Thursday, June 30, 2016

Tad and Adrian 06/30/2016


          Adrian walks to Tad's door knocking as he enters calling out Tad's name.
Adrian: What going on? How you feeling? (He says crossing to the bed then spotting Jesse and extends his hand towards him) Hey Jesse what's going on? Nice to see you.
Jesse: Adrian, (He says shaking his hand) Good to see you too! I'm surprised you're still in town.
Adrian: Yeah well you know with Tad in here it's an all hands on deck and I have a lot of vacation time to burn.
Jesse: Yeah, listen I had better be getting back to work before they want to fire my ass. Especially with the Mayor breathing down my neck. Between your hit and run and Pine Valley's new drug problem. He lives on my phone!
Adrian: Not to be another monkey on your back but how's the investigation into Tad's accident going?
Jesse: I'll tell you like I tell the mayor. I have every available man working on it. As soon as I have an answer I'll call you.
Adrian: I hear that.
Jesse: Listen guys I have to head out. Good seeing you Adrian. Tad I'll see you on my way home from work.
Tad: See you later Jesse. Thanks for breakfast.
Jesse: Anytime! (He waves going out the door)
Tad: So what are you up to? (He says turning to Adrian who takes the seat at the side of the bed Jesse had just vacated)
Adrian: Nothing really I was headed over to Aidan's but he was running late so I figured I'd visit with you for awhile till I have to pick up the girls. Then bring them back here to see you then drop them off to Momma. You know doing your job. (He grins then winks) So how are you feeling?
Tad; Ahh I'm in pain but better. I think I've read everything in this hospital including all the pamphlets!
Adrian: If you want I can stop by the book store for you. What do you like?
Tad: Ahh mysteries, scifi a little scifi-fantasy a little horror depending. At this point anything is better than the boob-tube and thinking. ( He sighs resting his head back against the pillows) Although I did remember something from the accident. (He shrugs his comment peaking Adrian's interest)
Adrian: Yeah like the kind of truck that hit you?
Tad: I wish! No, but I do remember two vehicles up on the ridge that night. And they were up there a long time before the emergency crew got there.
Adrian: Yeah how long?
Tad: Maybe fifteen twenty minutes.
Adrian: Are you sure?
Tad: Now you sound like Jesse! Yeah I'm sure. They were up there!
Adrian: Huh! What did Jesse say?
Tad: Nothing other than he'd look into it. So what's up with you have you seen your great nephew yet?
Adrian: Yeah he's really something but I'm really enjoying my nieces they are something else.
Tad: Yea they are a trip aren't they?
Adrian: Yeah they are hilarious! Speaking of which I'd better get out of here so I don't get stuck in that car pool line! We're going to stop by the book store first before I bring them by here. You want anything else?
Tad: Yeah could you pick me up a hoagie from the serving spoon please? I don't even want to tell you what they have for lunch.
Adrian: Yeah what do you want?
Tad: Doesn't matter surprise me. Anything is better than hospital food.
Adrian: No problem I'll be back in about an hour and a half. Is that okay?
Tad: Perfect thanks bro.
Adrian: I'll see you later (He says walking to the door)
Tad: See you. (He sighs laying his head back against the cushions and reaching for the remote control and clicks through the channel as Adrian walks through the lobby and out into the parking lot. If Tad was remembering correctly then he just filled in a big part of his puzzle. They knew the truck had been loaded in New York so when the accident happened they moved the contents to Devereaux's limo that could be the only reason for the delay and it would explain the wrapper they'd found. He thought walking out the door and into the parking lot. He looks around quickly watching for traffic and the nondescript people rushing back and forth to the building. Except for the pair he'd spotted out the corner of his eye and the neat little what looked like a hand off. They had looked suspicious trying not to look suspicious at least to a trained eye.  Jesse was right the town did have a problem. Seriously though who would be dumb enough to deal in front of the hospital. Someone one young and dumb like this guy. He looked to be in his late teen early twenties. Well built fair haired wearing scrubs. Possibly a med student he noted. He didn't have time to investigate petty dealers right now. He had bigger fish to fry. He thought as he got into his car and started the engine. He sat a moment watching the young dealer chatting with a candy stripper sipping a coffee as the the car aired out etching his face in his memory he wasn't sure why. He continues to watch as a plush limo roll up in front of the hospital and Devereaux step out. Well that was interesting he thought as he watched Devereaux give a nod to the little dealer in hospital garb the later grinning all over himself then walks over to the driver's side window and leans in. Why would someone like Devereaux even know some low level street dealer? This was something he and Aidan needed to check he thought taking out his phone and taking a quick picture. He looks at the image on the phone remarking Scrubs wasn't so smiley now. Obvious whatever the driver had to say to him didn't sit well with him. This was interesting very interesting. He didn't know what had made him stop by the hospital this morning but it was definitely fortuitous. Jenny looks over at Phil and smiles)
Jenny: I guess I'm done here for the day I have some other things to do. I'll see you later?
Phil: Thanks for your help. See you later.

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