Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Molly, Jack and Barbara 11/01/2016


         Molly sits up on the bed wiping the tears from her eyes as Jack knocks on the door and calls to her.
        "Come in?" She says bracing herself for whatever was coming concerning her mother. Since she was sure she had told him something. More than that "I just wanted to see you bull". Her being here had very little to do with wanting to see her and she needed to know what it was. She thought as he came through the door.
         "Hey honey how are you doing?" He says coming to sit on the edge of the bed taking her hand in his.  Molly smiles then leans in giving him a quick hug.
           "Thank you so much for not letting her stay here." She says letting go as she snuffs back a tear. Jack sits back and sighs not wanting to tell her what he knew he had to.
            " Talked to Bianca she told me what happened with your mother." He says trying to be as gentle as possible knowing how sensitive and fragile she was at the moment.
            "Why didn't you tell me honey?" He asks his voice comforting and pleading at the the same time making her somehow feel better but didn't lighten the embarrassment she felt.
             "Because it was just so embarrassing Uncle Jack and I came here to try to forget it." She murmurs looking away from him.  Jack sighs again then clears his throat trying to hold back his own emotions.
            "I would have understood sweetheart and I will stand by you whatever you decided. If you don't want to see her I'm not going to force you and I will try my hardest to make sure Barbara gives you the space you need. Okay?" Molly smiles then reaches over giving him a hug.
             "Thank you Uncle Jack. And not just for today for everything." She says kissing his cheek before releasing him. Jack smiles back at her happy to see the relief in her smile.
             "But you have to promise me two things.' He says with a reassuring smile making Molly grin.
             "Whatever you want." She says looking more cheerful then she had in hours.
             " You have to come talk to me you can't hide anything from me and two you can't let your mother's being her distract you. You promise?" His voice taking on a serious tone giving her no other option than to agree. Besides it would be nice to actually be able to talk to him a lot easier than the cat and mouse game she'd been playing to avoid the subject.
               "I promise I won't. I promised a very smart woman that I wouldn't." Jack smiles back at her liking the determined tilt of of her chin.
               "I'm glad. If you want I can get out of here and let you get some rest" He says moving toward the door.
               "Uncle jack!" She calls to him just as his hand reached the handle.
                "Yeah honey." He answers back as he walks back towards her.
                "Why do you really think she's here? There's no way it's all about seeing me." Her tone curious yet cautious catching him by surprise.
                " I have to be honest honey but I'd have to agree with you. I wasn't buying any of that either. But I promise you I'm going to find out. And if you hear anything you'll tell me promise?" Molly smiles back at him nodding in agreement.
                  'I promise I will. Night Uncle Jack." She says sliding down under the covers. Jack smiles turning back as he opens the door.
                  "Good night honey." He says closing the door behind him.  Molly lays her head on the pillow thinking about Barbara and trying to look at it objectively. She was still a lawyer so her visit could have something to do with a client. Tomorrow she was going to have to look up every single one of them. She had to know why she was here before she destroyed everything.
                   Barbara looks around her suite pleased with what Jack had found for her much better than what she could afford on her own. That was at least until she got paid. Squashing that scandal had taken all the money she had and then some. She walks over to the wet bar. She was really tempted but she needed to keep her head straight. At least till finished her business here. When she was done here she'd be back on easy street. She looks away from the bar then back to her phone wishing he would hurry up. She was exhausted seeing Molly had worn her out and all she wanted right now was a hot bath and some sleep. She jumps as the phone rings then calms herself letting it ring twice before answering it.
            "Hello?" She says trying to keep the trepidation from her voice.
            "Hello Ms. Montgomery I hope you have everything I asked for?" Barbara looks over at her suitcase as she talks going through her mental checklist.
             "Yes, everything is ready." She says praying that their meeting would take place in the morning so she could get out of Pine Valley as soon as possible.
           "Very good I'll send a messenger with instructions. Have a good evening." The caller hangs up leaving Barbara angry and frustrated. She tosses the phone across the bed then stares at the mini bar again. She quickly grabs her purse and heads toward the lobby. First things first she needed them to remove the liquor from her room. The last thing she needed was to botch this up with her payday so close.

Takes Pine Valley Chronicles Molly, Jack and Barbara 11/01/2016

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