Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Tad and Jesse 06/29/2016

           Tad lays back against the sheets waiting for Jesse to arrive. He'd been awake for hours unable to sleep now that he could see the details of the accident and the memories haunted him. He looks over at the dismal offerings on his breakfast tray hopping Jesse stopped by the serving spoon or Krystal's on his way. The thought of eating anything on that tray made him ill.
Jesse: Good morning sunshine. (He says placing the bag on the nightstand and the coffee on the table)
Tad: Aw man I was hoping you would bring something you can stick that crap on the window sill. (He says pushing the tray towards him. Jesse does as asked placing the tray on the sill then putting the bag in it's place)
Jesse: I stopped by the Serving Spoon on my way over. I love walking in there smelling all the bread baking early in the morning. (Tad opens the bag sniffing the contents before taking a muffin and biting into it) I also got you a coffee just the way you like it. (Tad pops the lid off the cup and takes a sip savoring the smell and taste of it unlike the watered down and burnt stuff the hospital served)
Tad: You my friend you are a lifesaver you just don't know. (Jesse laughs taking out a muffin and splitting it in half then chewing a piece as he talks.
Jesse: Trust me brother I know. So what's so all fired important that I had to be here before dawn.
Tad: I remember more stuff from the accident. (Jesse raises his brow as he swallows his interest tweaked)
Jesse: Yeah like what? (Tad closes his eyes like he did last night with Phillip pulling all the images together)
Tad: There were two vehicles up there for a long time before you all showed up. (Jesse looks over at him not sure what he was hearing.
Jesse: So what are you telling me? You have some special power and can see from the bottom of the ravine? (He scoffs sipping his coffee)
Tad: No I could see two sets of light and I could hear someone yelling in some foreign language but I saw two sets of lights long before the emergency crew came. ( Jesse sits back in the chair and thinks a moment see if he got any camera footage)
Jesse: Are you sure you weren't just in pain and seeing things?
Tad: No I swear Jesse I could see two sets of headlight for at least  twenty minutes and then it was quiet and just one set of car lights. I'm just saying there was a long time between all that activity and when the EMT's showed up.
Jesse: Are you positive you're the best judge of how long that was? I mean you were traumatised and seriously injured. You may not have been thinking straight.
Tad:  Yeah I was all that but I'm positive. I was screaming for someone to help us staring straight up at them. I know what I saw. If you don't believe me check the toll plaza see how long it was between the time that Devereaux guy went through and when he called 911. I bet it's a good twenty minutes. (Jesse sits back in the chair a moment thinking he'd have to have Brock check the toll footage again. It was only ten minutes from the plaza to the spot where the limo went over. If Tad was right he had some more questions for Mr. Devereaux. Tad watches the wheels turning in Jesse's head then turns and winks at Phil who gives him a thumbs up then whispers)
Phil: You're doing great!
Tad: Yeah Jess There's something hinky with that Devereaux guy. I can't put my finger on it but I don't know man. (He ponders shaking his head. Jesse looks at him nodding in agreement)
Jesse: Tell me about it. The man been giving me the heebie jeebies since I first met him. For the life of me I couldn't see what the hell Cassandra saw in him. Angie and I have been up nights wondering what the hell was up with that?
Tad: I've been thinking about that do you think maybe just maybe Cassandra is with him for the money? (Jesse chuckles)
Jesse: Oh yeah money is the big motivator but I guess I should be thanking God she away from him now. (He sighs not sure if it was a blessing or just more trouble heading his way)
Tad: So what did she move out?
Jesse: She didn't move back home if that's what you mean. (He sighs heavily taking a deep swallow of his coffee before continuing) Angie and I heard she and Rego ran off and got married yesterday. So I guess she's now Rego's problem.(He says with a grimace then shrugs. Tad nods and feigns surprise) Tad: She and Rego got married yesterday? What the hell?
Jesse: Yeah! Angie and I found out last night from none other than Devereaux himself. And he didn't seem real broken up about it either.
Tad: All I can say is Wow man. How's Angie doing?
Jesse: She's in shock. She can't figure out what's going on with that girl. Just seems like one crisis after another. I was going to go over to Brooke's this morning and have a talk with her but you called. And I'm really glad you did by the way.  So, Angie is supposed to have lunch with her today. Maybe get some answers. Hopefully marring Rego will be the end to some of the drama.
Tad: For yours and Angie's sake I really hope so.
Jesse: Yeah me too. At least she's not with that freak.
Tad: Getting back to that what do you think?
Jesse: I think it warrants a closer look which I was doing anyway. I don't know between you and I this guy's story just I don't know. Just too...(His voice trails off a moment) You would think seeing what he had he'd have been more emotional but he was just way too cool. But then he doesn't seem to ever break a sweat. (Tad nods in agreement)
Tad: Maybe this will turn up the heat a little.
Scene shift.....  
Deveraux looks around the Penthouse and smiles. Maurice had done an excellent job. Any traces of Cassandra ever living there were gone. Shipped off to the Sherrigan's. Right now Cassandra was probably starting to get nervous especially having received the bouquet he'd sent to their hotel in Vegas. Wondered how she had explained that? With a lie like she explained everything else and it was going to be her propensity for lying that was going to be her down a fall. Cassandra was going to get everything she wanted and then some.
              He glances down at his ringing phone, Broderick just the man he was waiting for.
Devereaux: Good morning I trust you slept well.
Broderick: Very well indeed. You have a time and date for me?
Devereaux: All the arrangements have been made we'll all meet in a fortnight. I'll call you with the final details.
Broderick: I was looking forward to a quicker exchange.
Devereaux: As was I but somethings can't be helped.
Broderick: So you've said.
Devereaux: Given the circumstances that's as quickly as can be done.
Broderick: I'm hoping we don't run into any complications.  
Devereaux: As do I. So, if we are in agreement I'll be in touch.
Broderick: I look forward to hearing from you. (He finishes ending the call. This little arrangement should have been over days ago and it was becoming tedious. If that young new punk had been on time the accident at the ravine would never have happened. Normally he'd punish a mistake like that severely but out of respect for his father's loyalty he'd been lient it also helped the culprit right now that he wanted the least amount of attention called to himself. Besides he had a important job for the little bastard to complete that just might make it up to him.

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