Friday, November 4, 2016

Natalia and Brot 11/04/2016


                Natalia  peeps out of the kitchen door and watches Preston laughing at something Jamie was saying then turns back to her task arranging the pastries on a plateShe'd known better than to look at him it had been that way between them all evening. Since she'd met him at the door there had been that instant connection between them again as if time and heartache hadn't happened. That spark of anticipation she'd always felt whenever they'd come together was still there and knowing that had instantly set her on edge. What the heck was it? She loved Brot she knew that but what was it Preston had stirred in her and why did she feel exhilarated and a sense of foreboding at the same time?
          "So what did you think of the Slater-Cortland facilities?" She heard Jamie ask as she turned to Francessca hoping to get a little clarity before going back in there. Francessca looks at Natalia knowing something was of with her all night and she knew why. Natalia was finaling being forced to deal with what she had ignored for so long.
           "Preston's being here is really driving you crazy." She asks bluntly before Natalia  even had to phrase her words. Natalia sighs in relief  then scream whispers.
           "Yes! Ever since he got here! He's like a mosquito bite and I'm having a hard time not scratching it." Francessca nods in agreement her tone understanding.
            " I get it completely you're dealing with stuff you thought you had all tucked away neatly. Preston opened the door and now it's all spilled out on the floor and you're bewildered trying to stuff it all back in there. Am I right so far?" She smiles placing the cups on the tray then reaching for the the milk to fill the creamer. Natalia nods in agreement.
              "It was easy dealing with him as a memory or even your wedding but having him right here in my face is completely different." Francessca looks at her friend reaching over and putting her arm around her shoulders and giving her a squeeze.
               "Honey that's because you wouldn't deal with it then now it's just all coming to the surface and you can't stuff it down anymore. Now you're forced to deal with them." Natalia nods in agreement then sighs heavily.
                "All I want to do right now is get through this night and go home." She says as she reaches in her pocket and checks her phone letting out a grunt. Of course he wasn't coming that was just the cherry on her night.
                 "Brot's not coming! My Dad put him on some BS watch duty tonight." She groans flopping back against the counter and staring down at her phone shaking her head. "I mean seriously could this night get any worse?" She asks looking over at Francessca her eyes almost pleading.
                  "Why don't you stay here tonight? Logan's staying with my parents, we could talk if you want?" Natalia shakes her head laughing at the ridiculousness  of the situation.
                   "Thanks I really appreciate that but no, I'm going to go home. Slip into a nice hot bath and wash this day off me." She sighs again moving towards the table and picking up the pastry tray.
                    "You ready to go back in." She says turning towards Francessca a smile plastered on her face making Francessca laugh.
                     "Come on I have the coffee tray, lead the way." She says smothering another laugh as Natalia stretches her grin to the extreme her eyes wide making her expression cartoonish.
                     'Brot walks into the lobby of the Pine Valley Inn  positioning himself so he had a good view of both the elevators and the stairs. He was annoyed at having to be there he would have much rather gone to Cessca's had a great meal some of her Grandmother Ricotta Pie  and gotten a real good bead on that Preston guy and what he was all about. Sure he was here on business and according to Natalia he would be here for awhile as he and his friend started up their new venture with Slater-Courtlandt but wasn't exactly sure how he felt about that. He'd never met him but from what Natalia said and didn't say there were still some tension between them. What type of tension he wasn't sure and that was what nagged at him. Was this guy here just to get his business started or did he have some unfinished business to attend to. Tonight would have been a great time to check that out especially with them all in the same room but thanks to Jesse and this stupid babysitting assignment he was here. He reaches for his phone checking to see if she'd responded to his last text message. The only thing she'd sent back was a sad faced emoji no words and he wasn't sure how to take that. He knew she be pissed he just wasn't sure how pissed she'd be or was she so involved with her ex that was all she had time for? God! He was just being ridiculous. It was like they had gone on some romantic dinner. It was dinner with friends and nothing had changed between them since yesterday or this morning. Why the hell was he suddenly being so insecure? He looks up as the bell for the elevator rings and the doors open. He watches the passengers exit his eyes catching his mark as she comes out and walks to the desk.
              "Ahh good evening  Ms. Montgomery. I hope everything is to your satisfaction?" The clerk ask looking up from his monitor at Barbara standing in front of him.
              "Everything is fine. If you could have someone come up and remove the liquor from the courtesy bar I would appreciate it. My religion has very strict rules." She lies smoothly keeping her demeanor pleasant but businesslike. The clerk smiles back at her his pudgy cheeks turning his small eyes into slits.
                "Certainly! I'll send someone up right away" He reaches for his phone presses a button waits a moment then directs the person on the other end to attend to her request before turning back to her.
                "Oh and Ms. Montgomery this came for you a few moments ago." He says reaching in the box behind him and hands her a sealed envelope. Barbara takes it from him looks a curiously as she mutter a thank you and walks away from him. She looks about the lobby then tears if open reading it hastily. She smiles happily to herself stuffing the note back inside the envelope and into her pocket. She presses the call button for the elevator waits a moment for the doors to open then enters looking pleased Brot noted. He places his phone back in his pocket reaching for his badge as he walks.
             "Hello! I'm Detective Brot Monroe Pine Valley Police." The clerk looks up at him surprised and a little frightened.
              "Yes sir how may I help you?"
               " Is something wrong?" Brot smiles at him hoping to calm him before he jumped out of his skin.
               " No sir nothing wrong I just have a couple of questions. Could you give me the name of the courier that dropped off that letter for Ms. Montgomery please?"
                "Oh that was delivered by USA Expedient" He replies his voice less squeaky some of his nervousness having dissipated.  Brot thinks a moment not having heard of them.
                 "They aren't local are they?" The clerk shakes his head.
                 "No, I believe they are based out of New England somewhere." Brot nods thanking him for his time and also asking him not to discuss their conversation then goes back to his seat pulling his phone from his pocket. He searches the name of the courier flipping through the home page till he came to the information he was looking for. They were subsidiary of the "Calisco Group" Jesse might find that tid bit of information very interesting.    
          Takes Pine Valley Chronicles Natalia and Brot 11/04/2016

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