Thursday, November 3, 2016

Gavin, Opal and Erica 11/03/2016


               Gavin sits at his desk staring down at the framed photograph and feeling the melancholy that always came over him when he did. It was still a long way coming but he was going to be with them soon. Everything was falling into place. He just needed to follow the path he carefully laid out. He smiles to himself as he places the photo back in the drawer then turns to the photos on the desk in front of him. It had been a long meeting but productive. Everyone was up to date. His cast was comfortable in their new roles and getting situated downstair. Even Erica had surprised him after her initial entrance. She'd been cooperative and insightful especially after the other were dismissed and they began work on "Raising Fire". She couldn't help but be captivated. Why not Corban and his staff had done an excellent job formating the book to a working outline for a soap opera. They'd hired some truly brilliant writers foregoing the usual cycle of re-cycled writers and going with a couple of independents instead. Their ideas were fresh and the dialogue crisp and relevant to today's viewer. They even decided to give the director of their independent work a shot. Since it was in part his work behind the camera that had caught their attention as well. Erica's had also been impressed when they'd shown it to her and had agreed wholeheartedly. If she displayed more of that behavior they could actually be successful. He doubted it. It was just a ploy but there was always hope she'd actually liked it and was just being Erica. Like earlier with Opal.
               He pulls Opal's photo from the stack and smiles. She reminded him so much of her cousin Marjorie it was almost uncanny. Although, there was a softness around Opal's eyes and mouth that Margie lacked. Making the difference notable at least to him. Not that she wasn't a very fine woman but there was a kindness you could feel in Opal where with Margie there was a certain coldness about her that is until she lets you in. Then she the very best friend anyone could ask for and she had been that with him. He wouldn't have gotten this far without her. But, Opal Cortlandt was a force to be reckoned with on her own and he looked forward to working with her in the coming weeks. She didn't take any flack from anyone and stood her ground with tancity. She wasn't about to be pushed around or be lost in the shuffle. She would be a formidable host on the show. He wasn't much for whims of fancy but he'd been right about this one. He thought with a smile placing the photo back on the pile as a knock came on his door.
           "Come in." He calls waiting for the door to open relieved to see Corban come in and not Erica. He had enough of her antics this morning what he needed now was to get down to business. Pleased to see Corban was as well as he handed him the first show choice he and Erica had decided on as well as her signature on the final draft.
           "Well this is unexpected good news!" Gavin nods in approval looking over the paperwork again checking for any changes and finding none. "She agreed to all of it without the drama?" Gavin looks up surprised and impressed. Corban looks back at him as bewildered as he was.
           "Yeah it wasn't exactly easy but yeah. I don't get it either but yeah." Corban shakes his head then shrugs making Gavin feel  leery at Erica's sudden contrite attitude and wondering what she had in store for them both later. It was a good start anyway he'd take it.
             "Good. I think she's ready to start stepping up for "Raising Fire". He says looking at the pile he had on his sofa.
            "Have that all taken down to her and let her know we're meeting tomorrow at one. That should keep her busy while we finish up "New Beginnings"."He winks while Corban pulls out his phone and dials.
           "Molly it's Corban I'm in Gavin's office bring your cart I need you to run an errand."
            "Thanks." Gavin looks at him with a raised brow. Corban smiles "Just breaking in my new intern. Things are going to get bumpy I needed to know she has the chops now." Gavin nods in agreement. He had a point but he couldn't help feeling like a general sending some fresh faced kid into battle.
            Erica sits back on the sofa in her dressing room reading over the finals for the first show. She had to admit they were actually beautiful and exactly what she was looking for but she couldn't let them know that. She still needed to show some tenacity or they wouldn't have that healthy fear of her they should. She still needed to keep the upper hand. She also had to admit she was really intrigued by "Raising Fire" Gavin had been right as much as she hated to admit that too. Of course there were definitely some changes that would need to be made nothing drastic.  What she liked to call clarification. She chuckles to herself as someone knocks on the door.
           "Ms.Kane I have a delivery from Mr. Blackwood and Mr.James for you." Molly calls from the other side of the door hoping she could get this over with! She'd been so excited about the job she'd forgotten about this draw back. This huge drawback!
           "Delivery?" Erica yelps coming to the door and throwing it open. Shocked to see Molly standing on the other side smiling back at her.
           "Molly!" She gasps "What are you doing here?" Erica says peering out into the hall checking it in both directions.
            "He's not here Ms. Kane I'm Corban James' new intern and he asked me to bring you all the stuff on "Raising Fire". Molly says pushing her way past Erica and piling the folders and envelopes on the table. "Mr. Blackwood said to tell you there's a meeting on this tomorrow afternoon and that your new office would be ready by tomorrow morning." She says wheeling back towards the exit ignoring a shocked Erica.  "All the information is in this envelope." She says handing her the thick envelope. Erica looks at her closely. She could see a lot of Travis in her face but there was also Barbara there too. Especially the way her yes lit up at a challenge and the hint of a smirk teasing the corner of her mouth.
            "You're very efficient." Erica quips wondering how she could use this newfound situation to her advantage and it wouldn't hurt to build a peaceful working relationship with his niece. Even if she was an arrogant brat like her father.
            "I try to be. I know everyone's time is valuable." She says turning to leave hoping to get away without further interaction. She saw that look on Erica's face. As soon as she saw her she was thinking of ways to use her to get close to her uncle through her.
              " Tell Mr. Blackwood thank you. Oh and I hope you enjoy your time here Molly." Molly smiles politely. Thinking how much was she really going to enjoy her time here now that Erica was back in stalker mode. That was one thing she hadn't thought of when she'd applied for the position.
               "I will Ms. Kane and thank you." She says with a nod then move back down the hall toward the elevator. Erica watches her leave a moment then close the door to her dressing room. This wasn't going to be easy if nothing else she was as smart as her father and just as shrewd as her uncle. No this wasn't going to be easy at all. Maybe she should give Opal a call. After this morning's meeting she didn't want there to be any hard feelings. Besides she was going to need someone on her side when they started filming. Yeah she should give her a call that's what best girlfriends were for!
               "Opal lounges on the chaise lounge in her bedroom reading over the the packet from the meeting this morning. When she said okay to this she hadn't thought it would be so much work. Gavin assured them all that it was only because of the retooling of the show and she prayed he was right. This was exhausting! She place it all to the side and looks out the window at the late summer sky enjoying the smell of early fall in the air. Then reaches for her ringing phone hoping it wasn't another call from the studio. Then smiling when she see her cousins number flashing and picks up.
              "Hey Margie! How are you?" She smiles sitting back down on her lounger happy for the distraction.
               "I'm doing very well my girl couldn't be better! How about you?" Marjorie smiles as she pours tea from the pot into her cup. Opal sighs leaning back against the cushions.
                " Honey if I had known it was going to be this much work I would have told them to keep walking!" Marjorie laughs.
                "Come on! In a few days when the rush is over you're going to be telling me how much you love it!" They both laugh.
                 "How's Tad doing?" Marjorie asks listening for telltale signs in Opals sigh.
                 "He's doing better each day but he's still going to be in there awhile. Between work my business and now this I'm kind of stretched thin. But I have to admit it's been kind of fun too. Hey! I heard from Palmer that Wellington and his friends closed on there deal with Slater-Courtlandt. Congratulations!" Marjorie laughs but her brow furrows her voice getting serious.
                 " It means a lot to the people of this town. That's why you can't let it slip to anyone about your relationship to Wellington. It's seems silly but it's very important." Marjorie says sounding urgent. Opal rolls her eyes to the ceiling as she answers.
                 "I know! I know! Honestly you and Palmer both!" She sighs as Marjorie laughs I know honey it's just very important for my family and everyone else in town I can't help it." Opal laughs.
                 "I get it honey and I promise you. You've never let me down when I needed you. I won't let you down. I just wish you would tell me why. " Marjorie sighs in relief her tone brightening. She knew she could always count on Opal in a pinch.  " I promise as soon as humanly possible I will tell you everything. Anyway let's move on to more pleasant things tell me all about your new career? Am I going to like the changes to my secret morning pleasure?" Opal laughs.
             "I really think you'll like it better. Because you know I'll be there. " She says with false modesty making them both laugh.

     Takes Pine Valley Chronicles Gavin, Opal and Erica 11/03/2016


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