Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Gavin, Carmen and Krystal 06/21/2016

         Gavin walks away quickly smiling to himself waving to his cameraman as he walks.  That would give Erica something to stew on for awhile. He thought walking toward Krystal and Carmen who looked relaxed and happy as they stood talking and laughing together. In a few seconds it was going to be showtime he says signaling the camera man to start filming. He needed to sell this idea if he was going to save the station and have it turn a profit he thought putting on his showman's smile.
 Gavin: Good evening ladies I hope you're enjoying yourselves this evening. (He says smoothly extending his hand) If you'll excuse me for being so bold but I'm Gavin Blackwood the new owner of WRCW. (Carmen looks at him and laughs)
Carmen: Yeah sure and I'm Miss America John! Nice to see you! ( She says kissing and hugging him. Krystal looks from one to the other then back at the camera man not sure what was going on as Carmen speaks) Krystal this is John Wagnor he was one of the guys that worked on the set when I was on "New Beginnings". John you remember my partner Krystal Hayward.
Gavin: Yes, I had many a wonderful lunch at your cafe. Very nice to see you both. (He says smiling and extending his hand to each one)
Krystal: Good to see you again John. What have you been up to?
Gavin: Mostly working. I'm on a quest to set things right. (He says a flash of memory of a life long ago clouding his thoughts for a brief second before he continues)
Gavin: Carmen what I said before when I introduced myself?
Carmen: Yeah? (She looks at Krystal confused then behind her noticing the cameraman)
Gavin: I am Gavin Blackwood and I do own WRCW and quite a few other things. (He says with a laugh enjoying Carmen's shocked expression)
Carmen : You were like that "Spying on Your Underlings" (She looks from Gavin to Krystal and back still not believing what was going on)
Gavin: Exactly like that! I thought that during my time at "New Beginnings" that you were the best part of that experience and my favorite part of the show. That's why I would like to have you and your partner back on "New Beginnings" and I want to give you both your own half hour program!" Krystal and Carmen stare back at him with their mouths agape then stutters a response.
Carmen: You're Gavin Blackwood and you want us to come back to the show and give us our own show. This is a joke right? It's really one of those gag shows? (Gavin shakes his head no)
Gavin: No this is no joke I'm serious. I want you and Krystal, I'm sorry, I can call you Krystal?
Krystal: That's, that's fine.
Gavin: Great hopefully we'll be working together that is, if you both say yes? (He asks again looking from one to the other. Krystal turns to Carmen both smiling so hard their eyes disappear from their faces) What do you say ladies? (They look at each other nodding their heads yes then squeal in delight as they hug and kiss him. Gavin smiles broadly all the pieces were falling into place)
Carmen: Oh thank you so much! I promise I won't be sorry! ( She slaps her forehead shakes her head and laughs Krystal and Gavin laughing with her)  No, you won't be sorry!
Gavin: I was only sorry the day I watched you walk out the studio door.
Krystal: This is absolutely amazing! I can't believe this is happening!
Gavin: It's happening if you want it to I'll take that as a yes! (They both nod in agreement before hugging him again)  Stop by my office tomorrow anytime you want and we'll iron out all the details. He laughs again making a fuming Eric fume even harder.
Opal: hey girlfriend! (Opal calls to a sheathing  Erica then follows her stare.) What's going on over there? (She asks crossing her arms across her chest. Eric turns towards her sighing angrily)
Eric: Oh nothing just the new station manager trashing up the place! (She looks from the squealing pair back to Opal more annoyed than before) He's already done it! I can't believe the sheer audacity of the man! (She growls making Opals eyes open wide in surprise)
Opal: I wish I had a inkling of what you're talking about. (Erica mouth opens as if to say something then closes as she sighs)
Erica: Gavin! He's decided to redesign my show and I'm more than sure I just witnessed him inviting Carmen and now Krystal to be apart of New Beginnings! My New Beginings Opal! The show I have poured every ounce of myself into making a success is now being reduced to nothing more than a whitewashing of every other show!
Opal: I'm so sorry honey! I know how much you love your work on that. But, who knows maybe it's a good thing. You were just saying yourself that you thought you needed to shake things up.
Erica: I did but I meant I wanted to shake it up my way! Not have some no nothing, playing tycoon coming in telling me what to do. (Opal watches Erica watch Gavin knowing all too well what it meant)
Opal: Maybe "New Beginning's isn't the only thing that's shook up. (She comments watching Erica preen as Gavin approached.
Gavin: Did you catch all that? (He mumbles to himself waits a few moments as Anna's cool calm voice comes through the earpiece)
Anna: Yeah thanks I appreciate that. We just wanted a better image of the happy couple.
Gavin: As always, happy to oblige. If we're finished I have some business of my own to attend to.
Anna: So you're really leaving?
Gavin: This one my lovely, is going to be my last tango.
Anna: Sure knock off for the night I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Gavin: Good night gorgeous.
Anna: Good night. (She says then turns off his feed. Gavin pulls the earpiece from his ear and places it in his pocket. He'd been able to kill two birds with one stone. Now he could concentrate on Ms. Kane and the next step in his plan. The later looking none too pleased. One thing for sure this wouldn't be boring certainly not with Ms. Kane. Ahh and there was Erica's other co star at least now he could concentrate.
Gavin: Erica, (He says coming to her side smiling brightly.) Mrs. Cortlandt you look absolutely stunning.
Opal: Thank you Mr. Blackwood.
Gavin: Gavin pease.
Opal: Gavin.
Gavin: Mrs. Cortlandt I have a proposition for you that will make you the happiest woman in Pine Valley.
Opal: Depends what you have in mind.
Gavin: How would you like to be one of Erica's new co-hosts on "New Beginnings"? (Erica glares at Gavin this was absolutely too much! He'd gone too far this time. Opal's face lights up with a hopeful gleam as she looks from Erica to Gavin. Erica desperately trying to stamp down her repulsion at the thought) I think you would be the perfect addition to our cast. You're smart and sassy you have a colorful background. You've worked your way from the bottom to become a successful business woman. Yet you still maintain an earthly unearthly quality and perspective that would give our panel that ce petit quelque chose? That extra something that today's audience is looking for. Don't you agree Erica? (He had her exactly where he wanted her. There was no way she would betray her best friend besides he was right she'd see eventually. Besides he had other plans for Mrs. Kane. Opal looks to Erica waiting for her response that seemed slow in coming. She knew what was going through her head but why shouldn't she? It could be fun! Besides Gavin was right she was a successful business woman. She'd taken "The Glamorama" and turned it into a complete Salon and Day Spa and had another two in Llanview! Very few people recognized the fact she was a good business woman including Erica! She had made a fortune in her own right! )    
Erica: Why yes Gavin Opal offers that inspiring down home quality.
Gavin: Oh no it's more than that she what makes the entire puzzle a whole. What do you say Opal? It will be near impossible to do what I have in mind without you! ( He pleads his expression reassuring. Why the heck not she thought despite Erica's doubts!)
Opal: You know what I think it's a great idea and could be a lot of fun! I'm definitely in! When and where do I sign? (She says looking to Erica on eyebrow raised daring her to say one word)
Gavin: You've made me the happiest man in this room tonight. I will be forever in your debt!

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