Friday, June 24, 2016

Molly and Dani 06/24/2016


        Molly looks down at her ringing phone and rolls her eyes not sure whether to answer her mother's call or let it go to voice mail. She looks down at it again then shuts off the ringer letting it go to voicemail like all the rest. She still wasn't ready to deal with Barbara she didn't know if she ever would be. But, she also knew that she'd better answer one of them soon or knowing her she'd blow into town like the big bag of bad news that she was and ruin her life once again.  She looks over at a sleeping Dani then lays back down and stares out the windows. Thinking about Barbara was the last thing she needed right now. She was already feeling kind of down residual from the ecstasy. Now memories were rushing through her head faster than she could stop them. Bringing her back to that moment when she'd opened that door and she couldn't stop it this time.
          She'd come home between practice she'd forgotten the money from the weekend fundraiser and had come home before practice to get it. She'd found it odd that her mother's car was in the driveway normally she'd have been down at her Dad's old practice brow beating the staff. She'd shrugged her shoulders and had run up to her room hoping to avoid her and had. She'd been able to slip into her room and grab the envelope before heading back down the steps unheard. That's when she'd seen it. Kevin's jacket lying on the hall chair. He hadn't left it there last time he was here and she was sure he'd had it on this morning when he'd picked her up for school. What the hell was it doing here? She heard a noise familiar and unfamiliar. She'd felt drawn as she listened to the sounds coming from her mother's room. To this moment she still didn't understand what had possessed her to open the door and to this day she wished she hadn't. She'd just stood there unable to make a sound as she watched her mother on top of Kevin grunting and squealing like a porn star. They hadn't even known she was there until she'd thrown up. Then she'd run back to practice and had forced Heather to skip it with her. At first they sat in the back of the locker room and she'd cried. Then Heather had taken her back to her dorm and she'd poured the entire story out to her between sobs. When she'd finished crying out her story Heather had shown her the videos some of the other guys at school had been passing around of  her mother. Seemed her daughters boyfriend wasn't enough for Barbara. She had a couple of prime picks all of which were interns from the office. Heather said it had been going around for a couple of weeks and neither she nor her other friends had known how to tell her.
             God! She had never been more ashamed and embarrassed in her life! She'd stayed at Heather's overnight and ignored Barbara's calls. Instead she called Sean and then Bianca and worked out a plan then called Uncle Jack. She wanted to get as far away from her mother and school as soon as possible and you couldn't get much further than the other side of the country! At least in Pine Valley no one knew her or her mother and she could start over. Even if they had there was no way they could associate her with the woman in the videos unlike back home.
            She looked down at her phone watching the beeping indicator then slips out of bed. It was early and she couldn't sleep anyway she may as well speak to her while the anger was still fresh. She slips on her shoes and grabs her hoody from the end of the bed and slips out the room and down the steps. Hearing activity in the back of the house she steps out side the front door and down the walk a few paces before dialing the phone. She waits while the phone rings on the other end debating whether to hang up or not and losing the debate when her mother picks up on the other end. She closes her eyes and braces herself for the onslaught of platitudes
          "Hi! Honey it's so good to hear from you! How are you? It's been so long since we've talked. I just wanted to tell you..." She starts and is cut off mid sentence.
          "Look, I didn't call to hear your fake "I'm sorries" and tell me how much you really love me!" Molly shoots back her voice terse barely holding on to what little control she had.
          "But honey I do love you so much! I" Barabara starts again and is cut off.
          "Look Save it Bab's! If you loved me you would never have slept with my boyfriend and every intern in your office! Don't even bother trying to lie I saw the videos!" She listens while Barbra stutters trying to regain her composure.
            "Baby Please you and I really need to talk! We can't go on this way honey! You have to hear my side." Barbara pleads.
              "That's the thing Bab's you don't get a side! There are just some thing you just don't do. Example, having sex with your daughter's boyfriend! You know what I'm past done with this! I don't want to see you! I don't want to talk to you! The only reason I called you now was to tell you to stop calling me!" Molly pleads hoping beyond hope that Barbara would finally back off her narcissistic mission to make peace between them. Barbara close her eyes and prays silently at the same time begins to talk quickly as she fights back her tears.
              " I can't do that honey you're still so angry. I just want to...."
              "Stop telling me what you want and listen to what I want for a change!
               " I'm listening honey just tell me what you want. I'll do anything to make things right between us." Feeling hopeful for the first time since the phone had rung.
              "Stop calling me! Stop leaving me messages! Just leave me alone! Do you understand just leave me alone!" Her voice getting shrill.      
               "You're my daughter I can't do that Molly!" Barbara sniffs.
                "Do I have to get a restraining order because you know I will!" Molly grinds out exasperated by her mother's persistence.
                 "No, you don't have to do that I promise I won't call you anymore. But I have to tell.." She says looking down at her watch.
                 "Good!" Molly grunts disconnecting the call before Barabara can comment further and walks back in the house. Barbara stares down at her phone a moment wiping a tear from her eye then picks up her travel bag and boards the plane to Pine Valley.


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