Saturday, May 17, 2014

Brooke and Angie 05/17/2014

Angie looks around the room and makes a "Beeline" towards Brooke. Brooke sees her coming over the brim of her glass and whispers to Oliver.

Brooke: Looks like Devereaux just told Angie and Jesse about Rego and Cassandra.
Oliver: Just remember we can't tell them anything about the baby we aren't supposed to know and they'll find out soon enough.
Brooke: This all getting ridiculous and extremely uncomfortable.
Oliver: I know darling but just remember Angie and Jesse are in the same leaking boat we are and bailing water too. We can't risk alienating Rego or pushing him deeper in to her arms. We need to hear what Rego , Cassandra and those two have to say first before anything. Ulp here they come.(He says swallowing the last of his drink and placing the empty glass on the table)
Brooke: Angie, Jesse wonderful to see you.
Jesse: Good to see you both. We were wondering if you would answer a question for us.
Angie: Is it true are Rego and Cassandra married? (She blurts out looking deep into Brooke's eyes searching for the truth in her answer)
Brooke: Yes, we found out earlier.
Angie:  And all night you didn't say anything?
Brooke: We thought maybe it would be better coming from Cassandra and Rego since we found out ourselves by accident. We didn't know what you knew and weren't sure what to do.
Jesse: Angie honey this has to be a shock to them too and awkward for all of us none of us were prepared for this.
Angie: I know, I'm sorry Oliver, Brooke.
Brooke: It's okay we're all in new territory. (She takes Angie's hand in hers giving it a friendly squeeze)
Angie: I just don't understand any of this.
Oliver: We're just as confused as you are. We wake up this morning I open my front door, I have Devereaux St. Jacques Gentleman's gentleman at my door with all of Cassandra's belongings and my son missing. I make a few calls and find they have taken my jet flown to Las Vegas and are married.
Brooke: So we had all of their things moved to the other wing of the house and were waiting for them to get home. We were kind of hoping Cassandra had spoken to you.
Jesse: We haven't heard a peep out of her. We just found out from Mr. St. Jacques.
Oliver: He doesn't seem any worse for ware does he? (He says directing Jesse's attention to Devereaux speaking with Annie and Amanda his usual aloof self)
Jesse: Well he doesn't seem heartbroken since you asked. (He snorts nodding his head in agreement)
Brooke: Maybe he's just shell shocked like the rest of us.(She shrugs) I mean it can't be easy no matter how he may really be feeling . Being out in the public must be uncomfortable.
Jesse: Yeah okay.
Angie: The man has been humiliated and is trying to keep a brave face. I can only imagine what's going through his mind we all know that this is going to hit the papers sooner or later.
Brooke: More like sooner
Oliver: I suppose. (He and Jesse look at each their Jesse cock one brow and Oliver rolls his eyes silently  dismissing the comments)  
 Jamie: What's sooner.
Brooke: High honey.
Jamie: Hey Mom, Oliver. Hi Angie, Jesse.
Jesse: Hey Jamie how are you? How's that new baby?
Jamie: Beautiful! (Taking out his phone and showing them all pictures)
Angie: Aww, look at him! You tell Cessca we're going to come by real soon to see him.
Jamie: I will. Where's Rego? I thought he was supposed to be here? (Jamie looks from his mother to Oliver then at Angie and Jesse and their stark expressions) What's going on why does everyone look like a deer in the headlights?
Brooke: I guess we may as well tell you.
Jamie: Tell me what?
Brooke: Rego and Cassandra were married today.
Jamie: What?
Oliver: I'm afraid it's true.
Jamie: Holy crap! Wait till I tell Francessca she going to flip.
Sophia: Who's going to flip? (She says looking around the the circle just as Opal and Palmer join then them)
Angie: Cassandra and Rego were married yesterday.
Sophia: Mio signore! (She says crossing herself then shrugs) Well what'r you going to do? God bless I hope they'll be very happy. Tell them I said congratulations and buona fortuna! (She hugs and kisses Angie then Brooke)
Opal: Sophia's right. we should toast the newlyweds! (She says tapping the waiter passing buy grabs a drink and signals for him to pass them to the people gathered. She holds up her glass waits a moment for the others to hold up theirs) To the newlyweds!
 All: Cheers!
Angie: Thank you Sophia, Opal! (She says hugging her close she kisses her cheek then does the same to Opal)
Opal: Congratulations honey. You haven't lost a daughter you've gained a son in law and a rich one!
Angie: Thank you Opal. (She half giggles)
Sophia: Jesse, Oliver Congratulations!
Oliver: Thank you! (He kisses her hand then pats it)
Jesse: Thank you sweet heart! (He smiles and hugs her) Excuse me a moment. (He reaches in his pocket for his ringing phone as he walks towards the edge of the crowd) Chief Hubbard.
Tad: What's up chief Hubbard?
Jesse: Hey man how you doin? (He grins into the phone happy to hear a friendly voice)
Tad: I've been better. (He smiles knowing his next question was a loaded one) What's up with you?
Jesse: Man you won't believe what a nice night out just turned into. (He sighs sounding stressed and annoyed)
Tad: Why don't you stop by in the morning and tell me about it? (He'd already heard he could tell by his voice)
Jesse: I had an errand to run I wanted to...(He starts and is cut off)
Tad: I really need to see you if this wasn't important Jesse I wouldn't ask. (Jesse rolls his eyes he really wanted to see Cassandra before Angie did)
Jesse: Wanted to take care of this thing....(Tad cuts him off again before Jesse can make good on his excuse)
Tad: I really need to see you it's about the night of the accident (He waits a second knowing he had Jesse's full attention) I think I remembered something. (Jesse rolls his eyes knowing business took precedence he'd have to go see Cassandra after)
Jesse: Okay, okay I'll be there first thing.
Tad: Thanks Jesse. (He sighs in relief getting a thumbs up from Phil)  I appreciate it.
Jesse: Sure no problem. I'll see you first thing. (He clicks off his phone and stares at it a moment then walks back to crowd and Angie slipping his arm around her waist and pulling her close)

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