Thursday, May 15, 2014

Tad & Phil, Opal & Jenny 05/15/2014

Phil sits down in the chair across from Tad shaking his head.

Phil: You just couldn't take my word for  we had to do it your  way and you see what happens? (He chastises)
Tad: I know I know! (He lays his head back against the cushions dreading his coming conversation with his mother)
Phil: No you don't know! That's why I'm here! (He pats his chest and shakes his head)
Tad: I'm sorry! (He looks at him eyes filled with frustration . Phil stares back at him his glare unyielding)
Phil: You're sorry? Do you know what complications you created!
Tad: I know, and I'm sorry! what do you want me to say?
Phil: I want you to say you'll do what I tell you instead of what you think you need to do from now on! (He stands over him glaring down his jaw set firmly his arms folded neatly across his chest)
Tad: Okay you were right! (His head falling back against the pillow in defeat)
Phil: You were right and what Phil? (He presses needing to hear Tad's full confession and he acquiesces)
Tad : You were right and I was wrong! So what are we going to do to fix this?(He sighs the admission)
Phil: And the last part?
Tad: I'm going to listen to you and follow your direction. (He rolls his eyes skyward) So What are we going to do to fix this?
Phil: "We" aren't going to do anything. ( He says sitting back down in the chair)
Tad; Come on you have to give me a chance to fix this (He whines. Phil looks at his face a mask of exasperation)
Phil: Didn't we just have this conversation? You aren't going to do anything somebody else is going to take care of Opal.(Rubbing his forehead with his palm)You make me very tired and U didn't think that was possible.
Tad: Who? ( He yelps Phil shakes his head)
Phil: Don't worry about "who" you need to talk to Jesse,the sooner the better.
Tad: Why? What about? What's going on with Jesse?
Phil: Jesse just got some news that neither he or Angie were prepared for. I need you to keep Jesse from going to Brooke's in the morning.
Tad: Why can't he go to Brooke's? What's happened?
Phil: Can I tell him? (Phil waits a moment) Cassandra and Rego were married yesterday?
Tad: What? They were what?
Phil: They were married yesterday.
Tad: Holy crap!
Phil: I need you to keep Jesse from going over to Brooke's in the morning. I need you to call him tonight and tell him you remember something from the night of the accident.
Tad: I passed out right after...(His voice trails off as Phil stands raises his hand and Tad lies back quietly on the bed)
Phil: You have one, (Phil nods in a satisfied grin on his lips lifting one eyebrow) a couple actually. Your mind was focused on something else at the time. I just need to help you make them more clear. (He says placing his hand on Tad's forehead)
Opal walks up behind Brooke and Oliver slowing her pace her eyes follow the direction of Brooke and Olivers as they watch Angie and Jesse talking with that Devereaux St. Jacque the devil himself if anyone asked her! She stops behind them opens her mouth to speak and stops as she hears the conversation between them.
Brooke: Looks like Devereaux just told Angie and Jesse about Rego and Cassandra.
Oliver: Just remember we can't tell them anything about the baby we aren't supposed to know and they'll find out soon enough.
Brooke: This all getting ridiculous and extremely uncomfortable.
Oliver: I know darling but just remember Angie and Jessa are in the same leaking boat we are and bailing water too. We can't risk alienating Rego or pushing him deeper in to her arms. We need to hear what Rego , Cassandra and those two have to say first before anything. Ulp here they come. (Opal turns her back to them scurrying back into the crowd till she reaches the edge of the dance floor. She stares off in to the crowd not really seeing. Oh good lord she wished she'd made her presence known. Here eye catches sight of a woman that looked like her Jenny beckoning her. Opal moves across the dance floor to where the woman stood but she was gone. She searches the crowd sees her again only this time standing near the balcony. Opal hurries towards her walking through the open door out on to the empty balcony calling to the mirage.
Opal: Jenny? Jenny is that you? (She calls tentatively as she steps toward the figure stands on the fringe of the shadow only her face visible)
Jenny: Momma I need your help.
Opal: Oh my God I'm losing my mind first the man in Tad's room now you. What's wrong with me?
Jenny: Momma nothing's wrong with you you're fine I promise. (Her smile bringing instant comfort to Opal)
Opal: So this isn't some hallucination? Because ever since the wedding I...
Jenny: No Momma Phil and I have been here since the wedding. That was him you saw in Tad's bed this afternoon Tad was taking care of something.
Opal: Oh... Phil thank God I thought... I thought...I don't know what I thought. (She laugh a feeling of relief flooding through her) So mirror, at the wedding that really was you?
Jenny: Yes Momma (She smiles reaches out and pats her hand)  that's why He decides it would be easier if we asked you to help rather than try to keep hiding. (Opal looks up at her feeling relieved then worried)
Opal: You need my help? Help with what honey? Not Tad or the girls they've been through so much (She looks at Jenny part fearful part curious)
Jenny: I need your help with the people you just overheard Brooke and Oliver talking about.
Opal: With Cassandra and Rego? Honestly I don't particularly care for either one. What could I possible have to do with those two?
Jenny: You'd be surprised. I need you to talk to Cassandra.
Opal: She doesn't listen to her own mother why would she listen to me? What could I possibly have to say to her? (She looks at Jenny who smiles back at her)
Jenny: Only Opal Gardner would stand here calmly having a arguing with a ghost.
Opal: Yeah well now that I know I'm not crazy what the heck! (They both laugh)
Jenny: I miss you Momma.
Opal: I miss you too baby every single day. (She says squeezing her hand)
Jenny: Me too. I have to go now I'll talk to you soon and don't worry when the time comes you'll know exactly what to say. For now we need you to go back inside and pretend you didn't hear any of that okay.
Opal: Okay mums the word. (She says turning an imaginary lock on her lips and throwing away the key)
Jenny: Thanks Momma I knew we could count on you! (She smiles a kiss flutters against Opals cheek at the same moment Palmer calls her name as he comes out on the balcony)
Palmer: Opal? (He turns his head peering in to the darkness till he spots her) I've been looking for you what the devil are you doing out here?
Opal: Just cooling off a little (She fans herself with her hand) I was just coming in to find you.
Palmer: Lets go back in before you catch your death! (He says wrapping his arm around her and guiding her back inside)

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