Monday, June 20, 2016

Dani and Molly 06/20/2016

Molly: So what's going on with you Joe? I haven't seen you around much lately.
Joe: Been trying to keep a low profile.
Molly: You and low profile are an oxymoron. (She says with a laugh)
Joe: Yeah, I was getting a little hot. Don't want the campus Po Po knocking on my door if you know what I mean.
Molly: So I guess you're out of business?
Joe: For you Molly I'm always in business. What do you say you and I blow this off and have some real fun.
Molly: Like where?
Joe: I know a couple of place we we could can go. You and I could have some real fun.
Molly: I love to Joe but I'm here with some people I just can't cut out on them.
Joe: Really then why are you over here with me and they're all the way over there.
            Dani watches Molly stomp off then push her way to the bar then turns back to Philip who shrugs.
Justine: What's gotten into her tonight?
Dani: I wish I knew Dude.
Phillip: She like some catholic school girl that escaped from the nuns!
Justine: Now she over there yakking it up with that Douche Joe!
Phillip: I can't stand that freaking ass hole!
Dani: Who's Joe? (She says looking from one to other feeling completely the new girl more than ever)
Justine: He's a fucking ass hole douche bag who likes to pretend he's some kind of campus drug lord badass. He's nothing but a fucking sleaze bag liar.
Phillip: From what I heard from that girl Reese he's also scary creepy and into some weird dangerous shit.
Dani: Maybe we should go over there?
Justine: I got this. (Justine walks quickly to the bar where Molly talks with Joe giving him an uneasy feeling.
Justine: Hey Molly, Joe what's going on? (He says looking from one to the other noting the guilty look on Joe's face)
Joe: Nothing man what's up with you?
Justine: Nothing here for the concert just like you. Molly you ready for the second set. Dani and Phil got us a great spot.
Molly: Yeah sure, see you later Joe and thanks!
Justine: What are you thanking him for?
Molly: Nothing! Don't be all suspicious. I was just thanking him for letting me bend his ear.
Justine: What do you have to talk to him about? Other than to get something off him?
Molly: You guys really pissed me off back there. You're supposed to be my friends not my watch dogs!
Justine: I'm sorry but in our defense we're just looking out for you.
Molly: I know and I love you guys for that. But I have my Uncle Jack watching my every move I don't need to feel like my friends are being my watchdogs too.
Justine: Okay I get it Mol I just wouldn't want to see anything happen to you okay? (He says stroking her blushed and tingling cheek feeling happier than she'd felt in a long time.
Molly: There is nothing going on with me and Joe. He was just there okay? And, if you haven't noticed I like you too. (She kisses him enjoying the feel of him his muscles going taunt under her touch)  
Justine: For real there's nothing else going on? (He says looking across the bar behind her to Joe who smirks then salutes him with his beer. (Molly follows his glance then pulls his attention back to her)
Molly: For real real come on don't look at me like that. (She says pulling him into a heated kiss) What would I need Joe for when I have you?
Justine: Yeah, (He says looking back at Joe and then to Molly) I like you Mol and that guy is bad news. I don't want to see anything happen to you.
Molly: Nothing is going to happen to me. (She whispers huskily pulling Justine to her)
Justine: That guys fucked up Moll
Molly: Ahhh! It's so cute that you're jealous. (She leans in kissing him)
Justine: I'm not jealous Mol. That guy is messed up.
Molly: Joe's okay he's a little weird but he's harmless. Why are you worrying about Joe. (She say's kissing him again) I'm with the hottest guy in here. What do you say...(She tips up nuzzling his neck sending a shiver through him as she pressed her self tighter against him) Why don't we skip this set and go out to your car. (She finishes kissing him again enjoying the feel of his arousal)  
Justine: Yeah.( He nods as she grasps his hand and walks toward the exist) 

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