Monday, June 27, 2016

Francessca and Rego 06/27/2016

           Rego walks doggedly into the living room placing his briefcase down next to the desk he'd have to remember to take that with him later to his side of the house. He's also have to remember to start coming on on the other side of the house as well. This was probably the last night he'd be using that entrance now that he and Cassandra had been banished to the south wing. Which reminded him he wondered if Cassandra was back. He hadn't seen her her car so he would assume she out and about more than likely more shopping for herself as usual. It was what she did best. He looks down at the mail on the desk flipping through it quickly then putting it back down and sighs his head swiveling quickly as a cry comes from the bassinette. He smiles walking over quickly and picking up a fussing Logan.
Rego: Oh you're still here. Your old buddy uncle Rego is back. I'm glad I didn't miss you. So how was your day? How's the grandfather? I guess feeling a little better after seeing you I know I do.  Looks like someone left a bottle warming for you. (He says pulling the bottle from the warmer and feeding it so him. Brooke smiles as she walks in the room and catches sight of Rego holding Logan.)
Brooke: Hi Rego you're home early.
Rego: Yes, I wrapped up my meeting early so I could come home and change for dinner then I ran into this little guy. He let me know he was awake and hungry and I saw the bottle in the warmer. (He shrugs)
Brooke: Thank you. I went to check on cook while he was sleeping. He was so good today. I guess we wore him out he fell asleep before I could give him his bottle. ( She smiles brushing the fuzz of baby hair with her finger then reaching for her ringing phone) I need to take this would you mind watching him for a few minutes please?
Rego: Not at all. Mr.Logan and I are old friends we'll just finish our conversation from this morning. (Brooke smiles then puts her phone to her ear)
Brooke; Hold on a second I have the notes on my desk. (She flashes "five" with her fingers as she walks back toward her office.)
 Rego; So what were we talking about this morning? Ahhh yes! Keeping your parents awake. So after you finish this bottle you're going to want to stay awake for a while then sleep in the car all the way home. No crying that just wears you out. (He wipes his mouth with the cloth then lifts him up on his shoulder patting his back as he as he paces in front of the window) then you'll sleep as soon as you get in the house. What you want to do is sleep until they get you in the house. Then bam! Wide awake ready to go. That's how you do it. (He laughs kissing his head then lifting him from his shoulder and cradeling him) I really shouldn't be telling you this. In little while you'll have a little cousin and you'll tell him all about it. So do me a favor keep that just between you and me okay? (He laughs softly holding Logan up and pointing out the window at a cardinal on a branch. Francessca stops as she comes to the entrance of the living room spotting Rego holding Logan and talking to him. The expression on both their faces was stunning making her smile and Rego's chatter making her want to laugh. Taking her digital camera from her pocket she snaps a few photos. She shuts the camera off and places it back in her pocket then takes a couple with her phone before coming into the room)
 Francessca: Hi my sweet pea! (She coo's coming toward the two of them as Logan begins to bounce and flail his arms at the sound of her voice)
Rego: Somebody missed their Mommy. There she is. ( Rego grins handing the baby to her)
Francessca: Hi lambchop I missed you today. (She says snuggling him to her) You are so sweet with him. (She says smiling up at him as Logan holds on to Rego's finger)
Rego: It's hard not to be he's a sweet little boy besides he and I are old friends.
Francessca: So I heard you and Cassandra got married.
Reg: Yeah, yeah we did.
Francessca: I honestly hope the two of you will be happy.
Rego; Do you mean that?
Francessca: Yeah I do. (Rego eyes open wide in shock) Why are you so surprised I don't hate you! Well, not anymore. (They both laugh) If it wasn't for you I don't know what would have happened to us.
Rego: Yeah that was kind of scary and wondrous all at the same time. But I think you would have been alright knowing you, you would have just pulled something from that bag of yours. (Making them both laugh)
Francessca: I don't think anything I have in my bag could have done what you did. Could you hold him a second so I can pack up his stuff.
Rego: Sure (He says taking his son from her) Now you remember everything I told you. The drive home when you get in the house, all that. (He smiles down at him as Francessca packs up his diaper bag then reaches for the carrier. The sound of Francessca's voice catches Cassandra's ear as it drifts through the foyer stopping her cold she slips to the side of the archway to the living room where she could watch them covertly)
Francessca: Okay Logan time to saddle up for the ride home. (She says turning toward Rego)
Rego: Here I have it. (He smiles placing Logan in the carrier and snapping the locks) See you soon buddy. Remember what we talked about. (He lovingly places the the blanket around him then brushes the wisp of hair on his head) Be good boy for Mommy and Daddy. (He says with a wink getting a small giggle from Logan making him laugh then stands) It was good seeing you say hello to Jamie and your parents for me.
Francessca: I Will and Rego, you were great. I mean it I couldn't have made it without you. Thank you.  (She says tipping up and kissing his cheek) It was good seeing you take care of yourself.
Rego: You too. (Cassandra steps back into the side hall infuriated and waits for Francessca and her son to pass and struggles with the urge to smack the taste from her mouth)
Rego: Here let me get the door for you. (He says stepping a few paces ahead of her and opening the door)
Francessca: Thanks! Oh I sent something to your phone. (She turns back with a smile as she walks out the door Rego walking behind her.)
Rego: I can't believe you still have the number. (he calls after her turn around and laugh)
Francessca: Well I still like your Dad, you're still family,... emergencies so there's that.
Rego: You forgot you had till just now.
Francessca:  Yeah! (She says making them both laugh) Night Rego.
Rego: Good night Cess night Logan. (He says closing the door and walking back toward the living room reaching in his pocket for his phone and opens the messenger. He stares down at the photo mesmerized it was so incredibly beautiful. The expression on Logan's face the way the light shone through the window it was  absolutely captivating. Cassandra waits a full five minutes then tips toward the door slamming it behind her all the while Rego stood staring at that photo)
Cassandra: Hi honey you're home early. (She says coming towards him lips puckered. The screech of her voice breaking the spell that had fallen over him. He turns his head forcing her to catch his cheek then pushes away from her quickly. He walks away and picks up the stuffed toy from the floor holds it a minute and smiles) Was that Francessca I just saw leaving? (She huffs knowing exactly what had gotten him all moon eyed as she desperately tries to stuff down her anger)
Rego: Yeah she was picking up Logan. (He says placing the toy in the bassinette then looking at his watch) I had wanted take a shower before dinner but I got sidetracked playing with the baby. I don't know There is just something about that kid. (he says with a whimsical smile infuriating Cassandra)
Cassandra: I just don't understand this weird attachment!
Rego: Weird? How is it weird? I bought that baby into this world and helped him take his first breath! I'm not going to ignore him or pretend he doesn't exist because you still harbour some petty jealousy for his mother!
Cassandra: I understand all that but you are his Uncle, step uncle to be exact don't you think you're becoming a little too attached?
Rego: Please explain to me how one becomes too attached to one's family especially a baby? Like it or not that child is my family just as much as Endre, Rebeka or Laura.
Cassandra: I understand, it just seems I don't know. (She pouts) We're going to have your own baby soon Rego. I just think your focus should be on us.
Rego: Am I really Cassandra, because I think that fact is very much up in the air. (He says with a snort) I married you to protect you and the child you're carrying. So, until I get that piece of paper that tells me the child you're carrying is mine I won't be getting anymore attached to you.  Which reminds me I made an appointment at the doctors for the DNA test.
Cassandra: Don't we have to wait till after the baby is born.
Rego: As I believe I explained to before with the wonders of modern science we can have it in vitro anywhere from nine to thirteen weeks and wah la!
Cassandra: What about Devereaux?
Rego:  What about him? You only need one of us unless there's someone else neither of us know about? (He smirks to himself at the swift intake of breath and the look of fury in her eyes) I'm going to get changed. (He says leaving the room and heading up the steps leaving Cassandra seathing)


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