removed from this property bag and baggage within the hour! As my son Rego, if this proves to be your child you are both always welcome in our home anytime night or day as long as you don't have her with you. Now get her out of my house! NOW!" He stands watches them scurry to their feet and leave then sits down on the chair and messages his temple his thoughts interrupted by Brooke's voice.
           "Well that was some display." Her voice tight and controlled. Oliver looks up at her as if seeing for the first time now that his rage finally stated.
          "I'm sorry darling I just couldn't sit there listening to her trying to make fools of us any longer with her inane chatter. I could feel it welling up like lava from the pit of my stomach and I just couldn't stop it." He shakes his head reaching for her hand as she steps back.
           "I have never seen that side of you Oliver and I don't ever want to see it again." Her voice terse her expression tight and controlled. "I'm going out for a while I'll be back later." Oliver looks up at her bewilder and watches her leave deciding it was best to let her go and say nothing.  His rage had frightened even him. What was it about this woman and her relationship with his son that made him distrust and fear her? When ever she was in his presence he had the intense feeling of foreboding. He'd always felt it in business but never like this. He could feel it deep down when she was done with his family there would be rubble all around them.    
Take's Pine Valley Chronicles.

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