Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Zach and Michael, Jesse and Angie 05/06/2014

Zach stands in the corner talking on his phone smiling impishly.
Dax: The Tokyo market just opened.
Zach: How we doing?
Dax: He's making his move. (Zach looks across the room at Devereaux smiling like a cheshire cat as he speaks with the very mysterious Robert Broderick of the "Calisco Group" to some anyway. To him he was just another high roller)
Zach: Let it ride my friend.
Dax: You got it oh and I added a little sting to the honey.
Zach: Cool beans! I'll be in touch.(He ends the call slipping the phone in to his pocket just as Michael greets him)
Michael: What's up? (He says giving his brother a bear hug and his back a friendly pat)
Zach: Congratulations to you and David.
Michael. Thank you that means a lot to me and you're not just saying that to cover up some clandestine plan plan to bring David down?
Zach: No, I'm actually taking a page from your book.
Michael: What page is that?
Zach: I'm going to do what makes me happy. I'm leaving Slater- Cortlandt and going back to my casino full time.
Michael: Wow, I mean wow!
Zach: No really I'm not kidding I'm gone. It's all Rhea and Pete's now.
Zach: No, no you both deserve it.
Michael: No warnings? (He smiles facetiously)
Zach: No, (He chuckles) but I have some good news.
Michael: That thing we were talking about earlier?
Zach: Exactly. You and I are about to be free men!
Michael: This is unbelieveable! Finally!
Zach: I know! It's like being released from prison!
Michael: We finally have the last vestige of Alexander Cambius out of our lives! This deserves a celebration!
Zach: What do you say we toast to it.
Michael: lets drink to a curse being lifted and the buyer being gifted
Zach: This guy I don't think so(He smiles looking over at a very pleased looking Devereaux) he doesn't know it but his troubles have just started.
Devereaux double checks his phone then smiles ruefully to himself. The Tokyo market just opened. He'd done it he'd actually done it. He now owned 51% of Cambius enterprises. He now had the controlling stock in the business. Life couldn't have gotten any better than this perhaps Cassandra leaving had made his life a little easier. Certainly he was more concentrated on what he had to do and what he'd just done made him one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the industrial world. He sips is champange silently congratulating himself his personal merriment interrupted by Jesse and Angie. He checks his watch looks around see if there's anyway to avoid them too late. He smiles pleasantly as she's greets him.
Angie:  Mr. St. Jacques, how nice to see you this evening congratulations to you and "Cambius" on your award.
Devereaux: Thank you Dr. Hubbard and may I say you look lovely.
Angie: Thank you so much.
Devereaux: Chief Hubbard good to see you as well. (He reaches his hand out and shakes Jesse's)
Jesse: Mr. St. Jacques congratulations.
Angie: Where's Cassandra I was looking for her earlier.( she glances around the room as she'd done all evening still not seeing her)
Devereaux: Cassandra isn't here at least not with me. (He says nonchalantly and shrugs)
Angie: If she's not with you then where is she.(Her voice edged with worry and concern)
Devereaux: Perhaps you should discuss this with your daughter.( He says looking from Angie to Jesse, Jesse's expression letting him know that he wasn't letting go that easily)
Jesse: We're talking to you right now so why don't you just tell us what's going on.
Devereaux: Cassandra and I are no longer together. She can give you the details suffice it to say she moved out the night before last and moved in with Rego Sherrigan. (His voice sounding sadder than his expression)
Angie: I'm sorry I didn't know. ( She apologizes concerned and confused by Cassandra's decision)
Devereaux: It's quite alright from what I've heard the two are now happily married but you would have to verify that with her or you may want to check with Sherrigan's. That's where I sent her things when I received the news since they didn't come back I assumed they belonged there.
Jesse: Wow, the girl has some sense. (He mumbles and shakes his head)
Devereaux: I beg your pardon? (Deveraux stares at him not sure he's heard correctly)
Jesse; I said it makes no sense that she would just suddenly move out and marry Rego Sherrigan.
Angie: No, it doesn't.(She nods in agreement)
Devereaux: Since the last time she stole a hundred thousand dollars from me and came to Pine Valley I've come to expect these kinds of things from Cassandra. She has a tendency to be very impetuous. At least this time the only thing I lost was my heart. (He smiles sadly receiving the same weak smile back)
Photographer: Mr St. Jacque can I get a picture of you and Mr. Lavery.
Derveaux: Certainly I'll be right with you,(He turns back to Angie and Jesse) I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Jesse: No, It's okay we appreciate your honesty. (She says turning towards Jesse taking his hand in hers)
Devereaux: If you'll excuse me.
Angie: Sure, thank you.
Devereaux: Have a good evening.(He nods his head toward them then walks away)
Jesse: Yeah, you too. (Ange turns toward Jesse looking hurt and confused)
Angie: Jesse, what is going on? Why would Cassandra just suddenly up and marry Rego Sherrigan?
Jesse: I don't know but he doesn't look like a heartbroken man to me.
Angie: Maybe she and Rego realized that they're in love and he's just hurt and covering up.
Jesse: No,no there is something else going on and has been for a while. I don't know what it is but I'm sure as hell going to find out.


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