Monday, May 19, 2014

Dani and Molly 05/19/2014

Molly and Dani sit in their booth waiting for Phillip and Justine to come back with their drinks as the rest of their group dance around on the dance floor.
Dani: That was awesome!
Molly: This whole night has been awesome! How did I not know that some place actually cool was this close to Pine Valley?
Dani: Come on Pine Valley isn't that bad really.
Molly: You are kidding, right? (Her voice dripping with sarcasm)
Dani: Come on they have some of the best shops ever!
Molly: Very true and when you're done they roll up the sidewalks till morning!
Dani: Come on it's not that bad
Molly: Okay I admit it's not that bad and I did have fun last summer and this semester despite my Uncle and tonight is just wild! Do you know this is the most freedom I have had since I came to Pennsylvania and it's all because of you! (She shouts pulling Dani into a hug)
Dani: I didn't do anything. (She giggles hugging her back)
Molly: You got my Uncle to let me stay out all night! (She giggles holding her by her shoulders) You girlfriend are like my good luck charm! (She says letting her go as Philip joins them)
Phillip: Mine too. (He smiles standing behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist)
Molly: Okay as long as you don't mind sharing?
Justine: Sharing what? (He grins handing Molly a drink)
Molly: Dani she's our good luck charm! (She takes the glass from him drinking half of it in three gulps)
Justine: Yeah she is! If it were up to me we'd still be talking to scalpers on the curb! (They all laugh)
Philip: To Dani! (They all hold up their glasses in salute Molly drains hers throwing her head too far back and losing her balance and falling back against Justin)
Molly: Whoa!
Justine: Are you okay? (He smiles down at her half holding her up as she giggles)
Molly: I'm fine. Oooooo! I love this song come on! (Se grabs Justin's hand dragging him towards the dance floor)
Dani: Oh my God she is totally wasted! (She laughs turning to face him)
Philip: No, she's buzzed I've seen her wasted.(He laughs swaying her in time with the music)
Dani: So how long have you guys been friends?
Philip: Since the summer we had a couple of classes together we you know (He shrugs)  hang out.
Dani: Does she get wasted a lot?
Philip: Molly's what I'd call kind of a "Free Spirit". She pretty much does what she wants, when she wants and how she wants. I've never met anyone like her.
Dani: Me either! I have never had so much fun shopping in my life.
Philip: She does have a way of adding a little excitement everywhere she goes sometimes a little too much.
Dani: What do you mean? (She looks up at him her curiosity peaked)
Phillip: Just sometimes I think she's does stuff to keep from having to deal with other stuff you know? (He shrugs not wanting talk behind his friends back. Dani nods her head in agreement)
Dani: Yeah. I get that.
Philip: Okay enough about Miss Molly I want to talk about you. (He says leaning closer in)
Dani: What do you want to know? (She smiles back feeling suddenly shy)
Philip: I want to know if you would...(He starts as Molly stumbles back to them)
Molly: Hey you guys what do you say we go outside and smoke.
Dani: I don't smoke cigarettes.
Molly: Seriously Dani? Who smokes cigarettes? I'm talking about this.(She says taking a joint from her purse and holding it up)
Justine: Molly put that away! (He grinds out looking around nervously making Molly laugh)
Molly: Come on guys! (Philip shakes his head no as does Dani)
Philip: No I'm good.I have a class and I need to study for finals tomorrow.
Dani: Me too. (Molly purs turning towards Justine)
Molly: Justine, I know you want some. (He smiles down her shaking his head)
Justine: No, I don't I have a class and a lab final tomorrow.
Molly: I thought we came out to party!
Justine: We came to hear the band and chill not get wasted I thought you did too. (His voice sounding disappointed then he shouts over the music) I don't know about these guys but I'm having a good time. You guys having fun?
Philip: Yeah, you Dani?
Dani: Yeah
Molly: Yeah, but lets just kick it up a notch. (She whines stumbling into Justin's arms)
Justin: Come on Moll I think you've had enough? (She pushes angrily against his chest righting herself)
Molly: Fuck off Dad! I don't need a babysitter! I do what I want when I want. You know...whatever! ( She storms off heading for the bar. She slapping her hand on top to get the bartender's attention and shouting) Can I get a drink here?
Bartender: What can I get you? (He leans in towards not bothering to check her wrist band)
Molly: Long Island Ice Tea.
Bartender: Coming right up. (He grins and walks away)
Joe: Hey Molly what's going on?
Molly: Hey what's up? (She reaches for the glass the bartender places in front of her and sipping it)
Joe: Nothing much you here by yourself?
Molly: No, Justine and Philip are here too and a couple other people.
Joe: So what are you doing getting your own drink? Why aren't you with the party people? (He says giving her a sideways grin and leaning against the bar)
Molly: Party People? I wish! (She laughs) They've turned into a bunch of stiffs! What about you Joe you want a party? (She says holding up the joint she'd offered to her friends)
Joe: I have something even better. (He says handing her some ecstasy) Party on Mol! (She grins devilishly tucking the the joint back in her purse and taking the pill from him)
Molly: Even better party on Joe! (She laughs putting the pill in her mouth chasing it down with her drink)

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