Wednesday, May 21, 2014

"A Tangled Web" Jack & Tea, Erica & Gavin 05/21/2014

Jack and Tea stand next to bar watching the other guest enjoy the festivities directly across from where Erica and Gavin stand giving an interview.

Jack: So what do you think Ms. Delgado? (He reaches for two glasses from a passing waiter and hands her one) 
Tea: Thissss is really something! (She sips her glass looking around at the all the glitz and glamour. She smiles catching a glowering Erica out the corner of her eye. She holds up her glass in a salute)
Tea: Bite me witch! (She mumbles then sips her glass watching Erica becomes all smiles and sex appeal for the cameras)  
Jack: A little over the top for my taste. (He smiles stealing a covert glance at Erica preening for the cameras) 
Tea: Mine too but it's still kind of fun and the food was excellent. (Jack nods in agreement still twisting his mouth in distaste)  
Jack: I could have lived without the entire "red carpet" thing.
Tea: Well if you had been on time we would have missed the interview portion of  the evening. (Her tone playfully chastising. Jack chuckles and nods in agreement) 
Jack: True very true. (He laughs enjoying the closeness of the moment. He was enjoying the evening even if he'd originally had ulterior motives for coming. Tea was fun alot of fun and that was something his life had been lacking lately)
Tea: Although I have to say you were very smooth during that interview. (She says feeling the burn of Erica's stare and moves closer to Jack her smile undeniably flirtatious. Jack blushes slightly as a momentary jolt of arousal courses through him. Tea smiles up at him enjoying the affect she was having on Erica who was throwing her eye daggers as the reporter interviews Gavin and more so on Jack whose expression was a lot more than just casual and friendly and Erica knew it)
Jack: I guess all the years I wasted with Erica had some benefits after all.(He chuckles watching Erica try not to watch them. Tea follows his line of vision)    
Tea: Speaking of Erica she and Gavin looked very chummy. (She says sipping her drink watching them over the brim of her glass)
Jack: That's just Erica playing for the camera's if they were really together she wouldn't keep sliding glances over here. (He laughs waving his hand dismissively feeling more interested in what was happening between he and Tea than Erica's reaction to it)
Tea: So exactly what's the plan here? (Feeling a slight pang of jealousy as Jack's tone bitter edge)  
Jack: We basically stand around having a great time.(He says turning his attention back to Tea his eyes revealing a simmering spark that hadn't been there earlier sending a slight shiver through her. Something had just changed in their relationship that both excited and frightened her at the same time and inexplicably wanting more as she leans into him her body's calling taking the lead over her head)
Tea: Laughing
Jack: Sharing intimately conversation.(He teases back enjoying the close moment between them)
Tea: Oh you mean like this. (She says stepping closer and smiling up at him as she pulls some imaginary lint from his lapel)
Jack: Exactly. (He laughs)
Tea: Sharing a private joke (Giggling loudly enjoying Erica's vexed expression)
Jack: You are very good at this Ms. Delgado. (He looks down at her fighting hard against his urge to kiss her upturned face)
Tea: Trust me I've gone more than a few rounds with the best of them.
Jack: And I bet no one was left standing.
Tea: Something like that.(She says fighting back the longing to mess up his perfect hair by running her fingers through it)
Jack: I have a great idea why don't you and I hit the dance floor.(Maybe holding her while they danced would put the sudden lust he felt at bay)
Tea: I thought you would never ask. (She says standing on the tips of her toes whispering in his ear. Jack laughs heartily as Tea takes his his arm and they walk toward the dance floor, all of it to Erica's shagrin. Gavin watches the emotion cross Erica's face as he moves to stand in front of her blocking her view)
Erica: That woman is absolutely insufferable! (Her voice filled with venom as her mind clicks from one revenge plot to the next)
Gavin: I found her very charming. (He looks back over his shoulder at Jack and Tea dancing the attraction between the two almost palpable then back to Erica's scowled face)
Erica: You would! (She spits back more annoyed with him and the situation between Jack and Tea then before. Not only was Gavin utterly useless he lacked tastes and judgement too. She could see the flames starting between them and she intended to douse them before they became a blaze)
Gavin: I thought you and Mr. Montgomery were over a long time ago? (He muses aloud his mind going into damage control. This would never work he needed her focused. He looks over at the offending couple again then back to Erica who now looked cool and collected which could only mean drama and distraction)
Erica: We are but that doesn't mean I'm going to allow that, that succubus to get her claws in him. (Her voice even and controlled but her eyes still deadly. He needed to do something quick or everything he planned would be burned to ashes. He needed to distract her now before this war could get started.  Then his mind hits on an idea )
Gavin: Sounds like jealousy. (He quips knowing just the right button to push to turn her attention snapped to him)
Erica: I'm not jealous I'm just very protective of all my friends past and present. (She says smoothly tossing the hair back from her face a sardonic grin on her lips. He looks down at her his eyes bright with devilment)
Gavin: You know the best way to mend a broken heart? (He says taking a step towards her amused by the slight flush to her cheeks negating her cool demeanor)
Erica: Glue? (Her eyes locking with his meeting his challenge)
Gavin: Moving on! (He says sweeping Erica into a passionate kiss then releasing her just as abruptly and walking away leaving her stunned and intrigued)

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