Sunday, June 5, 2016

David and Rhea 07/01/2016


      David walks down the hall smiling to himself He had accomplished his goal and gotten the funding he needed. Best part he done it without Michael or his knowing he'd used his research. They would be able to continue their work with all the money they needed. Micheal would be happy and he doubted he would question too much how he had done it as long as he could continue on. He had to admit he didn't like having to do this to him but sometimes you had to bend a little to achieve the end goal and Michael would understand that if he had spent more time as an adult in the real world. Still it bothered him to have to do it Krystal was right Michael was the closest thing he had to a friend and no matter how he tried to convince himself otherwise Michael would be angry if he ever found out. But, there was no reason for him to ever find out the hows of what he did the only thing he would know was that he had done it. He smiles mentally patting himself on the back as he pushes the button for the elevator. He waits for the doors to open and the car to empty before stepping inside and hearing a voice yell.  "Hold the door!" Then scout inside.
Rhea: Thank you! (She sighs turning back to see who had held up the car for her) David! Good morning!
David: Rhea hi! (He says trying to keep the shocked feeling from his voice. She was one of the last people he wanted to run into this morning) What are you doing here?
Rhea: I had a meeting with some young developers. (She smiles) Pete was supposed to do it but you gave his cute little girlfriend off. So of course they're gone off to parts unknown and I got stuck with it. She says with mock sternness then laughs making David relax just a little and chuckle with her)
David: Sorry but the poor kid been slaving away literally in a tower for weeks she needed a break.
Rhea; Yeah Pete too but having met with them I'm glad I had the opportunity. (She confirms to him and herself. Francessca's friends really had something and with a little help they could make a serious explosion on the tech market. David notes her distracted look knowing she was partially lost in thought in whatever it was. Good! The last thing he needed was for her to pay too close attention. The key was to keep it all light and friendly with just enough distraction)
David: Yeah?
Rhea: Yeah I really am. These young men are absolutely brilliant. It's been a very long time since I've seen anything that has actually impressed me. (Her mind floating to the multiple applications and the potential millions they all could make)
David: Wow, good for you. (He grins taking a casual look at display overhead as the elevator slows and the doors open. Just a few more floors he thought as they both step back and allow others to get on. Rhea looks at her watch hoping the elevator didn't make anymore stops or she would be late getting to the next meeting she had hopefully Anna was running late she thought looking down at her watch)
Rhea:What about you what brings you here so early? (She smiles looking back at him as the doors close and the car floats down to the next floor)
David:  I had a meeting myself much earlier than I had expected. (He sighs sounding slightly annoyed inwardly smiling with satisfaction as his words have the desired reaction from her)
Rhea: I thought you and Michael didn't have that till later?
David: That's what I thought too! (He says giving another heavy sigh of annoyance just for good measure) They called earlier this morning asked if they could move it up. I called Michael I was wondering where he was. (He lies smoothly. He'd called Michael five minutes before the meeting started making it impossible for him to make it)
Rhea: Oh he'll be sorry he missed it. (She says sounding disappointed then reaches for her buzzing phone and typing quickly into the keypad as she speaks) He was looking forward to his first corporate meeting I hope he won't be too disappointed.
David: Yeah he was but there'll be lots of others. (He shrugs sounding as disappointed as she had)
Rhea: So how did it go? Did you get your funding? (Concern edging her voice as she slips her phone back inside her purse. David smiles brightly sounding cheerful careful not to sound overly so)
David: Yes we did everything we wanted!.
Rhea: That's wonderful! Michael will be so happy! He was so worried they would turn you down since the testing wasn't going well. (she watches his expression briefly before sighing in exasperation and reaching again for her phone and scanning the message as he speaks her distraction making David smile in ernest)
David: Fortunately for us our investors aren't just businessmen they're also scientist. They understand the complexity and pitfalls this type work involves. (He shrugs watching as she finishes her message)
Rhea: Well I'm really happy for you both! (She smiles putting her phone back in her purse whatever she was working on made her very happy good time to switch the direction of the conversation)
David: What about you how did your meeting go? Good things for Slater-Courtlandt I hope? (He asks catching her attention. She looks around the care noticing it was just the two of them left)
Rhea: Very promising if I not revolutionary. (She whispers as the car stops on the ground floor and the doors open into the ornate lobby)
David: We'll good for you I hope it works out well for you. (He says holding the door for her and allowing her to pass)
Rhea: Thank you, so do I. (They walk side by side through the sliding glass door into the bright sunlight)
David: I haven't had any breakfast this morning maybe you'd like to grab something? (Rhea shakes her head looking down at her watch)
Rhea: I would love to but I have another meeting across town. Some other time? (She smiles then looks across the parking lot for her car)
David: That's would be great. Good luck to you! (Rhea leans in giving his cheek a quick kiss)
Rhea: Congratulation! I can't wait to tell Michael the good new! Maybe we can all get together and celebrate? ( David blushes slightly taken aback by the sudden jester)
David: I'd love that! (Smiles sheepishly his feelings mixing with the guilt he was feeling over his deception his expression completely unnoticed by Rhea as she searches in her purse for her car keys)
Rhea: Great I'll give Krystal a call and set it all up. See you later!
David; See you later. (He waves after her making sure to walk in the opposite direction in the parking lot even if it meant he'd have to loop back around. He watches out the corner of his eye as she enters her car stopping on the sidewalk to fumble with his keys a moment while she backs out of the spot before heading into the lot walking between the rows as she heads out the parking lot and out the exist then moves toward his car. He stops a moment and watches a familiar figure leaving the building. He watches as Adam comes down the walk reading a sheet of paper then looking almost stricken then folding it quickly and stuffing it in his breast pocket as Lola calls his name as she approaches. David smiles to himself looking back at the signpost and the private investigators name in small print at the bottom then back at Lola thinking back on Adam's panicked expression. He unlocks the car starting the engine watching the two as he does.
David: Huh, What are you up to now Adam. (He shakes his head pondering the question and how best he could use it as he drives out of the lot and into the flow of traffic.

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