Monday, October 31, 2016

Jesse Brot,Adrian and Aidan 10/30/2016


             "Hey! Hey!"  Sergi looks back at Lenka and Aidan yelling excitedly. "I think I finally got something!" Both bolting from their seats and coming towards him.
         " I went back to the time the limo went through and then the truck. Then Lenka and I took turns going thorough the numbers that pinged off the tower. We found one call that went through about fifteen minutes after the limousine. I finished searching all footage from the cameras I could find I found this at the red light camera." He points at the screen. "The car never gets close enough where I can see the type or licenses plate but you can see it turn around here." He says pointing at the square on the screen. " And then this from across the ravine from the accident." He says pointing at another square on the screen. Aidan looks at him shocked.
         "How did you get this?"
         'It wasn't hard the guy didn't even realize he had it. Lenka sent a couple of our guys over the morning after the accident posing as the maintenance from the security company we just made a copy. But even after cleaning it up with Rhea's imaging equipment you can't see much. You can't see who is up there but you can see one set of lights they go out, then another set come from the other direction of the accident and both headlights come on. Then you see two sets of lights for about ten fifteen minutes and then one set of lights leaves and the one left go out. But you can still see faint red lights moving here and here. Then look here." He says showing them a print out from the phone company. "Another call comes through to the police station about five minutes after that." He sits back smiling proudly.
          " So Tad was right there were lights up there way before the cops showed up. That's why Adrian and I never saw the truck. They must have moved the stuff to the other car and never made the drop off!" Aidan says aloud as they walk back to the table and Lenka pours them each a drink.
"What's going on?" Adrian yells from the door as comes in joining them around the table.
           "The bug you planted in Tad's room paid off." Aidan says reaching for a glass and pouring vodka in it and handing it to him.
           "Yeah? You got something?" Adrian asks taking the drink offered and looking at Sergi.
           "Yeah we figured what happened to the shipment that night and why they never made the drop off. Your brother was right there was a lot activity up there that night. We figure they moved it from the truck into the limo." Adrian nods approvingly as Lenka refills his glass.
            "That puts all the pieces together now we just have to figure out where and when he's making that delivery."
            "There's one thing though Tad also told Jesse. So it won't be too long before Jesse puts this all together too."  Aidan nods in agreement as Sergi sits back in his chair staring up at the ceiling as he talks.
             " Our guy in the field said his courier landed earlier. So something should be happening very soon." He says looking at the others.
             "Any word from Fats?" Aidan asks. Lenka shakes his head.
             " No but he said we should see some action in the next few days." Adrian sighs and raises his glass. Let's just hope we get there before Jesse figures this all out." They all clink raise glasses before draining them.
              Jesse stares at the computer and the file in front of him trying to enter the data but distracted by what Tad had said about the accident and the new worries it bought concerning his step daughter. Oliver had been in earlier and the information he had on her and her deep involvement with St.Jacque had him worried and scared on both a personal and professional level. After reading it what the hell was he supposed to tell Angie? She'd lied to both of them again! What the hell was he supposed to do with that? If he told she'd be hurt if he didn't tell her she'd be hurt later when it finally came out. Doubly if she ever found out he had known and didn't tell him. But how was he going to tell her.? How much more hurt would he be responsible for laying at her doorstep? Should be the one to tell her or should he allow his stepdaughter the chance to finally tell her the real truth? If he did tell would Cassandra continue to lie or make him out to be the villain? Would she even have the chance too? The way Oliver left he couldn't imagine him keeping it to himself for long. No when he got home he'd have to find some way of breaking it to her. He just hoped this wouldn't be the last straw to break her.
           He sighs and looks down at the file in front of him. If this man was guilty of everything this file alleged he had one of the most dangerous men in Europe living right under his nose disguised as a legitimate businessman. That explained Adrian's continued presence here in Pine Valley. Now he had to figure out just exactly how much they knew and what.
              Now with his man power already thin the DA's office wanted him to pull an officer to babysit. As if anyone had time for that mess, but one hand washes the other and someday he might need a favor from them.  
              Jesse looks up from his desk as Brot knocks on his door waiting a moment until Jesse waves him in.
              "I've pulled all the the video footage I could from the red light cameras and I had some of our guys canvas the house across the ridge and pull any camera footage they could. They just came back and I had them sent to forensics for analyse." He says looking down at his clipboard.
              'Good what about the phone company were you able to get the records?" He asks rising from his desk to face him.
              " I have a team going over those too." Jesse nods in agreement.
              "Good good good. I want you to keep an eye on somebody for me starting tonight." He says leaning back against the desk watching Brot squirm uncomfortably.
              " I had plans for tonight sir." Brot stutters looking at Jesse and shaking his head. Jesse
nods his head his mouth set firm.
              "Break them." Brot shakes his head hoping his next words would have some influence on his decision.
              "They're with Natalia." Jesse's shakes his head again his body language his words succinct barring anymore argument.
              "I don't care who they're with I  need you on this tonight understood?"
              "Understood sir." He mumbles as he heads from the room and reaches for his phone. Bracing himself for the fireworks he knew were going to be coming.

Takes Pine Valley Chronicles Jesse Brot,Adrian and Aidan 10/30/2016


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