Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Cassandra 06/22/2016

Cassandra lies in bed looking at her calendar again there was no possibility this baby was Rego's. This was Deveraux's child God no!  This baby was conceived that morning in the limo as the memory flashed through her mind
"Cassandra: Morning did you miss me? (She smiles sliding into the seat next to him)
Devereaux: Of course my darling I thought of nothing else but you since I left. (He pulls her to him and kisses her hungrily then trail kisses down her throat his hand moving quickly to the buttons on her blouse his kisses following behind his fingers)
Cassandra: Wait a minute I thought we were going to breakfast? (She pushes against him trying to fasten the button he’d undone as his hands reach for the button of her pants as his other hand slips inside them)
Devereaux: Lets make it brunch shall we? (His lips caress the curve of her throat as he pushes her back against the cushions his other hand wrestles with the top of her jeans then begins to pull them away from her body) What do you say we go back upstairs? (He grins to himself as her body tenses at the thought as her mind races)
Cassandra: I don't think I could wait that long (She reaches for him pulling him to her kissing him lightly at first then forces herself to match his passion as she desperately tries to shut out the screaming in her head to make him stop. She hadn't expected this at all! He’d said they would have a quick breakfast and then he had a meeting. They were only going out for breakfast not this! She hadn’t prepared for this with him! Not now! Oh God not today!"
 Devereaux knew it, he'd planned it! Now it all made sense! He had been one step ahead of her all along! But, she wasn't out of the game yet! She just had to make sure that this baby was Rego's. She knew exactly what she needed to beat them all to the punch. She was going to prove this child was Rego's and she knew exactly what to do but the how was going to be difficult. Getting Rego to agree would be easy He already suspicious of her so getting him to take the test would be a piece of cake. The hard part was going to be getting a sample from Francesca's brat and then she was going to have to figure out how to switch them.
                    This was getting complicated and she didn't know how she was going to pull it off but she had too. No matter what she was going to! She rolls on her side and stares at the empty space next her running her hand over the sheets. It felt strange being in bed alone. She had gotten used waking up and finding Rego beside her even if it had only been for twenty four hours. Still it had felt good, it felt safe and for a change she'd slept without fear. How long would that last? Devereaux would be coming after her. He wasn't the kind of man to just give up and when he did she needed to be ready for him.
                 She gets up out of the bed and walks to the bathroom and turns on the shower. She walks to the sink and turns the tap on then stares at her reflection while the water warms. She looked tired and a little bloated she thought quickly brushing her teeth then placing the brush back in the stand. She walked to her closet and flips through her clothes none of her old things would fit. Luckily Rego had let her go on a shopping spree before they left Vegas and she had some beautiful maternity clothes. At least she wouldn't be pregnant and tacky like his ex with the overalls and jumpers. She'd made sure she'd picked up all the latest styles. Francessca didn't care how she looked she'd spent most of her time and energy preparing the baby's room. Then she and Brooke had made one for the brat here in the mansion as well. And holy crap all the junk the morons bought for that kid! She was surprised there was room in there for the baby. She supposed she should have gotten something for the baby but she had time for that. Besides what was the point of buying anything when they didn't even know if it was a boy or girl? She thought stepping back into the bathroom and into the shower.
                Hmmm! Maybe getting what she needed wouldn't be so hard after all. Brooke and Oliver just loved their new grandson. He was constantly here in the house. If she worked fast she could probably get what she needed before the bitch realised she was living here and stopped bringing the little brat around. Yeah it wouldn't be too hard to swab his mouth and get it to a lab. It wouldn't be too hard at all. She smiles to herself and begins to hurry through her toilette. She needed to get dressed and pump the staff so she'd know next time the little prince was going to be around.

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