Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Erica And Gavin 06/28/2016


          Gavin walks around his desk and stands in front of the window. Stares out over the town it was a pretty little town and it's proximity suited his purpose. He had a lot of work to do if he was going to make this station profitable again and had taken a few steps in that direction with hiring of his new staff for "New Beginnings" much to Erica's dismay but he was convinced this was the right path to take. Besides, he had other plans for Erica's talents and when she heard them she would have to agree having co-hosts would be the best solution. Speaking of which he mumbles looking down at his watch she should be here any moment. He was hoping to speak to her before the other's gathered in hopes of making the second meeting flow more smoothly but of course Erica had to make her grand stand despite the fact it was already decided. Oh well may as well look over some paperwork while he waited knowing Erica she would be at least another five minutes.
            Erica smooths the front of her dress and checks her lipstick just seconds before the elevator opened and she stepped out. She wasn't looking forward to this meeting in the slightest or having to deal with Gavin again at least not this early in the morning. Especially after last nights fiasco! She wasn't sure which was worse. The addition of new co-hosts, his reality show moment with Carmen and Krystal or when he's kissed her! Leading her to the conclusion he was playing some game with her or he was a complete presumptuous ass. She glowered at his assistant sweeping past her as she babbled something unintelligible. She opened his office door not bothering to knock then closing it behind her. Before sitting in the chair in front of him removing her sunglasses and staring at him pointedly.
Erica: Well I'm here. What could you possibly want at this God forsaken hour?
Gavin: Well good morning to you too Erica! Glad you could make it. (He smiles ignoring her temper tantrum and moving straight into business as he pushes the folder towards her) I wanted to talk to you about a new project I have. I thought you may truly enjoy working on.
Erica: What is this new project and why would you think I would enjoy it? (She asks picking up the folder and thumbing through the pages quickly)
Gavin: It's a new soap opera loosely based on your best selling autobiography. We're calling it "Raising Fire".
Erica: The title has a nice ring to it. Question how loosely based are we talking? (She asks looking somewhat intrigued and annoyed at the same time)
Gavin: The Creators used your book "Raising Kane" as the basis for the characters. What I would like to do is build from there. I'd like you to be one of the producers working alongside the creative team so they get it right. I would like this to be your baby Erica. I want you to give it the same love and care you gave "New Beginnings". What do you think? (Erica looks through the outline more carefully enjoying what she was reading but keeping that little tidbit for herself. This could be very interesting and perhaps the change she was looking for)
Erica: It could be interesting. But, I'm confused if you want me to give it the same loving care I've given my show now and are happy with the results, why are you throwing all that to the wind and adding all these ridiculous co-hosts? (She asks keeping her tone all business ignoring the effect his impish stare was having on her)
Gavin: As I've told you before "New Beginnings" needs to be refreshed. All shows need that every now and then. I also did it in to give you time to really make "Raising Fire" your own. Without out the restraints of worrying about "New Beginnings". I want this to be the next step in the evolution of the soap genre and I want you to be at it's forefront. (He says coming around the desk and sitting on it's edge his folding his arms across his chest. She'd seen that look before and it meant he was ready to do battle but she was not ready to give in)
Erica: From what I've read aren't Soaps passe?
Gavin: Absolutely not! That is a the assumption of the know nothing networks that just aren't willing to invest the time or the money I am. And, we have something they don't. We have Erica Kane herself at the helm telling the story from a perspective no one else can.
Erica: Of course since it is my story. But getting back to my actual show. As I said before if my results are good why tamper with it?
Gavin:Remarkably you've kept "New Beginnings" afloat because people are interested in you and the excitement of your life. I'm betting they would tune in daily to get a glimpse into it. (Erica thinks about that a moment and how hard he was selling it)
Erica: I'm just not sure Gavin besides as I've told you before "New Beginnings is my show. I'm not going to let you just come in and take over! Especially not with a pack of amateurs! It's something I would have to think seriously about. Do I want people confusing some of the ridiculousness of soap life with my very real very personal experiences. I'm not sure I'm willing to put myself or my family through that.
Gavin: But, Erica darlin, it's already out there. This way you could put your personal experiences on events. Perhaps give the audience a little clarity which I think would draw the audience deeper into the experience. I think you would be the only person who could do that. Give it a shot if it doesn't work no harm done it happens but if it works out the way I know it will it could open other doors for you perhaps other productions. (He teases sweetening the trap he'd already had set for her)
Erica: Let me look it over and I'll get back to you. She says fingering through the project folder again then placing it inside her briefcase as she stands. Gavin grins as he walks back to his chair and resumes his seat)
Gavin: Thank you so much Erica I appreciate it. I'll give you three days to consider it and then I'm going to have to hire someone else for the position. (He remarks putting on his glasses and tuning toward his computer ignoring the tantrum he knew was coming)
Erica: Oh really? So this is blackmail? (Her eyes narrowed annoyed and shocked by his latest revelation. Gavin smiles coolly removing his glasses as he turns back towards her his stare unwavering)
Gavin: Not blackmail business. As much as I really want you on board for this the project will move forward with or without you. (Gavin watches the determined tilt of her lips and waits for her to make her next move)
Erica: You can't move forward without my story now can you? (Erica smirks her trump card exposed. Gavin smiles the cool controlled smile she was coming to loath)
Gavin: Oh, we'll move ahead just as planned story and all. My parent company owns the rights to the book and has already given me the green light. Blackwood Productions in association with Raising Kane Productions or Blackwood Productions in Association with Corban James Production it's up to you. (He looks up at her waiting as the wheels turned knowing she was already hooked)
Erica: Did you say Corban James?
Gavin: Yes, he's shown great interest in being a part of it.
Erica: Don't tell me you aren't seriously considering that hack?
Gavin: The man has won two Emmy's and a Viewers Watch award.
Erica: And he nearly ruined my movie "Raising Kane".
Gavin: If I recall he was nominated for that film.
Erica: I don't care how many nominations the man gets! A band of typewriting chimps are better than him!
Gavin: I think his peers and a wall of awards would disagree with you.
Erica: So if I don't play ball you'll give it to this guy to do a hatchet job on me?
Gavin: This is business Erica you can either be a producer on the project or not it's up to you. I'm just letting you know with or without you it will proceed. Just so you understand there won't be any hatchet job it's based on your life it's not your life Erica. If you have any questions Corban is right outside. (He says reaching for the intercom) Meredith please send Mr. James in.
Corban: Gavin I have some wonderful ideas for the show! They're just ideas mind you. (He says sweeping into the office grinning from ear to ear until he catches sight of Erica) Erica Kane how lovely to see you again.
Erica: Corban it's been sometime.
Corban: Well I'm glad you're here I was just saying to Gavin I've had some marvelous ideas for the show. It may require changing one or two sequences of events but I think it will work much better when we flash back to her high school days.
Erica: So you want to chg events in my life?
Corban: Well I just want to tell the truth in this one part.
Erica: Everything in my book is in chronological order for one thing and two people hate flashbacks! Corban: Well without hearing what I have in mind I really don't think it's fair to make a judgement.
Erica: Oh it's very fair since it's my life story. Why don't you write up everything you have and we can all sit down and discuss it after lunch. I will most certainly let you know. Now if you'll excuse me I still have another show to run. (She turns and walks toward the door. Gavin chuckles to himself calling after her as he puts his glasses back on and turns back to Corban)        
Gavin: I'll see you at our meeting at ten o'clock.
Erica: You most certainly will. (She says in the same cool controlled manner as she close door behind her).
Gavin: See you then. (He smirks as he hands Corban a legal pad)

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