Thursday, June 23, 2016

Opal and Cassandra 06/23/2016

Opal walks into the living room placing Logan in his baby carrier and places it on the coffee table then lifts him from it placing him in the portable crib.
Butler: Mrs. Sherrigan said to make yourself at home she'll be right with you. Would you like me to get you something while you wait?
Opal: No thank you I'm fine.
Rego: Good Morning Opal! Who do we have here! (He walks to the crip scooping up Logan in his arms and smiling broadly.) Good morning my angel! ( He says placing him against his shoulder and kissing his head as he strokes his back) You've gotten so big! Look at you!
Opal: Yeah hasn't he though? That's Grandma's little man!
Rego I haven't seen him since the hospital I've ahh been kind of busy.
Opal: Yeah, I hear congratulations are in order. You and Cassandra.
Rego: Yes we decided why hide it anymore and flew down to Vegas. (His voice nervous she was sure he was expecting a lambasting since she was more than sure he'd gotten one from his father)
Opal: I also hear you and Cassandra are expecting? (Opal watches as the tension crosses his brow he shrugs then sighs. Cassandra peers around the edge watching him waiting for his response.
Rego: I guess it won't be long before I'm doing this full time. (He smiles hesitantly not sure what the future really had in store. He felt as if he was being played for a fool but he also needed to protect his child. If it was his child from a mother who saw it as nothing more than a pawn)
Opal: That's wonderful. (Rego nods hearing and not hearing her at the same time he didn't want to hear about that or talk about it) If what you did in that elevator and watching you with Logan now is any example you're going to be a fine. (She smiles at him making him smile feel somehow relieved and not sure why as he turns his attention back toward  the baby)
Rego:  How are you buddy? Did you miss me? I missed you! I've been thinking about you wondering what you were up to! You scared your Mum and I almost to death but I guess that makes me an expert now. You don't forget that kind of thing anytime soon you know. No you don't. No you don't! (No you didn't Cassandra thought appalled by his reaction to that brat and disgusted by their bonding. Having that baby around was conveniently annoying)
Opal: Well I hope the two of you will be very happy.
Rego: Thank you very much Opal. (He says relaxing smiling down at the baby then blowing raspberries on his tummy and laughing.) So what have you been up to Mr. Logan? Keeping your parents awake, sleeping during the day then howling all night that sort of thing? Yeah I thought so! (He laughs as Logan gurgles and coos) You're naughty little imp just like your Uncle Rego!  (He says with a laugh as Logan squeals. Opal smiles enjoying watching the two together. It was sweet and somehow felt right the same feeling making Cassandra even more determined)
Rego: Mr. Martin I have to get to work. If you're still here at lunch time we can play some more. (He say placing him back in the bassinet and turning towards Opal) I'll see you soon Opal have a wonderful day. ( He walks to the desk picking up his briefcase just missing Cassandra tuck herself into the back hallway as he walks out the door. She starts to go into the living room but stops again when she see's the butler coming down the steps heading for the room)
Opal: You too Rego. (she waves after him)
Holmes: Mrs. Sherrigan said she'll be right down. Is there anything I can get for you madame while you wait?  
Opal: No I'm just peachy but, if you could do me a favor?
Butler: Certainly Madame.
Opal: Would you mind watching him a moment while I run to the ladies room please?
Butler: Certainly Ma'am the lavatory is just down the hall to your left.
Opal: Thank you so much my teeth have been floating since I left the house. (She smiles turning back toward her grandson) You stay right there Grandma will be right back. (She smiles down at him then walks down the hall. Cassandra watches Opal leave from the foyer before stepping into the room. This was the moment she'd been waiting for all she needed was to get rid of Holmes.
Cassandra: Holmes the gardner was just asking for you he said something about a delivery being wrong or something I'm not sure. (She sighs as she walks to the desk and picks up one of the magazines and flips through it. Holmes looks toward the foyer then back to Cassandra not sure what to do. Cassandra smiles back at him sweetly.
Cassandra: You can go ahead I'll keep an eye on the baby until Mrs, Cortlandt or Mrs. Sherrigan gets back don't worry he'll be fine. I promise I won't eat him. (She laughs)
Holmes: Thank you madame. (He says hesitating for a moment then walks toward the front door. Cassandra waits a moment till the door closes then hurries over to the desk and searches the drawers till she finds the box of small plastic bags Oliver kept there for his stamp collection then walks to where Logan is lying and quickly stuffs the pacifier that had fallen from his mouth into the baggie and seals it. She looks around quickly and manages to place it in her pocket then place the spare one she'd found in the diaper bag next to him seconds before Opal walks back into the room.
         Opal looks from Logan to Cassandra knowing something is wrong but unable to place her finger on it. She walks over to Logan checking him quickly finding nothing amiss but still knowing by the current flowing through the room something was off.  Cassandra watches her closely hoping she didn't notice the missing pacifier and mistakes the one she took for the one she left beside him.
Opal: Cassandra I'm going to tell you something and you're not going to like but I'm going to tell you anyway. I can see that hamster in your head going a mile a minute on that wheel of yours. I know you're up to something and I know you have big plans but I'm telling you. What you do from this moment on is going to affect a lot of people and especially you and that baby you're carrying . Oh yeah I know about that too. What you decided to do from this point on will be the difference between a lifetime of happiness or one of sadness and regret. So if you truly have hopes of ever having lasting happiness in your life. You'll tell the truth and you'll tell it as soon as possible before you can't and you find yourself fighting for your life.
Cassandra: What exactly am I supposed to be doing Opal and what exactly am I supposed to tell the truth about?
Opal:  You just heed my words girl. Whatever you're doing or about to do, whatever lie you're spinning. Telling the truth right now is going to save you and everyone else a whole lot of heartache down the road.
Cassandra: You go back to your crystal ball or your cards or whatever it is you use in that backwoods voo-do mess of your and check again. I'm not trying to do anything I have everything I want and I plan to keep it.
Opal: Trust me I don't need the cards to tell me the path you're walking right now is going to be your ruin. I have it on good authority that if you do what you have planned you are going to find yourself in a living hell with no way out. You just think about that and, think about somebody else for once like that child you're carrying.  (Brooke comes into the room talking as she walks straight for the bassinet)
Brooke : Sorry Opal hope I didn't keep you too long.(She says picking up Logan and cooing over him. Opal takes one last look a Cassandra then turns her attention to Brooke.
Opal: I was fine Cassandra and I were just having a nice chat.
Cassandra: Good morning.
Brooke: Good morning Cassandra I hope your settling in alright?
Cassandra: Yes everything is fine. I just wanted to give Bruno my grocery list.
Brooke: You didn't need to come all they way down here. There's a bell pull next to the fireplace in your wing that will summon Bruno and an intercom. In fact there's no reason for you to ever have to come to this part of the house. (Brooke stares at her a moment her mouth set. The underlying meaning of her statement was more than clear, As she turns away from her, her attention back on her grandson)
Brooke: Nawhh look at him you getting sleepy pumpkin.
Cassandra: Yeah I forgot. I have some errands to run I'll be back later.
Opal: Have a good day.  (Opal nods her head in Cassandra's direction her eyes still challenging making Cassandra feel a cold shiver run through her as she turns on her heels then is stopped in her tracks by Brooke's voice)
Brooke: Bruno remembered to give you a set of keys for the south wing didn't he?
Cassandra: Yes, he gave us both a set. (Brooke question driving her point home)
Brooke: So we'll see you both for dinner?
Cassandra: We'll be sure to be on time. You ladies have a good day.
Brooke: You too Cassandra. ( Brooke smiles dismissively waiting for Cassandra to leave before turning her attention back to Opal and her grandson. Cassandra smiles to herself grabbing her purse and coat from the hall chair as she walks to her car. All she needed now was something of Rego's and she'd have everything she needed)

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