Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Cassandra and Rego 11/02/2016


                  Cassandra Sits across the living room from a quietly fuming Rego. She'd sat quietly watching him covertly not daring to say a word. She was waiting for him to settle on an emotion but his face was still a kaleidoscope. The best she could do was wait, If she knew him as well as she though she did he would say something to her first that's when she'd be able to gage her explanation. Right now the best thing she could do was to silently wait.
                 Rego stares at her a moment his revolution waning it way up his throat. He could barely suppress the urge to grab her by the neck. She made a fool of him once again. She'd embarrassed him in front of  his family again. Now he was married to her. He knew what she was waiting for. She was waiting for him to say something to her. No matter what he was damned if he would say a word to her. She was going to be the one to do the talking. What he needed to was wait her out. She'd eventually have to talk she had a lot on her mind now. She was probably wondering why her tears and blubbering had no effect on him or her raging and accusations. She'd cried for a few minutes once they'd gotten up to there part of the house. She raged about his father and his cruelty and his having sat there and done nothing. Then accused him of being weak and then the Francessca comparison. That had been the hardest part to remain silent but he'd seen his silence had hurt her more so he'd kept it.  He'd sat in this chair just waiting patiently for her to talk about what his father had just said about her. In all her twaddle not one mention of what his father had actually said about her time in Europe with St. Jacques. Until she bought it up there was no point of him just sitting here doing nothing he had actual work to do.
             He walks across the room to the desk pulls his laptop from the drawer and turns it on then reaches for the legal pad in his briefcase and reads through the pages stopping when he gets to the date he circled for tomorrow afternoon she had till then. He flips the page then sets it down and types in his password. He opens his email skipping the ones from the office and straight to the one Francessca had sent him and opens the file. He smiles as he clicks through the photos stopping to stare at the one she'd taken earlier. He smile as he goes back to the moment between he and Logan and then the one he'd had with his mother. She'd wished him happiness with Cassandra he thought then laughs bitterly as he closes it moving on to his next email reaching back and scratching his back where Cassandra's stare bore a hole through him.
              Cassandra glares at the photo on his laptop wishing she could burn it! She hated that brat but what she hated more was the way he looked every time he saw it. That weird goofy look that came over his face the whimsical smile she broods. It was just a reminder she hadn't gotten that bitch out of his life. The only good thing the brat was good for was the sample she'd gotten from him. She'd had to dip into her savings but she had what she needed to pay Joe off. All she had to do was wait till they went to the hospital and Joe would take care of the rest. At least now other than the baby there was nothing more to hide and she could focus her energy one that. Screw you Oliver she was one step ahead of him. She wasn't leaving this house anytime soon and not one day before she was ready. Rego could stay or leave with her. It was really up to him.
            She had to admit if he did leave her she would miss him. She let him get closer to her than any man she'd ever known. He actually cared about her and cared for her. Deep down she actually felt a little guilty for hurting again. She'd made him start to trust her and she'd broken it and now his father was breathing down his neck and they had been literally banished to this side of the house at least when he was with her. She couldn't really blame him she'd be angry to if it were her but he'd had to understand she just couldn't bring herself to tell him. How do you tell someone that the only way to survive was to do what you were told and try to move up the ladder. It wasn't like Devereaux had given her a choice. Once he decided he wanted her there was no turning back and no way to say know and survive. Her proof of that was in a sanitarium in France. That wasn't going to be her end. She liked where she was right now and she liked who she was with. She had no intention of changing it anytime soon if ever.
            What the hell was he doing anyway? Why the hell was he working? How the hell could he be working? He'd ignored her since they come back from Brooke and Oliver's. He hadn't even bothered to comfort her. He'd just sat in that chair and stared at her watching her un-moving and unmoved. Even now it was if she wasn't even there in the room with him. She needed to change that but how? Maybe she should try a different approach. She could afford to be honest with him now. There was nothing more to really hide from there. If they found out about Gigi which she was sure Oliver had. He was probably holding it for a later dates blackmail she could beat him to the punch and just be completely honest about that part of her past. He knew what a brute he was so he'd understand the why if she threw in Gigi there would be a bigger why. That wouldn't be a lie either. No, the truth would be her best defense for now. She just needed to play it right and she couldn't go to him now. She needed to wait she needed to play the hurt she'd felt when he just stood there and let Oliver attack her work to her favor. What she needed to be was cool and aloof and keep the hurt in her eyes which shouldn't be hard at all. He had hurt her that was also not a lie. She smiles inside warming to the truth thing and rises from the sofa. She walks to her bedroom closing the door quietly behind her then into the bathroom turning on the bath water. She needed a long soak and good long think if she was going to pull this off just right. The one thing that put her mind at easy was having taken care of her baby problem.
             "Don't worry little one momma's going to make sure you have everything you ever want and deserve and your Daddy is going to pay for it all ." She whispers smiling brighter.
              Devereaux looks at his phone checking the message from Joe then dials Lola phone number.
             "Hello Dr. Colgate I'm sorry for calling so late this is Devereaux St. Jacques.
             "Good evening Mr. St Jacques how may I help you." She says coolly sounding her normal professional self. Good he thought.
            " I haven't been feeling well of late my doctor recommended I do a follow up with you and have some blood drawn." He say in the same cool manor Lola following suite. What ever he had up his sleeve he was keeping this call on the up and up. Anyone listening would think it was completely normal. She flips through her calendar seeing an opening for the following morning. The sooner the better she thought.
            "I have an opening around ten thirty tomorrow." She says her fingers poised at the keyboard.
            "Thank you that would be perfect. Thank you so much for squeezing me in."
             "You're welcome sir see you then." She says hanging up the phone. Devereaux smiles to himself as he places his phone in the charger. In a few days he would have the answer he needed and Cassandra would be getting the answer she wanted.

Takes Pine Valley Chronicles Cassandra and Rego 11/02/2016

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